Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3016: Finally came out!

???????????? However, there are a few who do not want to go out for a while, maybe they still want to wait for Luo Jiuchen, after all, in the case of these thirty or fifty years, that treasure house appears again Now, will it be possible to enter the treasure house again?

???????? Thirty to fifty years are too short for them, and they are worth waiting for!

???????? These people are all lucky, Su Hang is too lazy to manage them, after all, most people still can't wait to leave, they may have relatives and friends outside, when After so many years, naturally I want to go out and see.

???????? After a small meeting, everyone has vaguely formed a small alliance. Among them, the most happy should be Gros. With these friends, I am not afraid that the Temple of Void will fall.

?????????????? Su Hang was also relieved, so that as long as there is the Void Temple standing in front, the chaotic world can share some threats less, according to the current situation. In other words, the Temple of Chaos and the Temple of Void are both honorable and detrimental!

???????? This key, it took him a lot of energy points, and was exchanged with the Xueshen system, but they can make these big masters, so that they owe themselves a favor, not even count deficit!

???????????? The people made an appointment and gathered in Moya Mountain one day later. Everyone went back to their homes, packed up their belongings, and then left together.


???????? One day later, Moya Mountain!

???????? Thirty people were surrounded by the square in front of the palace, and everyone's face was glowing red, looking forward.

?????? Suhang Station came out, "You guys, I will use this key to open this space later, the key can only be used once, and the opening time is limited, I hope everyone will hurry up Otherwise, the time group, I am afraid that they will only stay here and wait another thirty or fifty years, and whether they can go out after three or fifty years is still a question."

???????? This is naturally for those who do not want to go, but whether they go or not, they have nothing to do with Su Hang, just give them a good reminder!

???????? "Brother Su, don't need to say more, let's do it quickly!" King Owl is an impatient person, and he can't bear it anymore!

?????? Suhang was the kid who used to be a kid. Now it's different. They all called for brothers. I have to say, this is human nature!

?????? The rest of the people were naturally anxious. Su Hang took a long deep breath and stopped talking nonsense. He threw the key in his hand directly into the air!

????????In a flash, the key emits a golden light, forming a huge vortex in the sky. Everyone looks in the vortex and sees that there is chaos and chaos inside.

???????? Is this even open? Everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to move first, and they all focused their eyes on Su Hang. What if they were pitted by Su Hang?

???????? Su Hang took a deep breath, turned to look at Bing Ji next to him, and extended a hand, "Sister Bing, would you like to follow me?"

???????? Bing Ji froze for a moment, then handed over to Su Hang's hand, smiled like a flower, "Where is the king, and where is the concubine!"

?????????? Fiberglass in hand, Su Hang laughed three times, "You seniors talk slowly, Su Mou takes a step first..."

???????? After that, he took Bingji, and the two turned into a streamer, and went directly to the whirlpool, his figure disappeared instantly.

???????? Everyone looked at each other, Su Hang was gone, what are they worried about, and now hurry up and run away in that whirlpool!


???????? In the depths of Moya Mountain, in a quiet room, Luo Jiuchen opened his eyes, and those eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void!

?????????? "Ah!" Luo Jiuchen sighed long, "The world is ignorant, escaped this box, and did you know that it escaped into another box!"

?????????? In the discourse, it seemed to be carrying a lot of information. For a moment, Luo Jiuchen sighed again and closed his eyes. He didn't mean to go, but he made a breakthrough here. High state, very good!


???????? "This is? Chaos World?"

???????? Looking at the blind spot, Su Hang froze for a moment, which was clearly in the chaotic world, and he couldn't help but be ecstatic at the moment.

???????? came out, and finally came out, Su Hang could not help but want to shout!

???????? Bing Ji also had some surprises. She had not been to the chaotic world. Before, she was only in the void of the sky. Everything around her made her a little strange. The world of Suhang!

???????? Looking back, a black lacquered wood box floated in the air. At the front edge of the box, there was a small golden vortex that was shining and glowing, like a bee colony in the hive. Swarm out!

?????????? One by one stood beside Su Hang, and it was the people who came out of the box, who were also curiously looking around, as if to determine whether they had come out of the box.

?????????? When the confirmation has indeed come out, the old faces are really crying with joy, some yelling, some laughing, and some even want to sing a song! ??????????

???????? Finally settled down, everyone's eyes gathered on the black gas wooden box, twenty-seven or eight people, forming a circle.

???????? The vortex on the box has disappeared, that is to say, those who did not come out, there is no way to come out, only wait another thirty or fifty years, maybe Luo Jiuchen can take them out .

???????? It was the box in front of them, they were trapped for not knowing how much time, everyone at the scene looked at the box, the mood was extremely complicated, I don’t know how many people wanted to smash the box!

?????????? However, they know that they can't smash it at all, and this box is still a baby!

???????? Now, the attribution of this box has become a problem. After all, everyone knows that there is a treasure in this box, and there are extremely precious treasures in the treasure!

?????????? "Cough!"

???????? Gross coughed and attracted everyone's attention, "This thing is a teacher's thing, and besides, the brother is still inside, if you have no objections, I see, it is still handed over Me, let me find an opportunity to return it to Master!"

???????????? After hearing Gross's words, everyone looked at each other and nodded in agreement. After coming out of the box, everyone did not want to go in again, so although this box is indeed a Treasure, but for everyone also has no effect. Gross said it reasonably, and the box was given to him. Everyone had no opinion.

?????????? Everyone has no opinion, and Su Hang naturally has no opinion. Anyway, he has the key to the treasure house, and he can directly enter the treasure house at any time. It doesn't matter where the box is.

??????Gross quickly put away the box, what idea it was, it was unknown, and everyone did not care.

???????? Su Hang looked around and arched his hand, "Here is the chaotic world, I do not know what your predecessors have plans, why not go to my heaven and earth?"

???????????? Everyone heard and waved their hands again and again, Tie Ahu said, "This place is black and smokeless, I'm not used to it, let's go back to the void and see it. Brothers Su have all the opportunities to come to Japan, but come to me Take a seat on the Void Island..."

?????????? After that, he arched his hand at Su Hang and went straight away!

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