Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3029: 1 small green tree!

???????? However, this time, his unfavorable dark thorns, it seems that he encountered a rival.

???????? The thorns were overwhelming, and the claws of the teeth came to Gross, but suddenly stopped, the small green tree in Gross's hands was full of light, and the green light instantly wrapped the dark thorns.

?????? The dark thorns instinctively felt the danger, trembling, and seemed to want to escape, but it was too late, and the green light formed a vortex, and it was a burst of suction against the overwhelming dark thorns.

???????? Countless thorns, was quickly absorbed by the little green tree, together with Gu Bo were sucked in, a terrifying green light, Gu Gu's movements were imprisoned.

?????? Gu Bo finally felt the fear and instinctively wanted to break free, however, Gross obviously would not give him a chance, a wave of his left hand, a void blade, directly passed through Gu Bo's chest.

???????? Gu Bo was hit instantly, distracted, and was already pulled into the tree body by the little green tree, the light quickly converged, and the little green tree shivered slightly, vaguely like Hiccups.

?????????? Gross raised his palm and looked at it. The small green tree in his palm seemed to grow faintly slightly, and there was a leaf above it.

?????????? Su Hang has been dumbfounded, thought there would be a war, but did not want to be so simple as to end, he has not yet reacted, that the Southern Heaven Prisoner, has already broken Lost in the hands of Gross, it turned into a leaf of the green tree in the palm of Gross.

?????????? "How did you destroy him?" Su Hang quickly hurried over, some shock and Gross's means, this guy actually said it, and did not show any mercy. , Directly killing people.

?????????? "It is extinct, and there is nothing more to say, is he killing himself, can he blame me?" Gross snorted coldly, and his anger was still gone!

?????????????? Su Hang was speechless, "This is the site of Mount Tianhe, in case..."

?????? "Huh, not in case!" Gross interrupted Su Hang's words, "Tigers don't show power, when I am a sick cat, although I am no longer the same, but Gross is not a small fish. There are always some juniors who can bully and insult, and they know that the sky is thick and thick with a little ability. The old man can give them a color to let them know what it means to be young and respected!"

???????? Su Hang was so sweaty, how could he think that Gros was also talking about himself?

???????? "I think, let's withdraw quickly, so as not to cause trouble!" Su Hangdao.

?????? "Afraid of what?" Gros seemed to be inflated. "Young man, there is no courage at all. I have this treasure in my hand, and I am afraid that he will not succeed in Tianhe Mountain. Yushan, the rest are nothing but small fish and prawns. If you dare to provoke, please don’t hesitate to feed me this treasure tree!

???????? This old guy really swelled to the limit!

???????? "Gross, you are a big breath!" At this time, a loud scream came, and then, two black air flew, and appeared in front of the two of Suhang.

?????????? The first man, forty up and down, with a bear on his back and a pair of sharp corners on his head, looks very majestic. The latter man, with a gray gown and a tall figure, is asking for a lot of grace!

???????? Yuan Kui, the Lord of the Heavenly Prison, and Red Mantle, the Lord of the Northern Heavenly Prison!

???????? Su Hang scanned the system with the **** of knowledge, and probably knew the information of the two men in front of him. Kui, a person who is close to the ninth order.

?????????? This is a bit troublesome. Gross has dealt with Gu Bo, but can he deal with Yuan Kui, a peak of the eighth order?

?????????? Yuan Kui was aggressive, but he didn't do it immediately. Obviously, what had just happened, they all saw it in his eyes. For Gros, Yuan Kui was still afraid of it!

???????? "Why? Two more to die?" Gross looked at the two people in front of him coldly. After all, he had seen the big waves and did not show cowardice!

???????? You know, compared with the original fate, these two guys can hardly even count the scum.

???????? "Gross, for no reason, you broke into my mountain gate, killed me Southern Heaven Prison Master, bullied me too much, could it be that you want to fight with me Heaven Prison Mountain?" Yuan Kui said sharply.

??????Gross said, frowning slightly, he is not stupid, because of the situation of the Void Temple, it is not enough to compete with Tianhe Mountain, after all, there are three nine-tier existences in Tianhe Mountain .

??????????"The old man never had the idea of ​​clashing with Tianhe Mountain, nor did he ever think of breaking into the gate of Tianhe Mountain, there is still a distance from Tianhe Mountain, the old man is affected by the Demon Cave Invited to go to the Devil's Banquet. Passing here, I wanted to detour, but did not want to be blocked by the Southern Celestial Lord. He challenged the old man, and the old man could only satisfy him!" Gross said.

????????Yuan Kui's face changed slightly, "If so, it's just Gu Bo deserves it. However, your words are not convincing at all. Yuan only needs one sentence, and Tianyu Mountain can be moved out of the nest. Destroy your Void Temple!"

???????? The words are direct, full of threats, and sonorous.

???????? "The Lord Lord Gross is not a one-sided word, I can prove it!" At this time, Su Hang said.

?????? Yuan Kui looked at Su Hang sideways, "Which green onion are you?"

?????? Go, have these people taken gunpowder? Why are they all so rushing? I didn't help the sentence, so I got such a scolding?

?????????? If not afraid, Suhang may have done it with him!

???????? His eyes didn't stay on Su Hang for an extra second. For Yuan Kui, this second-order master was too weak to be ignored by him at all.

?????????? "Gross, the existence of the Void Temple is only one sentence from me!" Yuan Kui seemed to have something to say.

???????? Gross frowned, "What do you want?"

???????? Yuan Kui said, with a slight sneer, "It's very simple, I want the treasure tree in your hand, you give it to me, what happened today, Quan Dang has never happened, Gu Bo died of a challenge, It was him who took his own life!"

???????? "Do you want my treasure tree?" Gross looked at Yuan Kui strangely, "Do you know the origin of my treasure tree?"

???????? Yuan Kui shook his I don't know its origin, but it can swallow the dark thorns of Gu Bo, enough to prove its extraordinary! "

???????? "You don't even know the origin of my treasure tree, you want to take it, huh, ridiculous, ridiculous!" Gros seemed to have encountered such a funny thing, haha ​​smile, right hand directly spread Open, "Okay, the treasure tree is here, you come and get it!"

?????????? The green tree was suspended quietly in the palm of Gros, and Gros didn't have a little alert, so it was so open, let Yuan Kui get it, it seemed like a generous Incomparably.

?????????? "Why don't you dare?" Gros said jokingly when Yuan Kui didn't move for a long time.

???????? Yuan Kui frowned. If such a treasure, would Gross easily surrender it? It was clearly cheating. Previously, Gu Shao was killed under this treasure tree. The misfortune can still be remembered. Yuan Kui Qi would be so stupid, in case it was calculated, he would not know how to cry.

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