Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2979: Heart disease!

"Every family has this hard-to-read sutra, understand and understand!" Su Hang said a few words, but he was thinking, why can't you think of an old man, why find such a fierce wife?

Mo Changchun sighed again, digressed, and said, "Your intention, I have heard Bing'er sister..."

"Oh?" Su Hang's eyes lit up. "What do you think, Senior?"

Seeing Su Hang's impatience, Mo Changchun waved his hand, "I'm here to find you, I want to confirm a few things with you in person!"

Su Hang paused and looked at Mo Changchun, "I don't know what it is?"

Mo Changchun said, "Specifically, Bing'er sister just explained it to me, but I want to ask you, has fate really come back?"

Su Hang nodded, "After fate reincarnated, I was born with me, so I am also called a fatalist. Where I am, he is where he is, but for some reason, he can’t show his true body and tell the truth. I haven’t seen him look like this. I believe that Senior Elmo’s realm should be able to feel, I have a breath of fate?"

Mo Changchun did not deny it!

Su Hang went on to say, "As far as I know, Destiny also came in this box space and had a close relationship with Senior Mo. In the end, he successfully left this space. Although he paid a price, he did. Is out!"

Mo Changchun took a deep breath, "So, do you think that if you find the body of destiny, destiny may appear, and then you can get a way out of his mouth?"

Su Hang nodded, "This is undoubtedly, although only the soul escapes, but it does not have much impact on us. At most, the body is left in this space, but we can come and go as we please. Senior, even if you are accustomed to this space and don’t want to leave, but occasionally you can go out and play with it?"

"It makes a lot of sense, but when the six people divided their fate and flesh, I only got a part of them. I have kept them carefully for many years. They didn't hand over the five of them. You can't get me this part." Mo Changchun Road.

Su Hangdao, "This needs Senior Mo's help. This is also the purpose of my trip. As long as Senior can help call the other five seniors, this should be possible!"

"This matter is not difficult!" Mo Changchun shook his head. "One or two of these five people have nothing to do with me. I'm afraid that the call will not come, I'm afraid I have to think long!"

In between words, I don't know if there is a meaning of excuse. After Suhang heard it, I didn't know how to return to him for a while.

"Besides, there is quite a bit of lip-words about your arrival, and I will definitely not let me help you, alas..." At the end, Mo Changchun sighed for a long time, his face sad and helpless.

Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help laughing and crying. The powerful ninth-order ruler was so powerful that he was afraid of his wife.

"Senior, wouldn't it be okay if I had a way to help you get Mrs. Zun?" Su Hang asked.

Mo Changchun heard the words and looked at Su Hang strangely, saying for a long time, "If nothing else, if you can have a way to help me resolve the contradiction between the cheap girl and the sister-in-law, I can do my best to help you achieve this!"

Khan, it seems that this family conflict makes Mo Changchun really a headache!

After listening to what Mo Changchun said, Su Hang had a point in his heart, and then said, "To resolve the contradiction, you have to know the origin of the contradiction. The most common contradiction between women is nothing more than fighting for jealousy. Madam’s situation should be related to fighting for jealousy!"

Mo Changchun could hear the meaning of Su Hang's words, and waved his hand at the moment, saying, "I have a very simple sibling relationship with Bing'er. I regard her as a sister, and she also regards me as a brother. This is indisputable. The fact is that this person, Ningshuang, is good at all, that is, he has a heavy heart of suspicion, and this is the character of my person. I don’t know how to deal with it. It is correct, and often makes his suspicion more serious. The stereotype is getting deeper and deeper, alas!"

Su Hang smiled, "Many people have encountered this problem with seniors, but this is not really a problem. As long as seniors are willing to deal with it, it is actually simpler. I have a way to let them relieve their previous suspicions. Shake hands and make peace!"

"Oh?" Mo Changchun stared at Su Hang, questioning a little, "Hurry up!"

Su Hangdao, "Mrs. Zun cares too much about you, so this is the case. Hostility and the opposite sex, especially the opposite sex, this is the performance of loving you, not only women, but men also have this instinct, but only Mrs. Zun behaved a little extreme. In her eyes, you are her private ownership. She is afraid that someone will take you away. In this space, there are probably not many women and few beautiful women. She can see them. I am afraid that there is only Bing Ji, so Bing Ji becomes her imaginary enemy!"

"A creature like a woman is amazing, you don't even know what she is thinking!"

"In any case, Bing Ji has become her imaginary enemy, so she has always rejected Bing Ji, especially in front of you, she wants to show the majesty of her lord, even if Bing Ji is only your sister, this It also gives her a sense of superiority to the winner!


After listening to Su Hang's long speeches, Mo Changchun nodded again and again, "Brother Su, you said these words to my heart, but I just want to ask, is there any cure for this disease?"

Su Hang smiled, "This is a heart disease, and it's all lonely. The space in this box is too lonely, which suppresses people's horizons. The vision is not so wide. It will naturally hold back the heart disease. I watched it and was trapped. The seniors in this box ~ ~ including Senior Mo you, not a few are really healthy!"

Mo Changchun's face shook slightly, and he had to say that Su Hang's sentence was reasonable. After all these years of staying in this space, he also felt depressed.

"So, leaving this space, this disease will be all right?" Mo Changchun asked, circling around, Su Hang was still circling about going out!

Su Hang shook his head, "It's useless just to leave this space. The hostile one will still be hostile. The so-called heart disease also requires heart medicine, and to treat the wife's heart disease, there is a way to quickly see results!"

"Hurry, what method?" Mo Changchun asked eagerly.

Su Hang smiled, "In fact, this method is very simple. Seniors can choose your husband-in-law for your younger sister. When she marries someone, Mrs. Zun will naturally not feel threatened anymore. This imaginary enemy does not exist anymore. It’s gone!"

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