Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2982: Luanfeng and Mingdan!

Su Hang was also cold-faced, thinking I was so unwilling, could you still force me?

"Don't you want my husband to help you convene five other ninth-ranking masters to help you restore your destiny and flesh? If you do this, everything is easy to say!" Condensed Frost said directly.

Su Hang gritted his teeth. If it weren't for the woman's strength was stronger than him, he might have beaten it!

Fortunately, Su Hang was suppressed, and his emotions were invisible. This is the cultivation that every strong man should have.

Seeing this, I didn't want to say anything more. I said directly, "Think about it yourself. I will arrange the rest. You have no choice but to accept it!"

After talking, the frost directly left, leaving Su Hang alone in the room, how could there be such a domineering woman in the world, and he could not bear the feelings of others, how could Mo Changchun bear her?

No, you have to go to Bingji and leave here quickly!

Su Hang gritted his teeth, can't stay in this place, stay again, I'm afraid I really want to put myself in! Condensation cream like this woman, it is better to stay away from her!

However, as soon as Su Hang walked to the door, a transparent brilliance jumped up, and Su Hang was caught off guard by surprise.

This collision, just like ordinary people hitting toughened glass, almost didn't knock off Su Hang's teeth, dizzy for a while.

If you take a closer look, it turns out to be a layer of enchantment. You don't need to think about it at all. It must have been left by the frost just now.

The whole house was wrapped in this layer of enchantment. Su Hang frowned, took out the counter life cone and tried it. Sure enough, it couldn't be broken.

Condensation frost has the strength to dominate the seventh rank of the realm. How can Su Hang compare it? Since condensate frost intends to trap him, it is impossible for Ren Suhang to have the ability to break through the barrier.

"Is this woman crazy?" Su Hang gritted his teeth. At this time, he had no choice but to retreat into the room and sat by the bed, thinking of the countermeasures seriously.

What do you call this? Go around and get yourself in!

Thinking about it, Su Hang couldn't think of a solution. He quickly took out the ancestral scriptures, took out the white paper, the manuscript of destiny, and wanted to get a glimpse to see if there was a way to break through the present desperate situation.


Destiny manuscript slowly unfolded...

Su Hang took a look at the above content, and his heart was half cold. "On this day, Tian Chang Taoist Mo Changchun issued a wedding invitation, inviting all powerful people to gather in Mo Yashan, to personally host the wedding ceremony for the righteous sister Bing Ji, the beautiful scenery, the beautiful son-in-law. , Can be spread as a story..."

, Really made it? Su Hang couldn't believe it, but then thought about it, it didn't say what day it was, and it didn't mention his name, so it's not necessarily that someone who is married to Bing Ji will be herself .

After all, Su Hang will never be married to Bing Ji, and Bing Ji will certainly not fall in love with him. The two talents have known each other for a few days, and they have no emotional basis. How can it be possible to get married so rashly?

So Su Hang is comforting itself. This may not be the present, but a long time in the future. After all, if it is Bing Ji and Su Hang who force the two together, what good news is there?

After reading through the manuscript of the day, there was no useful information. Su Hang thought, maybe he is not in a desperate situation now, otherwise, the manuscript of the destiny will definitely be prompted.

At the moment, Su Hang has a little peace of mind. What he can do now is only to wait and see what has changed. After all, he is trapped here. What else can he do?


That night, the condensation frost came again, followed by several maids, holding a big red wedding dress in his hand.

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, "Sister Shuang, what are you doing?"

Condensing frost smiled, and with a soft stroke of his hand, several maids brought the wedding dress to Su Hang in front of them.

"You don't need to be stupid with me. Tomorrow will be your big day. Don't play with this suit," Condensate said directly.

Su Hang froze, "Can Senior Mo know this?"

"If he doesn't know, can I come to you so majestic?" Condensate smiled. "After tomorrow, you have to change your name to call me brother, boy, is happiness coming too fast?"

Su Hang did not believe that Mo Changchun could allow condensate frost to do such a ridiculous thing, but, think carefully, is this absurd idea not for him to Mo Changchun? Really hurt people and themselves!

"Sister Bing also agrees?" Su Hangdao.

"Don't she agree?" Condensate frosted with a sneer, as if she were a bad woman. "Wait for the worship hall!"

"In any case, I will not agree!" Su Hang said firmly.

"Is it?" Condensate frosted at Su Hang with a funny look. "Look at my eyes and tell me that you are not willing!"

"I do not want to!"

Su Hang blurted out directly, but when facing the frosted eyes, Su Hang's whole person seemed to be electrocuted and instantly stopped!

"This is... what's going on? Why..." Su Hang was shocked. He couldn't feel the existence of his body, and even the soul seemed to be frozen.

"Why can't you move?"

Condensed Frost came over and patted Su Hang's shoulder. "Don't be afraid, but a little ban. After tomorrow, it will naturally be released. Come and open your mouth!"

When the words fell, Su Hang's mouth opened naturally, and a maid came over, holding a tray in her hand, and a small box on the tray.

The condensed frost took the box and opened it. Su Hang squinted at it. There was a white round tuo-sized ball in the size of a ping pong ball. There was a small pit next to the round tuo-tuo. It looks like this box was supposed to be There are two such rounds!

what? Su Hang smells something It has a sour taste, just like a meal!

"Want to know what this is?" Condensate Frost's face has a somewhat weird smile, "This is called Luanfeng and Mingdan, divided into Yin and Yang two pills, after taking this pill, you can see the first For a person of the opposite sex, you will magnify her feelings for her infinitely, even if she is your enemy, you will also have an admiration for her, and you can’t extricate yourself!"

Su Hang was frightened when she heard the words. Is there such a panacea in this world? Isn't that amazing? Is this woman scaring herself?

"I don't believe it? At that time, my husband and I were able to form a relationship. Thanks to the help of this medicine, I spent hundreds of dollars to refine these two. Today, it is cheaper for you!"

Khan, it turns out that there is this cause and effect, no wonder, no wonder Mo Changchun will marry such a woman, it seems that the power of this immortality is indeed huge, even the strong of the ninth-order dominion can fall down!

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