Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3022: Little Lord!

?????? "Styx? You said, Styx?" Su Hang was very surprised, thinking it wouldn't be the same name? What a coincidence.

??????? Ming Tong nodded slightly, "We have found this man, and the four elders have taken him back to the Holy Spirit Academy, so this question can be skipped!"

??????? Have they found Styx? Su Hang froze for a moment. If it was really the Styx, then in the future...

??????? At this time, Bing Ji Road said, "You just said, little holy lord? What? Is it said that the master of the ancient palace is ready to pass?"

???Mingtong nodded slightly, "It seems to have the meaning, otherwise, we will not come to this broken place and suffer from this squandering."

????? "Oh?" Su Hang heard the words, but frowned slightly, "What does Little Saint Lord mean?"

???????Ming Tong didn't speak, but Bing Ji spoke first, "That's Ming Guding's Holy Spirit Academy rules. If Ming Gu wants to preach, he will use secret methods to select some newly born children, Bringing back to the Holy Spirit Academy, Ming Gu will choose one of these children as the new principal of the Holy Spirit Academy, and these children are the so-called little Holy Lords."

???????? Suhang listened and looked at Mingtong, "Are you right?"

???????? Ming Tong nodded, "Senior Bing Ji said well, there is a little holy lord on this mountain, and we have locked her, but, this little holy lord, the Holy Veins still Not fully grown, otherwise, we would have taken her away long ago."

?????? Su Hang's face was black, "You said, wouldn't it be Xuan Ming?"

???????? These gang guys, Zun Zun is noble, who came here to be a nanny and brush the toilet, just for such a holy lord? Recalling that Xuan Ling had previously attempted to take Xuan Ming away, Su Hang naturally thought of Xuan Ming's body.

???????? These existences are probably coming to Xuan Ming. Xuan Ming was selected and became the little holy master of the Holy Spirit Academy?

???????? Nether Passage, "No matter who she is, after her sacred veins are developed, we will take her away, I hope that you can let go, do not block."

??????? Su Hang took a deep breath, "This matter, let me say it later, you are coming from afar, since the identity has been exposed, then do not hide, otherwise, others will still be our Jieshan neglects the VIPs."

???????? Nether Tong waved his hands again and again, "Little Lord's safety is of great importance, we just stay here."

???????? Su Hang frowned slightly, watching these two postures, it would be quite difficult to let them leave.

????????? "Yes, whatever you want." Su Hang hesitated for a moment, "I hope the three of you will be able to take care of yourself and don't want to do anything, otherwise, Su Mou will not be as good as he is now."


????? At the moment, Su Hang and Bing Ji went to look at the twelve little disciples, and then left the Wushen Peak, he did not want to have a conflict with the Holy Spirit Academy for the time being, after all, it was a huge force, How to deal with it, he wants to make plans after consulting with Bing Ji.

????? The main apse study, the Holy Ghost House, Su Hang wanted to have a good understanding with Bing Ji, otherwise, he knew nothing about the Holy Ghost House and did not know how to deal with it.

It's just that Bing Ji has lived in that box space for too long, and the forces of the void have changed. She doesn't know much about it, so she can only talk to Su Hang about the Holy Spirit Academy she knew.

????"I have an older sister named Han Yi, Han Yi and Ming Gu are Taoists, so I also spent some time in the Holy Spirit Academy. At that time, the Holy Spirit Academy, although it was the gathering place of the Void Demon, However, the demon forces such as the Holy Spirit Academy and the Wanmo Ancient Cave are much cleaner..."

In the study, Bing Ji began to tell Su Hang about the Holy Spirit Academy.

???? Suhang heard this and interrupted, "The Holy Ghost is the power of the demon clan. Is your sister married to the demon clan?"

????? Bing Ji also has a sister, Su Hang still heard for the first time, but this is not surprising, after all, he does not know much about Bing Ji.

????? Bing Ji said, "It's not strange, they are all creatures in the void, there is nothing wrong with each other, and nothing is wrong, and I already have half of the Devil lineage on my cold clothes!"

?????? Su Hang nodded, did not continue to ask about this matter, why this sister of Bingji, there will be half of the Devil lineage, this may involve some privacy, unless Bingji himself said, Otherwise, Suhang will not ask!

???At this time, Bing Ji continued, "It was only that my sister and Ming Gu broke up and separated, and I naturally left the Holy Spirit Academy. After a while, I accidentally entered the Divine Machine Box, but, in all fairness, Ming Gu is still very good. The only deficiency is that this person is a cultivation man. In addition to cultivation, he has no other interest in his eyes..."

??????? "Oh, this is no wonder!" Su Hang smiled and said, "It seems that your sister should not stand him!"

???? "Maybe!" Bing Ji sighed, "I haven't seen cold clothes in a long time. I used to look for her, but I didn't do what I wanted, but I heard that she seemed to have gone to the Wanmo Ancient Cave. , That place is not where I can go!"

"As long as you live, you'll always meet!" Su Hang paused and pulled the topic back, "What do you think of this play of the Holy Ghost!"

?????? "You mean, what little Lord?" Bing Ji asked.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I know nothing about the Holy Ghost, Xuan Ming is my disciple, and I am responsible for sheltering her, but the Holy Ghost is not small, and I can't easily offend, so , I need to weigh it!"

????Bing Ji thought for a while and said, "Your disciple was chosen as the little holy lord. In fact, in my opinion, it is not a bad thing. To be a little holy lord of the Holy Spirit House means there is a chance. Become the successor of Minggu and take charge of the Holy Spirit Academy, but the Holy Spirit Academy is not a small force..."

??? Speaking of which, Bingji stopped, meaning that if you want to go out of the chaotic world, this may be an opportunity.

???Su Hang shook his would not sacrifice his apprentice for his own benefit.

????"How to choose, you decide, if the Holy Spirit Academy investigates, I might be able to say a few words for you. Besides, there is not only one little Holy Lord in the Holy Spirit Academy, but only a chance to become a ghost Successor only..."

???????Bing Ji said this, Su Hang vaguely felt relieved, after all, Bing Ji and the Holy Spirit point still have some sympathy, this time, it is still possible to not sin the premise of the Holy Ghost Peacefully resolved.

?????? As Bing Ji said, the Holy Ghost is better than other forces to speak. This time I am grateful to come to the Holy Ghost. However, Su Hang is also worried. After all, the Holy Ghost known by Bing Ji is not I know how much the Holy Spirit House before the Yuanhui has changed. Who knows?

There are nine ranks of strong men sitting in the Holy Ghost House. Su Hang is really not guilty now. For today's plan, it is only negotiation!

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