Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3049: Hongmengzhu?

???????? Su Hang nodded, "And I also heard, Master Xinggu, you also touched that realm!"

???????? "Hehe!" Ming Gu chuckled, "Tong Zhanxuan and I, but won the legacy of Brother Yuan!"

?????????? "Legacy?" Su Hang was stunned, his face full of doubts.

???????? The ancient path, "I heard that you have a great relationship with fate, I can also feel its breath from you, Su Hang, you know why no one has been able to break through since Hongmeng Was it the founding realm?"

?????????? If you put it in the past, the question of Ming Gu, Su Hang is definitely not able to answer it, but now, he knows a little bit, since he has already chatted, Su Hang will not Taboo again!

????????"As far as I know, there is a necessary condition for breaking through to the founding state, that is, the need to conceive Hongmeng and open up a world of Hongmeng in the body. Only by having the ability to open Hongmeng Hongmeng, reach a higher level!" Su Hangdao.

???????? Ming Gu nodded slightly, "It seems that fate and you are really deeply involved. You said this, I also wanted to understand it after a long time, only with the development of Hongmeng It’s so simple to surpass Hongmeng’s strength!"

?????????? Su Hang was a little puzzled, "What does this have to do with the Void Demon?"

??????????The ancient path of Ming, "Of course it is related, and the relationship is very great. When Hongmeng was born, there was a treasure named Hongmengzhu, and there was a newborn Hongmeng in this bead. Spirit tire..."

?????????? Su Hang frowned slightly, "You mean, Hongmeng?"

???????? Ming Gu paused and nodded slightly, "It can be said that the name is not important, the key is that this bead was swallowed by Brother Yuan in the same year, and it also got this bead Nosuke, the Void Ape quickly made a reputation among Hongmeng, but at that time, no one knew about the existence of Hongmengzhu, and Brother Yuan never told anyone!"

??????????"Originally, if things go on like that, Brother Yuan is likely to be the first existence beyond Hongmeng, but unfortunately, I don’t know how that existence learned all this, I found Brother Yuan!"

???????????? "He snatched Hongmengzhu?"

??????????"No, Brother Yuan repulsed him, and the man was probably not badly hurt, but Brother Yuan paid the price of his life, and Hongmengzhu also broke in half! "

???????? "Two halves?"

??????????"One of them, Yuan Xiong, was handed over to me before the ancientization, and the other half, Tong Zhanxuan was robbed by fire and annexed Apewang Cave, and he gave him half of it, together with Brother Gu Huadan of Yuan fell into his hands!"


???????? The two asked one question and one answer. After listening to Ming Gu, Su Hang was a bit enlightened, "So, you and Tong Zhanxuan, at the same time, will realize the mystery of the founding realm!"

???????? Ming Gu nodded slightly, "Hongmengzhu divided into two, and Hongmeng larvae also divided into two. At first, neither Tong Zhanxuan nor I realized the true use of Hongmengzhu. Later, We all have insights, and the two began to fight openly and secretly, and they both wanted to get the half of the ball in the other's hands!"

??????????"However, later, the Hongmeng larvae in the Hongmengzhu slowly recovered automatically, that is to say, the original Hongmeng larvae split into two. The battle between Tong Zhanxuan will gradually decrease!"

????????????"At that time, I was in conflict with the cold clothes. Under the cold clothes, I invested in the Wanmo Ancient Cave. I know that she was deliberately angry with me, but I didn't expect that today she would take risks. Let you send me Brother Yuan's Gu Hua Dan!"

???????? Speaking of this, Ming Gu sighed for a while, holding a bead in his hand, his body trembling slightly, it can be seen that his mood fluctuated greatly!

???????? "What's the use of this ancient Huadan?" Su Hang asked.

???????? The ancient path of the Ming Dynasty, "The ancient Huadan was formed by Brother Yuan’s lifelong cultivation. Other people got him. Naturally, he used it to improve his skill. Here, I just leave a thought, Yuan Brother has been aging, and the life after aging cannot be resurrected, at least in my current state, I still can't do it. Perhaps, after I have achieved the founding state, there will be a glimmer of hope!"

???????? Su Hang stared at the bead and looked at it. Hearing Ming Gu said so much, he thought that the bead was the half of Hongmeng beads in Tong Zhanxuan's hands!

?????????? This should be like a star that collapsed into a black hole after the star's life span expired. The life skills of the Void Ape condensed. The energy contained in this ancient pill should be very scary.

???????? Su Hang thought, you just keep thinking about it, if it's useless, why not give it to me!

???????? However, this is just a thought in my heart, Su Hang can not do that, he is not the kind of people who like to eat other people's blood buns!

?????????? At this time, Ming Gu looked at Su Hang, "Want this ancient Huadan?"

???????? Su Hang froze for a moment, looked up at Ming Gu, apparently Ming Gu was teasing him, Su Hang smiled, shook his head, "This thing is very meaningful with Ming Gu, Su Mou naturally does not Dare to get involved!"

?????????? Ming Gu smiled faintly, that Gu Hua Dan, of course, can't give Su Hang!

???????? Put away the ancient pill, the ancient road, "You have a special adventure for this trip, I should also be rewarded!"

???????? "The reward is forgotten!" Su Hang waved his hand in resignation.

???????? Ancient Road, "My Holy Ghost House, small door and small households, there is nothing to get out!"

?????? Speaking of which, Ming Gu took a ring from his right thumb and threw it directly to Suhang.

???????? Su Hang took over and looked up at Ming Gu, "For me? Isn't this good?"

??????The ancient path of meditation, "This is the Ethereal Ring. It is absorbing the monstrous power in the void at any time and anywhere. Every 10,000 years, a monstrous spirit stone will condense in the ring!"

???????? Only ten thousand years? Su Hang's face shook slightly, you know, he is not yet thirty years old this year?

???????? "In these years, there are a lot of Hongmeng spirit stones in the ring. Although I have used them almost, but it is better than nothing. It is more of a heart, you don’t dislike it!" Ming Gu said lightly .

???????? Su Hang paused, and looked inwards, seeing the piles of spirit stones inside, suddenly relieved, not as bad as Ming Gu said!

?????????? "Then Thank you Master Gu Ming!" Su Hang said quickly, he didn't want to be polite anymore, in case, Gu Ming really is not Be polite to yourself and collect the things back, then don't you just work in vain?

???????????? "You deserve it!" Ming Gu exhaled for a long time, maybe it was a long time since he had talked with the person, his face, it can be seen, It has become a little easier.

???????? "Bing Ji is a good girl, you have to treat him better!" Ming Gu said abruptly.

???????? Su Hang paused and nodded slightly, "The Master of Ancient Academy rest assured!"

???????? Speaking of this, Suhang remembered something, opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but Gu Gu said, "You want to ask, what about the little holy Lord?"


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