Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3055: Magic cube!

Sure enough, it was this Donghua Pavilion who brought them to Donghua Pavilion!

"Huangnu, you are not staying in the Wanmo Ancient Caves, what is your intention to run me to Donghua Pavilion?" Bai Xi said, turning the Rubik's cube with his left hand, the domain wall had completely blocked Su Hang and the two of them.

The wild slave had a black face, "It turns out that you are doing ghosts, Baixi, let's not tell secret words, right? Let us come here, what is it for?"

"Hehe!" Bai Xi smiled, "Huangnu, you are obviously trespassing into Donghua Pavilion, when will you become me and invite you to come? This is Donghua Pavilion, can I call you and invite you?"

"So, that is what Donghua Great Emperor invited us to come?" Huang Nu said with a black face.

Baixi shook his head, "Fei Ye, Fei Ye, the emperor was invited by Wan Mo Gu Cave, and has already gone to Wan Mo Gu Cave for a feast. He is not in the pavilion at all. You come from Wan Mo Gu Cave, don't you know? ?"

"Nonsense!" Huang Nu yelled directly, "I came from Wanmo Ancient Cave, and did not see Donghua Great Emperor. This time, Wanmo Banquet did not invite him, Baixi, who are you fooling?"

No invitation? Next to Su Hang listened, his face changed slightly, most forces invited, but he did not invite Donghua Emperor. It seems that the conflict between Wanmo Ancient Cave and Donghua Pavilion is not so little.

You know, Tong Zhanxuan had already said at the Wanmo Banquet that the forces of the two groups of gods and demons were invited to release the previous suspicions. No matter what kind of grudges in the past, all the hatred turned into a cloud of smoke, but I did not invite Donghuage It can only be stated that Tong Zhanxuan did not want to resolve his grudge with Donghua Pavilion, or that he knew that this could not be resolved at all!

Combined with the attitude of the slave slaves when I came to Donghua Pavilion before, it can be seen that the Wanmo Ancient Caves indeed have a deep blood enmity with Donghua Pavilion!

"Huh, when you arrive at Donghua Pavilion, you are still so arrogant, slave, do you think the old man dare not move you?" Bai Xi's eyes glared, and he was very angry.

Baixi is an eighth-rank peak powerhouse, which is one order higher than the barren slaves. It is not difficult to clean up the barren slaves.

Famine slaves are also afraid, after all, this is the site of Donghua Pavilion, and they don’t know what kind of treasure they are holding. They actually sealed them with the domain wall. They must not escape and become a turtle in the urn!

However, think about it, isn't there a Suhang next to it? This kid hides his strength. He had played against him before, and he should also have eight ranks. If he fights, he can resist him.

However, he did not know that Su Hang was also suffering. He could exert the power of the eighth order. Even as long as the energy was enough, the ninth order would work. However, it would cost a lot of energy.

Energy, that is cutting the flesh of Su Hang, Su Hang still thinks, relying on this energy, used to enhance his skill, used to consume in this place, is a waste, he now dominates the realm, although there is something out of nothing However, it is also limited. It is okay to ask him to produce such a large amount of energy out of thin air, but it takes a very long time!

"Humph!" Huang Nu got a bit of anger and pointed at Baixi Road now. "If you don't want to fight another battle with my Wanmo Ancient Grotto, it is better to withdraw this domain wall. Perhaps, I It can be regarded as what hasn’t happened today. Baixi, you’re afraid I don’t know, my old cave master is already going to break through the dominance and transcend the existence of Hongmeng. You’d better weigh your weight. Don't afford the Wanmo Ancient Cave!"

Special code, at this time, hey, he has already trapped you, don't you see it, do others want to clean up you?

Su Hang was speechless for a while, then stood up quickly and arched his hand at Baixi in the distance. "Senior, can I say a few words?"

From the perspective of Baixi to Suhang, the predecessor of Suhang is much better than the slaves!

"Okay, you say!" Baixi said lightly.

Su Hangdao, "I have no half-cent relationship with the person next to me. I don't know and don't want to know the grievances between him and his predecessors. When I came here today, I was implicated by him. Please seniors raise your hand high and let me go. The grudges between you, can you handle it yourself?"

Su Hang’s words are very simple. I am just a victim. I’m the victim of pond fish. You need to find the trouble of Wanmo Ancient Cave. Don’t mess with me. I’m just passing by!

Huang Nu listened to this, and his face was ugly. Unexpectedly, Su Hang was so unscrupulous.

However, if you think about it carefully, the so-called righteousness is to your friends. If the deserted slave is not even a friend of Suhang, why should there be righteousness at all?

At this moment, Baixi Road said, "You said that it wasn't in the Wanmo Caves. Are you not in the Wanmo Caves? Even if you are not a monk in the Wanmo Caves, I can break into the Donghua Pavilion crime. Let you go?"

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, and it was clearly you who led us here. At this time, he was also charged with trespassing. This is obviously to put yellow mud into our pants and dig a hole to let us jump!

Beside, the slaves said lightly, "Don't imagine that the Brothers Su opened up, can't you see it? This is a game they deliberately laid down by Donghua Pavilion, and they intend to rectify us!"

The words were yin and yang, and Su Hang frowned again and again. What does Donghua Pavilion mean?

"What exactly do you want?" Su Hang looked up at Baixi!

"You ask him, can he tell a fart? It must have been the emperor Donghua who taught him to do this, otherwise, he would have the courage to trap me?" Huang Nu snorted coldly. Void This will cause two battles. Without Donghua's instructions, Baixi would never dare to do this!

Baixi smiled, "The so-called comer is a guest, the emperor is out, but has not returned yet. Since the two come, then stay first, wait for the emperor to come back, and then say what to do with you!"

When the words fell, Bai Xi lifted the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and saw that the Rubik's Cube turned quickly, and Su Hang and the two felt a force strike. Among.

For a moment of silence, Baixi padd the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and the corners of his mouth bent a little arc.

"Yes!" The four Supreme Masters quickly called yes, and asked Baixi to hold the Rubik's Cube, sticking his cane, and turned into the cabinet!


"What a magic weapon!"

It was dark all around, Suhang had the feeling of once again entering the Divine Machine Box. It was a void, and the space was incomparably wide. Suhang was standing on a falling stream, and there were only deserted slaves around.

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