Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2957: Give you something!

????? Looking up at the top, the boiling chaos has subsided. Needless to say, Yangliu knows that it was Su Hang's shot just now.

  ?????? The means to dominate the realm was really horrible. Just now, in Yangliu's opinion, I am afraid that even if the realm of the realm of the realm is not uncomfortable?

  ??????? Although knowing that Su Hang was not at the scene, Yang Liu still arched his hand toward the top, with great respect on his face.

  ?? Sure enough, after Lei Yun concealed, did not respond to him!

??????? At this time, the blue fruit had fallen into the blood pool. Like the previous fruit, it floated on the blood, and the peel slowly cracked, but for a moment, a baby boy broke the shell Come out and cry!


?????? After Emperor Jiang, Jumang was finally born. I thought Yangliu was hugged and hugged for a while. He couldn’t coax for a while. He simply didn’t coax and gave birth to another avatar, holding the newly born Jumang. Went to heaven and earth.

  ???? At this moment, Yangliu is honest. Although Su Hang is not here, he must be paying attention to it all the time. Just Wu Jizi is a lesson.

???? I believe that the breath of this giant tree should have attracted a lot of existence, but many of them, who know the background of the Twelve Matriarchs, dare not fight their ideas, while others are as unclear as the nonsense Here, there is no such thing as a nonsense, I believe no one dares to do it.

?????At this time, Yang Liuan took a lot of heart, and continued to sit next to the giant tree, waiting patiently for the other ten ancestors to be born. Whenever the growth rate of the giant tree dropped, he dropped into the pool. A few drops of essence blood, according to this speed, the twelve ancestors were born, it seems that it will not take long.



  ???? Chuangjie Mountain Bright Moon Peak!

???? "Whether holding the axe all day long, what do you see?" Yin Yuer was a little puzzled. Su Hang had been holding the open axe for these two days. What special hobby does this guy have! 33 Novel debut https://https://

???? To say that this is a sky axe, when Su Hang borrowed Yin and Yang to borrow Yin and Yang mills, but later, Yin and Yang mills disappeared in the cycle of time, and Su Hang could not redeem it. In the end, Yin Yuer took the initiative. Returned.

  ????? After all, they have already become a family, no matter what they are, and what is causal is not so important!

  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I thought, how do I start this axe!?

  ?????"Open the front?" Yin Yuer froze for a moment, "You have already merged the memories of the past life, don't you know the method yourself!"

  ????? Su Hang shook his head, "The method is to know, but it is very difficult to do!"

  ???? "How is it difficult?" Yin Yu'er asked curiously. You know, Suhang is already the dominance of the realm. It's just an axe, and it's hard to get him?

????? Su Hang sighed, "This axe was given by the fate of that year, known as the first chaos of the chaos, but after starting with me, he has never been able to strike, unable to exert his true power, because, To make it open, it must be polished in the battle, with the blood of the master, to clear its front..."

  ???? "Master's blood?" Yin Yuer Xiu frowned slightly, hesitating for a moment, "Aren't you now the master's realm? Cut some blood to give it, should you start?"

???? "How can it be that simple?" Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "If my blood can be effective, let him have a full drink, this axe has a great appetite, once drank the blood of the Yuehua San people, but Not enough..."

????"That's not forcing you to fight for the stronger?" Yin Yuer listened and shook his head quickly. "Now that the chaos is too peaceful, there is no disturbance. I'd rather you be good. This axe can't open the front. So important!" 33 Novels premiere

????? Su Hang heard the words, smiled slightly, looked up at Yin Yu'er, felt the other party's concern, and could not help but feel warm in his heart, "Relax, I just said casually, I'm not so stupid, go everywhere Looking for someone to fight, I’m just beginning to dominate the territory. Although no enemies can be found in Chaos, there are many things that can hold me apart from Chaos!"

  ???? Yin Yuer breathed a sigh of relief, "You know it's good, don't always worry us, live a stable life, don't you?"

  ???? Then, sitting next to Su Hang, his head was resting on Su Hang's shoulders, eyes closed, enjoying this rare tranquility.

????? Su Hang touched the hair of Yin Yuer, but his heart was not calm. Although the chaotic world looks calm and calm, for Su Hang, this is more like the calm before the storm. .

????? In the past two years, more than half a year has passed, and the real remaining is a little more than a year. By then, the agreement between the fate and the void world will be invalidated, and the forces of the void can be grand and fair. Enter the chaotic world and compete for this great territory.

  ????? If at that time, Su Hang can't turn the tide, then, it is impossible to imagine what will happen to the chaotic world.

  ????? So, when everyone is cheering for the tranquility at this moment, Suhang's heart is full of crisis!

  ?????? Now, what he has to do is not only to make himself stronger, but also to cultivate the power of the chaotic world.

  ???? After breaking through to dominate the realm, combined with the memories of previous lives, Su Hang has realized the mystery that Hongmeng turned into chaos, out of nothing.

???? This is a compulsory course for all powerhouses to transform the emptiness of emptiness into real chaos. As a result, Suhang has basically solved the problem of energy supply in the Xueshen system. In his hand, it can already be generated out of thin air. Although the generation speed is a bit slow for him now, it is only slower than he dominates the realm. For the past, it is already very fast!

  ??? The problem of energy is solved, everything is easy to say, it is enough for Suhang to do a lot of things!

  ???? "Yu'er, I'll give you something!" Su Hang said to Yin Yu'er.

  ????? "What?" Yin Yu'er raised his head and looked at Su Hang with a pair of beautiful eyes. Did this guy turn his temper and how did he remember to send himself something?

  ????? Su Hang opened his right hand, a destiny aura, exuding a dazzling brilliance, bright and dazzling!

   "This is..." Yin Yuer looked at the colorful light in front of her, and her eyes were all bright!

   "I gave it to you, naturally it is a good thing!" Su Hang smiled and reached out and touched on Yin Yu'er's forehead. The aura immediately integrated into Yin Yu'er's body, and soon disappeared!

  Yin Yu'er's eyes were dull for a moment, and even though she felt as if something had become different, but specifically what was different, she couldn't tell!

"In the future, I will spend more time on cultivation. Although this aura of destiny has only six-color realms, it is enough for you to have no obstacles to your practice for a long time!" Su Hang spoiled Yin Yuer. Road.

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