Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2929: The gate of enchantment!


After a long exhalation, the ancestral scriptures were put into the wooden box, and they were put away in a precious way. Recently, this third ancestral scripture has not been of any practical use to him!

There are only some things that are temporarily unavailable. To be honest, Suhang is not very satisfied. It is better to give him a few pills of medicine that can be used at this stage!


The next day, Su Hang left Heaven Realm and went to Xuanhuang Realm!

Counting, there are also no more than half a year to return to Suxi, this time back, Su Hang did not bring Yin Yuer, nor She Xiaoman, only brought a person, that is Su Xi!

Previously, because Lin Xuan was seriously injured, Su Xi couldn't bear to leave, so he stayed in Chuangjie Mountain to take care. Until recently, Lin Xuan had improved. Su Xi also missed his parents tightly. After a long time away from home, Su Hang took her back. !

Back at Suxi, my parents were naturally excited to see her. My mother cried into tears, and she refused to let go when she held her, and although her father didn't say anything, she couldn't hide her tears!

Su Hang looked next to him, and that was the excitement. He had been away from home for more than half a year. It was hard to come back once. Why didn’t your elder brother feel so excited? It is a small cotton jacket!


At night, the family had dinner, and Su Rong and others took Su Hang out to walk, walk along the road built in the village, and hang out on the mountain. Now the village is full of widened cement roads, except for the villagers’ small motorcycles. There was no car to go, so it was very empty, and I saw many villagers walking out of the road after dinner.

The change of Suhang Air seems to be a bit big. Both the hairstyle and temperament have changed a lot. Many people in the village are afraid that they will not recognize Suhang Air.

The sunset shone on the concrete road, and the shadows of several people were drawn by the elders and elders, chatting with the sky, laughing and laughing. Such a scene is really beautiful and artistic.

In recent years, he has had very little time in Suxi, and has returned three or five times at most in a year. However, every time he can see the changes in his hometown, the current construction of Suxi is really good.

With the family, Su Hang felt that his mood was much better, but at the same time, he felt that the burden on his body was much heavier. The smiley face in front of him all needs his own life to protect him. Think about the time. Still at this moment!

After strolling around the ring road, it was more than nine o'clock in the night. The family was watching TV in the living room. When Su Hang had something in mind, he went out alone and walked back to the mountain.

Xianren Cave was originally an ordinary cave on the back of Suxi Mountain, but it was later discovered by Suhang. It was once a cave house of a Chinese monk. At that time, Suhang had some benefits here. Later, this cave was decorated. After that, it became a place for Xue Jingtian to practice!

The entire area around Wangxiantai is covered with a gathering of spirits, so there is enough aura in the cave of the fairy, this aura is almost forming a mist!

Xue Jingtian and several of them moved to the villa and lived in it. Maybe the life in the cave was too boring, it is better to spend the world, not everyone in the hidden world can do it, and experience it occasionally. Keeping you in a cave all the time, I'm afraid few people can bear it!

There is no one in the cave now, it is dark and black, but after the decoration in the cave, it has been powered on, lights are installed, the switch is pressed, and the whole cave is instantly bright.

The interior space of the cave is quite large. After renovation, the original karst cave was made into a spacious hall, and a few small karst caves were made into room quiet rooms, all of which were Xue Jingtian’s residences.

There are TVs, computers, and a few magic chairs. I have to say that these old men really enjoy it.

Su Hang has also visited this cave many times. There is a passageway leading to Qianlongpo five miles away. It is said that Suhangjia still has a tea field in Qianlongpo. Longpo picks tea because it has to go a long way.

There is a ditch under the Qianlong slope, named Long Tuocao. Listening to the old people, there was a year of flooding, and there was a dragon out of Qianlong slope. When the dragon passed, a ditch was formed, and people took it The ditch dragged out by the dragon is called the dragon trough. The dragon trough is connected to Suxi. Strictly speaking, Suxi is also part of the dragon trough!

Returning to the truth, he said that Su Hang searched for a long time in Xianren Cave and found nothing special. You know, this cave has been checked back and forth many times by him, and there was no discovery at all.

However, the fact that it was not found before does not mean that it cannot be found now. After all, the previous strength is not as good as it is now, and the strength of the consciousness is definitely not as good as it is now.

The previous life in the dream said that under the fairy cave, there is something left for himself, and Su Hang is curious what it will be.

Sitting on the sofa in the cave hall, Su Hang scattered his consciousness and searched back and forth under the fairy cave. Su Hang frowned gradually. He could feel the enchantment under the cave, but, He couldn't find the position clearly!

"Where is it?" You know, Su Hang is not much worse than Cangtian now. The strength of the consciousness can be said that there are few stronger than him in the entire chaotic world, and the enchantment can hide. Have you explored his knowledge?

In fact, if it is the boundary left by the previous life, it is not difficult to explain, after all, the previous life is a fierce man.

This can cause Su Hang to be distressed and unable to find the specific location of the enchantment, there is no way to open the enchantment, let alone enter the enchantment!

At this time, Su Hang suddenly felt a jump in the middle of his forehead, and that kind of feeling was like a certain stretch of muscle.

I saw a crack in Su Hang's The eyes that were deliberately hidden by her slowly opened.


As far as his eyes could see, a piece of video came back to Su Hang's mind. I saw a translucent, white-white thing in the northwest corner of the cave hall, which looked like a door.

This third eye, and this ability? Su Hang was shocked, and even with joy, he quickly got up and walked over, reaching for a touch, the white area was slightly rippling, and a bit of repulsion came!

Sure enough, the gate of enchantment is here, and I could not imagine that the third eye actually has the ability to penetrate the enchantment. Su Hang studied for a moment and came to a conclusion that this gate should be formed by the rules of the void, and exist in the void. Time, so Su Hang could feel it, but couldn't find it!

Now that the enchantment has been found, it is much simpler for Su Hang. He now has little gain on the way of the Void Hongmeng, and the flesh can already be converted to the Void body in a short time.

At the moment, Su Hang's magical power is running, and the flesh quickly fades away, as if it is instantly transformed into nothingness, and directly enters the gate of enchantment in the state of nothingness!

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