Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2973: Far away legend!

????Bing Ji shook her head, "No hurry, I'll say it later, go back quickly!"

  ????? Go back quickly? What the hell?

  ??? Su Hang paused, nodded, turned and walked away, his figure disappeared instantly, and went in the direction he had just come. 33 The fastest mobile terminal for novel updates: https:/


  ???? No matter how big this space is, there must be its edges. Even the chaotic world, even the vast void, there must be its boundaries. Where is this box space, no matter how powerful it is?

  ???? As long as you find the edge of this space, according to the method when you came in, Suhang does not believe that you can't get out!

  ?? Going forward, where can the speed of the Su Air dominate the territory? But in ten minutes or so, far away, a black and black barrier appeared in front of Su Hang.

  ?????Su Hang's face is now bright, the barriers are endless, it should be the boundary of the box space, the body of the inner wall of the box, right?

  ????? When he first came in, Su Hang weakened his flesh to the limit and forcibly entered through the gap of the box material!

  ?????? Now that he has arrived at the inner wall of the box, Su Hang does not feel that there is any powerful enchantment nearby. That is to say, should he be able to go out through the same method?

  ????? Su Hang quelled his mood, the counter life cone appeared in his hand, flew towards the barrier, and flew closer to see the situation clearly.

????? However, in the next second, Suhang found it wrong. The distance of thirty to fifty miles, for Suhang, is not a gathering at all. It can be crossed in one step, and no time is needed, but, What surprised Su Hang was that he didn't know how many steps he took. Looking up, the barrier was still thirty or fifty miles in front of him, so far away from him.

????"what's the situation?"

  ???? Su Hang frowned, showing space compression now, trying to compress the distance between himself and the barrier, and pulling himself in front of the barrier.

  ???? However, in the next second, Su Hang was stunned again. The space compression actually had no effect. No matter how he compressed, even if it was compressed to the limit, the distance in front was still thirty or fifty miles, and even a little bit was not close!

?????"How can it be?"

????? Su Hang did not believe in evil and used all his means, but at the end there was still some hopeless discovery. Every time he stepped forward, the barrier seemed to step back, no matter how fast or how he approached. The distance between these thirty and fifty miles is like a gulf that cannot be bridged at all. 33 The fastest computer terminal for novel updates: https://

  ????? "Useless!" At this time, a clear voice came from the side.

  ???? "Senior Bingji!" Su Hang turned his face, and I don't know when Bingji had come to him.

????Bing Ji sighed softly, "Thinking back then, when I first entered here, I was just like you, and I wanted to go out. Unfortunately, after so many years of hard work, I slowly gave up. Rather than thinking about how to get out, it is better to calm down and live a good life!"

  ????? At the moment, Su Hang was not very interested, he still refused to accept this fact!

????Bing Ji said, "Fortunately, the world trapped in this box is not only you and me, but also a lot of people, so it is not lonely. When the next victim comes in, your heart will be balanced. I will even feel happy!"

???? Su Hang's coldness in his heart, what kind of psychology is this? If you are injured, you will blame others, but if someone is in the same situation as you, your heart will be balanced. Is this human nature? No matter how strong the strong are, Can't escape humanity! 33 Novel debut

  ????? "Go, go back, like you, even if you are exhausted, you can't reach the edge of the box!" Bing Ji reached out and patted Su Hang on the shoulder, comforting.

  ??????? Su Hang quelled his mood, exhaled for a long time, looked at the barriers that were near but unreachable, and he was very unwilling.

  ?????? "Senior Bingji, dare to ask what state you are now?" Su Hang asked.

  ????? Bing Ji was stunned for a moment, and said, "The seventh order dominates the realm!"

  ?????? "Seventh Tier?" Su Hang looked up and down at Bingji, which was a lot higher than him. Originally, he thought that Bingji had more than three or four orders of dominance!

????Bing Ji Yan Ran smiled, "I am nothing, can enter this space, no matter how bad it is, Ye Feifan brother and Xiao Wang brother, are the existence of ninth order, can It’s not bad to meet such a group of people!"

  ???? Su Hang smiled bitterly, knowing what is the use, but can not pull out to pretend, no matter how much I know, and then hang, that is also a nonsense!

  ???? "You are all so strong, don't you have no one to go out for so many years?" Su Hang asked.

  ?????? Bing Ji shook her head, "Strong? What can be regarded as truly strong? In my opinion, Brother Ye, they are strong enough, but they are not trapped here and can't be relieved!"

????"However, when it comes to whether anyone has gone out, there was a person who tried before the 80,000 yuan meeting, but no one knows whether the person finally went out, anyway, since then, that person Never appeared again!"

  ??? Eighty thousand yuan meeting? Su Hang froze for a moment, how long ago was that? The existence time of the chaotic world, I am afraid it is only counted!

  ????? "Who is that person?" Su Hang immediately asked, if someone ever went out, it means that this box is not impossible to go out!

????? Bing Ji took Su Hang back, and after thinking about it for a moment, he said, "That is also a ninth-rank strongman, the one who came in before you. Brother, they have to be a lot stronger, but This person is arrogant and makes it hard to get close!"

  ???? "Fate?" Su Hang was shocked when she heard that, and fate was trapped in this box too?

  ?????? "How do you know?" Bing Ji asked.

????? Su Hang calmed down a bit, "I just heard that, but if the destiny of Bing Ji senior you said is the same as the existence I know, then I can be sure that he is from this box Go out!"

  ????? "Huh?" Bing Ji saw that Su Hang had just responded so much. I am afraid that Su Hang and destiny are not so simple to recognize.

  ???? Su Hang didn't have much explanation, just asked, "Senior Bing Ji, do you know how he went out?"

  ????? Since fate has come in and has gone out, then, you are a destiny, fate is close, as long as you know how to go out, you should be able to go out!

  ?????? Bingji shook his head and said, "Even if he is out, I'm afraid it has paid a great price!"

  ???? "Oh? What's the price?" Su Hang looked at Bing Ji curiously. What price did fate have to pay to make Bing Ji speak the word great!

  ????? Bing Ji pondered for a moment, "Abandon the flesh, he abandoned the flesh and left in a state of divine soul!"

  ??????? "Abandon the flesh?" Su Hang heard this and stayed for a long time.

  ????? Slowly, a cause-effect diagram was formed in Su Hang's mind. Destiny came and went away, but the physical body of destiny remains in the world of this box forever?

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