Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3062: Pain, pain, pain!

????????Beside the fierce fire, Suhang, although standing tall, could feel the heat.


  ???? Is that beast the dragon's deity? Su Hang looked at the giant beast, and felt fear in his heart.


  ?????????? "What am I doing now?" Su Hangqiang endured that inexplicable fear, facing the dreaded dragon below.


  ???????????? "Seeing that the sword on my back is not there, you can pull it out for me, and the rest will be left untouched by you!"


  ?????? "It's that simple?" Su Hang froze for a moment.


  ???????? "Oh, simple?" Horon sneered. "If it's that simple, I still get stuck today?"


  ?????????? Hearing this, Su Hang thought about it too. If it was so simple, the emperor Donghua had already drawn this sword.


  ?????????? "This sword was nailed to me by fate. The sword spirit and fire in the altar, even the ninth-order master, did not dare to rush!" said the Dragon Dragon Road.


  ???????? Donghua Great Emperor said, "The weight of this sword has never been seen in my life. I have tried it before and I can't shake this sword at all!"


  ???????? "You can't shake, so sure I can shake?" Su Hang asked.


  ?????????? Donghua Great Emperor said, "You have the breath of destiny in your body. With the destiny of your body, you should be able to shake this sword!"


?????????? After listening to Donghua Emperor, Su Hang stared at the sword for a long time. This sword could make Donghua Emperor and the Dragon impossible. Treasures.


  ???????? At this moment, Su Hang has the heart to take it as its own!


  ???????? I saw this sword rusty, there seemed to be some runes on it, Su Hang could not understand it, and it could not be scanned with the Xueshen system.


  ?????????? It seems that this sword is beyond the scope of ordinary Taoist instruments.


  ?????????? "Hurry up, don't rub it!" Dragon Road!


  ???????? Su Hang hesitated, and flew to the top of the giant sword, reached out to try it, and didn't feel the threat of the giant sword to him.


?????????? The entry of Su Hang did not provoke the changes in the altar. This alone made Su Hang feel a lot of peace, perhaps because of his destiny. The altar could recognize him, and even the horrible flames only made Su Hang feel hot and did not hurt.


  ?????????? "So, did I pull it out?" Su Hang looked down at the dreaded dragon nailed to the bottom.


  ?????? "Hurry up!" The dragon appeared very eager.


?????????? Su Hang nodded, that giant sword is really huge, just a hilt, just like a piece of land, Su Hang hand is attached to the hilt, sucking the hilt , Violently.


  ???????? The thread has not moved!


  ???????? This sword is really heavy. Su Hang frowned slightly, and he could not be shaken by his second-order body.


  ?????????? "Are you okay?" Horon asked urgently below.


  ???????? "Don't worry!" Su Hang replied, thinking that the Xuanhuotan recognized the destiny and seemed to use the power of fate.


  ???????? At the moment, Su Hang didn't say anything, and directly summoned the armor of fate, and the two destiny of the pain hurt.


  ???????? The huge medicinal power is transformed into the power of destiny, which runs through the armor of fate, and instantly upgrades the strength of Suhang to the fourth level of the dominance.


  ???????? The emperor Donghua watched this scene, his eyes showed a little surprise, this kid can hide a lot of things.


  ???????????? The wild slave was also a little bit enlightened. He originally thought that Su Hang had hidden the realm. Now it seems that the strength of Su Hang was soaring at that time, it should be related to this set of body armor!


  ?????????????? This set of body armor has a strong sense of fate!


  ?????????? The East China Great Emperor looked at Su Hang, whose strength suddenly increased a lot, with a bit of surprise and enlightenment in his eyes, and then he was looking forward to it.


  ?????????? If, before, he had only five levels of confidence in whether Su Hang could break the seal of the Xuanhuotan, then now this level of confidence has risen to seven levels.


  ?????????? The Xuanhuotan did not exclude Su Hang, which has been able to explain the problem.


  ?????????? I saw that Su Hang once again put his right hand on the hilt, sucking the hilt of the giant sword firmly.


  ?????????? "Drink!" With a low drink, Suhang exerted his strength again and raised the giant sword upward.


  ?????????? "Dangdang Dangdang......"


??????????In an instant, the giant sword moved, the iron chain bound to the sword shook violently, and Su Hang's eyes flashed with a different color, there was a head, and now he wanted to work harder, It shouldn't be difficult to pull out this sword.


  ???????? "Oops..."


  ???????? At this moment, a scream came from below, but it was a terrifying dragon.


  ???????? "What's the matter?" Suhang asked, bowing his head.


?????????? "Pain, pain, pain..." The dragon's rapid cry came from below, as if it were a child's injection, and he was about to cry. "Stop for a while, stop first. For a while!"


  ???????????? Su Hang couldn't help crying and crying. It was actually painful. How painful it was that it could not bear the dragon. Didn't you let me pull it out? This pain can't be tolerated?


???????????? Helpless, Su Hang loosed his hand, and the dragon gasped for two breaths, "I was sealed here for too long, the flesh and soul are almost gone with this sword. , You almost pulled my soul away, you let me slow down for a while!"


  ???????? Having finished speaking, he began to breathe again, as if it really hurt.


?????????? Su Hang said helplessly, "Senior, if you want to get out of trouble, you can only pull out this sword, but when you pull it, you say it hurts, which makes it difficult for me, otherwise, You can bear it, I move faster, and the pain will pass!"


  ???????? The dragon slowed for a while, "OK, you come again!"


  ???????? Su Hang nodded slightly and sucked the hilt again!


  ?????? "Drink!"


?????? With a loud roar, Su Hang was forced to push up again. This time, the chain on the sword moved even more powerfully. Su Hang could obviously feel that the blade of this giant sword was pulled up by himself Some more.


  ???????? "Pain, pain, pain, stop hand, stop hand!"


  ???????? However, at this moment, there was a roar of the dragon again below, almost did not rupture the eardrum of Su Hang.


  ?????????? Su Hang had no choice but to let go, but the giant sword lost its strength, and the cut just pulled out, and then inserted back.


???????? "Oops!" Another cry screaming The dragon is lying in the black fire altar, the black wound on the back of the wound is bleeding out, and the whole body is slightly Shivering, he can really see that he really hurts.


  ???????? "Senior, you are like this, I am very difficult to do, I'm afraid I can't pull it out all my life!" Su Hang smiled bitterly.


  ?????????? I thought that the dragon was a tough-blooded man, but what to expect, it was so painful that it completely destroyed the impression in his heart.


  ?????????? "Brother!" The emperor Donghua also had a black line on his face. "Otherwise, let's be patient. Brother Su moves faster. When the sword is pulled out, everything will rest!"


  ?????????? "Everything is going to rest? I'm afraid I'm going to take it off!" Hor Lung returned angrily, his voice trembling!


  ?????????? The Emperor Donghua heard the words and his face twitched slightly. He couldn't understand what kind of pain it could make the Dragon unable to bear.


  ?????????? "No, it can't be done like this, if you pull this way, you'll be killed!" Hor took a few breaths and said.


?????????? "What should I do?" Su Hang was helpless. "Otherwise, you won't be able to pull it out today. You still stay here with peace of mind, Senior, after all, although trapped by the Xuanhuotan Can’t leave, but the Xuanhuotan does not hinder your cultivation!"




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