Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2955: Wuzu reborn!

???? Without any soldiers or soldiers, to resolve this crisis, Suhang felt that his luck was really good, and his heart was inevitably a little bloated!

????? Soon after breaking through the dominance, Su Hang actually wanted to go to the void world to explore the way, but the Temple of the Void is now in chaos. At this time, if I go to the void world, I am afraid that the risk factor will increase greatly. Therefore, it is still calm for a while, first guard this three-point acre and watch its changes!

?????? Rarely idle during this time, Su Hang did not dare to idle, after all, Meng Nan said, two years later, the agreement between the chaotic world and the void world will expire, and then, in the void world Forces can invade the chaotic world at will!

  ???? Chaos world is such a big place, I believe that no force does not want to include it in it?

  ????? So, although it is now advanced to dominate the realm, but Su Hang can not dominate everything, the existence of the sky can kill him, I am afraid not a few!

???? After a few days of idleness, Su Hang couldn't sit still, and closed for another period of time, because just after breaking through the dominance, awakening Tibetan knowledge, and a large number of previous life memories that were not fully integrated, Su Hang had to spend a certain amount of time. Time to organize!


  ????? In the depths of chaos, at the top of Taiwu Mountain!

???? In the Taiwu Pond, the giant tree has grown to more than 100 meters high, very majestic, and the twelve fruits on the tree have also shown human form, and they can almost see their faces clearly. Too.

  ????? A gust of wind blew, and one of the fruits fell from the air, directly into the blood pool below.

???After soaking in the blood in the pool, cracks quickly appeared on the skin of the fruit, the cracks continued to expand, and soon they were dense and dense, and the peel was torn apart by a force, like an egg that had been full-term, Soon struggling to strip out a little baby from the inside.

  ???? The little baby floated on the blood, seemed to be supported by an invisible force, facing up, pedaling his feet, and crying.

  ???? "Ouch, little ancestor, don't cry, don't cry!"

????An old man stood by the pool and reached out a hand, and the little baby flew into his arms. The little baby cried very loudly, and there was a bit of thunder, and the old man heard some ears buzzing Buzzing, hurrying and shaking in his arms.

  ???? "Ah, what's this called!"

  ???? Yang Liu held the baby and shook it for a long time, but he didn't see the child crying anymore. Yang Liu was helpless, and the expression on his face was also crying and laughing.

  ?????He originally planned to retreat and break through the realm of the realm king, but Su Hang was called to do this coolie, let him wait for the birth of the twelve ancestors here.

  ???? Just ask someone to do this? Why did you find me?

  ????? Yang Liu was very speechless, he was not a midwife, but he was anxious to break through the realm of the realm of the realm!

????However, despite complaints, he could not help listening to what Su Hang said, let him come, he had to come, maybe this is why Su Hang told him not to call others, after all, he was so instructed some.

  ????? Waited for half a month, then came out an emperor river, waited for all twelve to come down, then when must I wait?

  ????? Crying in the ear constantly, Yang Liu looked up at the big tree in front of him, a little panicked in his heart, now, he feels that time is more and more precious!

????? A baby was swaddled and the baby was wrapped up. Willow made a doppelganger and took the baby away from Taiwu Mountain. The deity stayed on the mountain and waited because Su Hang had asked him to He must keep until the twelve ancestors were born safely! 33 Novel debut

  ?????? Take out a small jade bottle, the willow opens carefully, and it contains some red liquid with a little golden color. The willow tilts the bottle and a drop of liquid falls into the pool.

  ???? The liquid in this bottle was the one that Su Hang gave him before he left. In fact, it was Su Hang's own blood. In order to supplement the tree with nutrients, the twelve Wuzu can be born smoothly.

  ?????Essential blood dripped into the pool, although it was only a drop, but how much of the essence blood dominates the realm, enough to evolve the infinite world!

?????The blood pool is boiling, and the giant tree has the power of essence and blood, and it immediately resembles the resurrection of full blood. It grew up madly and jumped to a height of more than two hundred meters. The huge crown is like a giant. Umbrella, directly cover half of the mountain!

  ????? "Most of the essence and blood power is absorbed by this tree, and the energy that these fruits can absorb is very little. When the twelve Wuzu ancestors are all bred, they will have to use the old nose!"

?????? Yang Liu stared straight at the tree, looking a little bit melancholy. He wanted to finish the work and go back to retreat, but he also knew that this matter should not be rushed. He could put this bottle of blood on it All are poured in, but, as a result, the tree will definitely be hurt, and the fruit tires on the tree will definitely be hurt!

  ????? "Cough, come on..."

  ??? Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in Yang Liu's mind.


  ???? Yang Liu was shocked, it was an old voice, but he looked around, but did not see half of the figure.

  ???? "Daoyou, I'm right in front of you, come on!" The voice rang again.

  ????? In front? Yang Liu froze for a moment, his eyes fell on the big tree in front of him.

????"It's you?"

  ???? Yang Liu frowned, he felt the spirit of the tree spirit from the body of this big tree, although very weak, but his feeling was still very keen! 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://[first release, domain name (remember _三

????? "Exactly, exactly!" The voice sounded I am the tree and the spirit is not well-known. I once served my host Pangu around the mountain god. The reincarnation of the true spirit, the birth of wisdom, and the blood in the hands of Daoists are of great benefit to me, so..."

Yangliu Dao said, "Dao friends, this essence and blood contains infinite energy, which is good for you, but the fruit of your tree is unbearable, and I am instructed to wait for the birth of the twelve Wuzu ancestors. There must be no accidents, otherwise, I cannot afford this responsibility!"

  ??? Listening to the background of this tree spirit, Yangliu would not dare to offend!

????? "Anyway, anyway, I can control the delivery of energy, you don’t have to worry about hurting them, and ask Daoyou to help, help me gather spirits and souls as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night!" .

????? Yang Liu hesitated for a long time, he was also anxious to go, on the one hand, eager to go back to retreat to break through, on the other hand, he was also afraid of something changed, after all, there are still many strong people in this chaos, maybe Someone will make trouble.

  ???? "Alright, let's take it slowly, if you can't hold it, remember to say it!" Yang Liu hesitated again and again, took out the bottle, and dropped two more drops into the pool.

????? The powerful power of the essence and blood, the giant tree is madly growing, but in a moment, it has grown to nearly 500 meters high, an invisible coercion scattered in all directions, the surrounding chaotic thunder cloud rolled, Churning!

  ????? "Oh, Wu Zu Lingguo? Need, luck today is really good!"

   A voice suddenly sounded, and soon, Yangliu saw a Tsing Yi old man suddenly appeared by the Taiwu Chi!

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