Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2984: Can you remember fate?

???????????? "I heard that the groom is the newcomer?" At this time, a voice came from a corner beside.

?????????????? The crowd looked for it, it was a fluttering white man with a fine face, this brother is famous, everyone knows it, Paiyun Cave Yunlang, Tier 9 The dominance of the powerful, the existence of the same status as Mo Changchun's.

???????????? Just such a faint sentence, attracted everyone's attention, newcomers? They had long known that there was a newcomer in this space, but they were first taken away by Ye Feifan and others, and many people had not seen it with their own eyes.

?????????? "Oh, let a newcomer **** our Bing Ji beautiful girl, which is also ironic!" At this time, a rough voice came from another table, It is a man with extremely strong hair!

?????????? This man has red hair, like a flame, and his face is ridiculously red, like a soldering iron, tall and big, quite a bit exotic.

???????? Tie Ahu, a very native name, but he is also one of the six ninth-ranking masters. Wherever he sits, it puts a lot of pressure on everyone around him.

?????????? "A foreign kid is cheaper, Brother Mo, you might as well marry Bing Ji, I'm better than the foreign kid?"

?????????? There was a few laughs around here. Everyone knows that this iron Ahu is joking, but he is also telling the truth. Such a good thing?

???????? Mo Changchun's complexion became a little ugly, but his face was still a little bit smiling, as always, warm, and did not mean to attack.

?????????? "Brother Tie's words are not rough, Brother Mo, you are pushing your sister into the fire pit, haven't you seen you as a brother like this?" The King of Owl spoke Road.

???????????? are all ninth-ranked strongmen, and only they can use such a yin and yang tone.

???????????? Mo Changchun's complexion changed even more. When he said, "Why did Brother Xiao say this?"

???????? King Xiao said, "Bing Ji and I have been friends for many years. He and Su Hang are the two of them and Su Hang Moya Mountain. I was asking for your help. Why did I suddenly want to get married, I think, For this reason, your husband and wife should be aware of why they are not allowed to come out? Are they willing?"

???????? Mo Changchun heard this, his face turned green all at once, "O King, are you questioning me?"

???????? "The King Xiao said well, Brother Mo, Bing Ji is our friend, we will not allow her to be counted!" At this time, Ye Feifan, who had not spoken, said.

???????? is a ninth-ranking master, Mo Changchun blushed, although he can clearly realize that this is not right, but this is the arrangement of frost, always afraid of him, only It's up to her.

???????? Now, Ye Feifan and others took the lead in coaxing, but he was a bit overwhelmed. For a while, he didn't know how to answer.

???????? "Huh!" Condensate frost coldly snorted at this time, "We sent the invitation, please wait to come to the ceremony to watch the feast, not let it wait to mess up, if you want Trouble, Dake can leave..."

?????? This woman, but really tough, listened to Mo Changchun next to her, all looked a little embarrassed, but this sentence offended many people.

???????? Just about to say something, but saw the king of the owl stood up on the table, "Huh, the tricky lady, since there is no good feast, eat it and do a lot..."

??? "Brother Xiao, anger!" Mo Changchun saw the situation badly and quickly rounded the field.

?????? As soon as I spoke, the condensation frost sneered, "Huh, it's ridiculous, why is there a feast without a good feast, today I wait for a hundred times sincere invitation to wait, but wait for it to come to the scene, so don't kill me The couple is in the eyes!"

???????? For a moment, the confrontation, condensate frost stared at the king of the owl, the seventh order to the ninth order, even showed no cowardice!

????????"Ms. Mo is not good enough, I don’t mean to underestimate you. Brother Mo’s marriage is a good thing and a private matter. I don’t have the right to interfere. If she is wishful thinking, I will wait. Naturally send blessings, but if not, I have to question Brother Mo's character!"

?????????? Ye Feifan speaks, the tone is light, but the words are flattered!

?????????? Mo Changchun didn't know how to answer. This matter was handled by Condensate Frost. He instinctively felt that this would be a good thing for Bing Ji. Today, he invited everyone with joy, But did not want to make such a situation.

?????????? Turning his face to look at the condensed frost, Mo Changchun opened his mouth and wanted to say whether this matter should be discussed from a long time, but in the face of the firm face of condensed frost, he couldn't say it again!

????????????"Have she two voluntarily, they won't know when they see you tomorrow night? Bing Ji is such a big person, can we still force her to fail? Please be restless. Bing Ji is my husband's sister, we will not harm her!" Condensed Frost said.

???????? So far, everyone has nothing to say, King Xiao and others are also helpless, it is impossible to rush directly to the inner palace to find Bing Ji, that is undoubtedly completely torn with Mo Changchun Skinny!

?????????? This dinner, everyone has no interest in eating, in a strange atmosphere, hastily!

???????? However, after the banquet, Mo Changchun met with several gangster-level figures in the inner hall alone.

?????????? Ye Feifan, King Owl, Tie Ahu, Yun Lang, and an old woman in a palace dress named Xing Yuzhen, plus Mo Changchun, six ninth-order rulers Over the years, the strong have finally got together again.

???????????? "I have long known that Brother Mo has fears of internal problems, but I thought it would be so serious. Seeing today, it is really amazing!" The person speaking was Tie Ahu, who did not care about his image. , Sitting in a chair, tilting Erlang's legs, while picking his teeth, while not forgetting to mock Mo Changchun.

?????????????? Mo Changchun listened to this and smiled bitterly, "Tie Brother laughed, I know that you are all worried about what is happening today, just that Momou also has Words of suffering..."

???????????? "Oh, afraid of his wife is afraid of his wife, what's so hard to say?" The king of the owl was hot-tempered and said directly, "Bing Ji is my friend for many years, and I also regard her as Dear sister, Brother Mo, still saying that if you hurt her, neither Brother Ye nor I will take a break with you!"

?????????????? Ye Feifan also stared at Mo Changchun, apparently standing on the same line with King Xiao!

???????????? Mo Changchun quickly waved his hand, "Bing Ji is my sister, I naturally will not harm her, the reason why there will be today, in fact, is not all the reason , For the reasons, please be restless and listen to me slowly!"

???????????????? "Oh? Other reasons?"

?????????? The five people all looked at Mo Changchun his sister to marry a kid who is nothing, and what are the reasons?

?????????? One by one staring at Mo Changchun, waiting for Mo Changchun to give an explanation, but to see, he can tell what smallpox is falling!

???????????? Mo Changchun took a deep breath, "You, do you still remember your destiny?"


?????????? Everyone heard, frowning slightly, how can they not remember? The one who came in this space before the Soviet airlines existed. However, the strength of that existence was much stronger than that of the newly arrived Soviet airlines, and even much stronger than a few of them.

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