Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2917: Su Hang goes out!


???The words of the heavens surprised the four gods. Obviously, they all knew the weight of the name Yuehuasan!

?????? Cang Tian smiled bitterly, "It seems that the four Taoists did not know that the Yuehua San people were not annihilated. His original true spirit was suppressed under the killing gods. Miao was resurrected..."

?????Resurrected? Is the Yuehuasan resurrected?

All four people were stunned by the news. They knew very well what the rebirth of the Yuehuasan people meant!

????? Cang Tian told the story of Tai Cang's injury and information to the four people. After listening to the four people, the expressions on their faces were more dignified.

"This news, is it true?" Xuanwu also had a glimmer of hope.

????? Cang Tian nodded, "Tai Cang is still healing on the mountain, he desperately snatched back to the killing **** station, if the four don't believe it, I will invite him to see you later!

????? The four nodded slightly, and Qinglong asked, "I don't know when the Pangu Daoist can get out?"

???Cang Tian sighed, "It is estimated that these days, but this kind of thing, I am not sure..."

?????"Yuehua San people are reborn, if the early war restarts, it is indispensable that Pangu Daoyou preside over the overall situation!" Xuan Wudao.

?????Baihudao, "Did you not hear from the heavenly Taoist friends, the Pangu Taoist friends have not yet awakened, and now I am afraid that I am still a stunned young man, alas, because of the past, today's results, I hope this time will have a finale! "

????? After finishing the white tiger, several people felt a little heavy!

?????? But for today's plan, only to wait for Su Hang to get out of the customs, take another step and look at it. Undoubtedly, Ge Miao was upset and would definitely come back. They had not returned before. Things, but Ge Miao and Yuehua San people are connected, this has to attract attention!


In addition, Su Hang has been in the Heaven Sin Pool for more than half a month. With the help of the original sins, the Patriarch has successfully completed the sixth turn and entered the seventh turn.

Of course, these original sins did not work in vain, and there was no gain. Su Hang promised them. After these original sins helped him complete the nine ancestors of the ancestors and entered the dominion, he would talk about merits and demerits. Seal them and make them one by one as the king of the world, and divide their planes to each other for their shelter!

????? The seventh turn was successfully completed, but to enter the eighth turn, the energy consumed is not small. The karma in the Heavenly Sin Pool seems to be slightly insufficient, and the physical development has reached the seventh turn. About 90%, the karma in the pool has almost been sucked up by Suhang, and the water in the pool has become transparent and clear. All the saints on the edge of the pool can clearly see the Suhang underwater under the naked eye. Figure!

????? Su Hang has already awakened from the entry, although it has not successfully advanced to the eighth turn, but the result has been very satisfied with Su Hang, after all, to his realm, each advanced level, the time it takes to consume And power are very huge!

It is really not easy for him to make such great progress in such a short period of time. After all, how much resources does the entire chaotic world have, because of his own achievements, how much resources are wasted?

?????Although the original sin karma, these monks are far away, but it is still a resource in the chaos, all the saints have worked hard to collect, the karma resources of the entire chaotic world, these days only afraid of being consumed by him Mostly.

????? The original sin of millions of avenues is still in the body of Su Hang, helping Su Hang open up the flesh, every cell will become a world, until it is destroyed, until it is reborn again.

???? This actually saved Su Hang a lot of things. Millions of original sins helped him cultivate. Su Hang admired his creativity.

However, energy is always a problem. After all, these original sins can help him develop the flesh. It does not mean that there is no consumption. The original sins still have to be practiced in his physical body. He has to find ways to provide their food.

????? Not to mention, at this time, the state has stabilized, so Suhang spent in the pool for more than half a month, it is time to go out!

????The saints sat by the pool and were talking about something quietly. At this time, a string of ripples suddenly appeared on the water.

???? A pair of eyes looked underwater, Su Hang, who had been sitting on the bottom of the water, moved, floating slowly from the bottom of the water.

????? In the limelight, Su Hang flew out of the water, landed on the edge of the pool, with a smart posture, and no water stains on his body!

?? "Congratulations to the Daoyou!" Everyone got up and congratulated!

???? Su Hang's eyebrows smiled, and he saluted the arches of the holy saints, "Let all the Taoist friends wait for a long time!"

????? His eyes were swept, but he didn't see the sky, Hong Jun came over and explained the situation, Su Hang suddenly realized that it was the four elephant ancestors coming!

???? Now, a group of people went to the main peak!

Cangtian Temple, sitting full of dangdang, I am afraid that more than half of the world kings of the chaotic world have gathered here.

????? As the current patriarch of the Daozong Sect, Su Hang was invited to the throne. So many predecessors were there. Su Hang originally wanted to say goodbye, but could not stand the support of everyone and could only sit up.

????Cangtian, sits first in the lower right, followed by Hong Jun and others, on the left is Qinglong and other sages, Su Hang is condescending, such a scene can be called the first event of chaos!

????? First of all, Su Hang welcomed Qinglong and other saints, and then reported on their progress in retreating these days.

????Although they did not reach the eight-color realm king realm that all the saints expected, all the saints can understand that if the eight-color realm is so easy to reach, it will not be so many years that none of the chaotic world has reached Now!

????? The seven-color realm is almost at its peak now, if you use that bottle of growth and happiness, you can completely rise to the top of the eight-color realm in a short time, but, unless you have to do it, Suhang will not easily use this bottle of magic medicine. .

???After all, The harder it is to practice the more the end, and this bottle of magic medicine can directly allow Su Hang to complete a physical development, of course, it is most useful to stay to the end, when is the eighth turn of the ancestral scripture Upon completion, Su Hang can rely on this bottle of magic medicine to directly skip the ninth turn and enter a higher realm.

???The higher state is the dominant state, the state where fate is legendary.

???So far, Su Hang is still at the seventh turn, and it still has a long way to go, but it is not without hope.

It's just that for the current situation, the seven-color environment and the eight-color environment, it doesn't seem to have any meaning for the change of the situation, because Su Hang heard that the Yuehua San people have been reborn, and that they are too distressed. hurt.

???? Su Hang is very clear about what this means. Tai Cang's strength is almost no less than the sky. Although Su Hang is almost at the peak of the seven-color realm, it can't guarantee that it will win or lose with Tai Cang. Or was it the weak period when the Yuehua San people had just been reborn?

It was really a wave of waves, and wave after wave, Su Air completely lost the joy of just breaking through the customs clearance. Suddenly, in the face of the lifting of the holy saints, Su Air didn't know how to handle itself!

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