Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2944: Impact 9 color world king!

?????????? On the killing mountain, the Yuehua San people watched Su Hang leave, but they were a little puzzled. This fateful body is too easy to come?

???????? However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not so easy. You have paid two Mongolian cores, which is almost all your savings in that year. Moreover, this kid, Su Hang, is not without. Benefited, didn't he use the power of Mongolian nuclear to break through to the top of the Eighth Grade Supreme Realm?

?????????? Moreover, the Yuehua San people have carefully investigated, Su Hang still has the power to break through to the Nine Pins Supreme Realm in the past few days, it is not difficult!

???????? Yue Huasan took a deep breath, now this flesh body, it seems to be okay before, now it seems that the food is really picky, the flesh body greatly limits his divine soul power, now also Can play the peak power of the Ninth Grade Supreme Realm, so he will want to get the physical body of fate at any cost.

???????? The physical body of destiny, dominates the pinnacle of the realm, is stronger than the physical body of his deity. The physical body of destiny is enough to let him step into the sky one step further, and even more on the basis of that year.

?? In a word, the future is expected!

???????????????? "Grandfather, just let him go?" Ge Miao stood behind the Yuehua San people, and there were some uncomfortable things in his heart. The tone has not vented!

???????????????? Yuehuasan turned his face and looked down at Ge Miao, "I'm going to retreat for a few days. During this time, give me some rules and take care of me. Guan, after I go out, I will bring you the temple to the Father and retake the things that belong to you and me!"

???????? Originally, Ge Miao was a little uncomfortable, but when he heard the words from the Yuehua San people, his face was suddenly filled with joy, "Yes, the child must be a good father to guard the gate, never will Let anyone disturb!"

Ge Miao's excitement, there is no doubt that the Yuehua San people must have gotten what they wished, and got the body of fate. As long as the Yue Hua San people will fuse the body of fate, then I am afraid that the Temple of Void will tremble. He is really looking forward to it now, when the Huasan people took him back to the Void Temple, what kind of expression would his second brother and his father have!

???????????? After so many years of suffocation and finally having a day to be able to turn over, Ge Miao's heart was really touching!

?????????? This time came to the world of chaos, really worthwhile trip!



?????????? Let's talk about Suhang again, with Yangliu, and was speechless all the way. Yangliu followed behind Suhang. Although he had already left the Killing Mountain far, he was still trembling slightly. .

?????????? "Are you afraid?" Su Hang glanced at Yangliu.

???????? Yangliu has a bitter face, "Can you not be afraid? That is Yuehua Sanren, who died in his hands at the beginning of the countless fierce gods, you and I can retreat this time, it is already a miracle! "

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "Just like you, you still want to break through the realm of the realm?"

???????? Yang Liu smiled bitterly, "I only know now that it is best to live. I don't care much about what is the realm of the realm and the realm of the realm!"

?????????? "Oh, it looks like you have transcended sublimation!" Su Hang laughed.

??????Yangliu shook his skin a bit, and looked at Su Hang with some displeasure, "Dare you say you are not afraid?"

???????? Su Hang shrugged, "Afraid, why not? Afraid of what's the use? Still have to find a way to face it?"

?????????? Yang Liu took a deep breath, "You have solved the problem, but you have only solved the problem at hand. You gave the fate to the Yuehua San people, and you are undoubtedly fighting with the tiger. Eclipse, this move will definitely boost the strength of the Yuehua San people. At that time, it will be more difficult to deal with him, and it will be easier for him to deal with you. Although you have obtained the temporary tranquility of chaos, but you have left Endless troubles..."

???????? Su Hang waved his hand, "At a very special time, do something extraordinary, less than a last resort, how can I choose this way?"

???????? For this issue, Su Hang does not want to explain, his plan in mind, before completion, will not tell anyone, because this is a big gamble, leaving him only seven days, seven days After that, it's time to open!

?????????? "Where are we going?" Yang Liu asked, now it's time to go back to heaven and earth, swaying outside, he really has no sense of security.

?????? Su Hangdao, "You will go back to Jieshan Mountain first, and report peace to the Saints!"

???????? "What about you?" Yangliu was a little surprised, Suhang will not go back with him?

?????????? Is it afraid that all the saints will be blamed for giving his fate to the Yuehua San people? Doesn't Suhang dare to go back?

?????? Su Hangdao, "I want to find a place, retreat for a few days, rest assured, come back in a few days!"

?????????? "Oh!" Yang Liu didn't ask much. He wanted to go back to Chuangjie Mountain now and stay with all the saints before he felt safe!

??????Although Chuangjie Mountain is not safe, this is how people stay with everyone, even if they die, they are not alone!

???????? "Oh, give you a thing!" Before leaving, Su Hang took out a thing for Yangliu.

?????????? It was a destiny aura exuding five colors. From above, Willow felt a very strong destiny breath!

?????????? Su Hang didn't say a word, thrown out of the aura of destiny, and it has been integrated into the willow's flesh. "Take it, good luck!"

???????? After that, Su Hang's figure disappeared, and Yang Liu was stunned. At that moment, he really felt that he was being empowered by Daigo, and the whole person transformed into sublimation.

?????????? Destiny Aura, Destiny Aura of Realm King Realm, only Realm Realm will have such a powerful Destiny Aura!

???????? Suddenly, Yang Liu's breathing became rapid, and happiness came too suddenly!



???????? Earth, Suxi, Fairy Cave!

???????? The time is only seven days, and there is no delay in minutes and seconds. As soon as Su Hang returned to Suxi and greeted his family, he went directly into Xianren Cave and placed a heavy ban on it. The final breakthrough.

???????? As for why choose Hang doesn't know, he only knows that here, his heart is very stable, perhaps because of his company!

???????? This time it was a big bet. Su Hang bet everything. It can be said that it was completely desperate. If he lost this time, after seven days, he could not imagine what it would be. s consequence!

???????? Su Hang sat cross-legged in the cave hall of Xianren Cave, surrounded by hundreds of millions of enchantments, and immediately opened the Xueshen system, taking out the nine-color aura he had exchanged.


?????? The colorful light in the cave, Su Hang exhaled a long breath, his physical development has now reached 100% of the eighth turn, suppressed to the limit, but because of the limitation of destiny, the eighth turn is completely After the development of the physical body can not return to chaos, can not re-enter chaos, then there is no way to enter the ninth turn realm, his bottle of happy growth can not be used!

???????? Now, as long as he has absorbed the nine-color aura, he can enter the ninth turn. Previously in the killing mountain, Su Hang did not dare to break through, but he was afraid of causing discomfort to the Yuehua San people and trouble him.

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