Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2986: The arrival of Qin Chuan!


?????????? Several women gathered together, Xue Xuan took the box and looked at it, and bored it to Su Rong. Su Rong looked at it, tried it but failed to open it, and threw it to Qin poetry.

???????????? Qin Shiyu didn't open it either, he said, "It looks like a box, but it should actually be a piece of wood!"

????????sweat! The women heard that their foreheads were covered with black lines, and perhaps only Qin Shiyu could say this.

?????????? Su Xi took the box and said, "It looks like it should be my brother's thing, but it wasn't a precious thing when he was casually discarded. I took it back to study and research. The box looks good. If you can open it, you can make a makeup box!"

?????????? "You child, what a treasure!" Su Rong gave Su Xi a glance, this girl is now twenty-one or two, how is it not the same as growing up?

?????????? Su Xi put out his tongue and looked at the box in his hand, the more he looked at it, the more happy he was.

?????????? "Don't pick things up in random, in case it is a powerful magic weapon, it is not good to hurt you!" Xue Xuan said.

?????? Where is this place, but here is the Chuangjie Mountain, I don’t know how many strong people exist, just pick a stone, maybe it is a powerful magic weapon, and the things on the mountain here, even the waste products, can not be picked up randomly of!

?????????? "Send Mingyuefeng for a while, let Sister Yu'er help with it, maybe this thing will be useful to Xiaohang!" Su Rong said.

???????? Su Xi was helpless. Although he looked at this wooden box and liked it, it was just a wooden box. Xue Xuan was right. It was a terrible thing in case. !

?????????? "Yo, where are the ladies?"

???????? At this time, a voice came, and the girls looked back, and a man came by the cliff, but it was a young man, who looked only in his thirties and looked a little handsome.

?????????? Xuan Xuan and other women don’t recognize it, or Su Xi has some vision, and he bowed forward, "It turns out to be King Qin Jie, did King Qin Jie come to my brother, unfortunately? Very good, we are also looking for him, but my brother does not know where to go, and no one is around!"??????

???????? It turns out that the coming person is not someone else, it is the realm king Qinchuan.

?????????? Qin Chuan heard the words and smiled indifferently, "I'm not looking for Suhang!"

???????? "Oh?" Su Xi froze for a moment, "Qin Jie Wang does not look for my brother, who is he looking for!"

???????? Qin Chuan set his eyes behind Su Xi and fixed it on Qin Shiyu, "I'm looking for this poet girl!"


?????? All the women were stunned for a while, instead of looking for Su Hang, but looking for Qin Shiyu, right? Is that what happened?

?????????? Qin Shiyu was even dazed, she didn't even know this man, why did this man find her?

???????? Su Xi was stiff and quickly said, "Qin Jie Wang is afraid that she doesn't know. She is the brother's wife and my sister-in-law..."

???????? Qin Chuan listened, and couldn't help crying and laughing. Seeing Su Xi looking at himself so guarded, how dare he think of himself as a sister?

???????? "Girl must not misunderstand!" Qin Chuan quickly shook his head, "I just have some things, want to talk to the poet girl!"

Speaking of this, Qin Chuan looked at Qin Shiyu, "Poetry girl, can we talk?"

???????? Qin Shiyu froze in place, some at a loss, where to answer!

???????? "Qin Jie Wang, right?" At this time, Su Rong said, quite like the elder sister, "Although my sister is young, but she is a good girl, this bright day, alone men and widows chat I’m afraid it’s not appropriate..."

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, "If the ladies are not at ease, you can follow them together!"

?????? Speaking and looking at Qin Shiyu again, "There is a pavilion over there. If the poetic girl doesn't mind, let's go to the pavilion to talk and rest assured that Qin Mou is not malicious!"

?????? The eyes are sincere, and there is indeed no malice, nor do I know what, Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly make Qin Shiyu feel at ease.

???????? They looked around at Su Rong and asked for their opinions. Qin Shiyu nodded at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan Yan smiled, and then a group of people went to the gazebo not far away.

?????????? There is a small stone table in the pavilion. Only Qin Chuan and Qin Shiyu entered the pavilion. The two sat opposite each other. As for Su Rong, they were naturally uneasy about Qin poetry, so they both Around the gazebo, did not leave.

?????????? Qin Chuan didn't care either, looking at Qin Shiyu, who was a little embarrassed in front of himself, "Don't be nervous, we just talk about it!"

?????????? Qin Shiyu smiled reluctantly, thinking, I don't even know you, what's your heart? What exactly does this person want to do?

???????? "I don't know what Qin Jiewang wanted to talk about?" Qin Shiyu plucked up his courage when facing a Jiewang.

Qin Chuan smiled and stared at Qin Shiyu. "Poetry girl, if I remember correctly, the ninth day of next month is your birthday, you are this year, Should I be twenty-eight?"

?????????? Qin Shiyu heard that a black line slipped across her forehead. For women, age is very sensitive. You can say so straightforwardly, which is too impolite!

However, Qin Shiyu looked at Qin Chuan strangely, "Why does King Qin know this? Even his birthday is clear!"

?????????? Fortunately, the other party is a realm king, high above the other. If he didn't pay attention, how would he know his personal information?

?????????? Qin Chuandao, "I want to know, naturally I will know, I also know that your surname is Qin, I am also surnamed Qin, we are my family!"

???????? Qin Shiyu froze for a moment, is this deliberately close? What exactly does he want to do? Want to tease yourself? Not so bold? In the light of day, this is Chuangjie Mountain, the land of my husband!

Fortunately, Su Rong and they were next to each other, and did not go far. Qin Shiyu settled down a little, and was about to speak, but saw Qin Chuan staring at his head!

?????????? Qin poetry subconsciously reached out and touched, only touched a bead on his head!

???????? "This hairpin is very beautiful!" Qin Chuan said.

Qin Shiyu smiled awkwardly, "It's very beautiful, this is a gift from my husband!"

???????? The two words of her husband are very bitten. Qin Shiyu just wanted to emphasize that we are married women, don't you have any idea.

?????????? Qin Chuan can't hear it, but he doesn't care, "It seems that Su Hang is good to you, but, do you know the origin of this hairpin?"


?????????? Qin Shiyu heard for a moment, she only knows that the name of this hairpin is called poetic hairpin, and it matches her name very well. As for the origin, she I haven’t heard Su Hang talk about it, I just thought it was specially made by Su Hang for her, otherwise how could it be so cleverly called poetic hairpin?

?????????????? Qin Chuan smiled, "There is a story in this poem, do you have any interest in listening to it?"

"Oh?" Qin Shiyu heard this, stayed for a while, took the hairpin off his head, and looked at it. Is there any story about this hairpin? Isn't this what Su Hang gave to himself, how can there be any story?

"Qin Jie Wang, what do you want to say?" For a while, Qin Shiyu looked up at Qin Chuan. At this time, a trace of curiosity had risen in her heart. In front of this Qin Jie Wang, mysteriously, there are What purpose?

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