Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3067: 1 seedling!

   At this time, I saw that the dragon stretched out his right hand, and a green tree slowly grew in his palm.


   For a moment, everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, and the emperor Donghua was even hotter, as if a wealthy fan saw Jinshan and Yinshan.


  Hongmeng tree?


   The first reaction of Su Hang, the little tree in the palm of the dragon should be the legendary Hongmeng tree, right?


I saw that the tree was only **** tall, and the whole body was green, like a small shiitake mushroom. Although it was far away, Su Hang could still feel the vitality exuded from the tree, even making him feel full of blood. Instigation, cultivation and cultivation are faintly increasing.


   is extraordinary! Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. At this moment, Emperor Donghua could not wait to walk past, with a smile on his face, "Brothers speak and have faith, this emperor is really ashamed!"


   He didn't say anything. He passed the green tree in his hand directly to the East China Emperor. The East China Emperor quickly reached out and took it. The baby was as if afraid of falling on the ground.


   This is Hongmengshu, can't you be baby? This is related to whether he can break through the current state and reach the key of the higher and stronger state!


   At this time, Dragon said, "You don't think this tree treasure, it is still a seedling, you have to spend a lot of effort to develop it!"


   "Seedling?" Emperor Donghua froze for a moment, and turned to look at the dragon, with a puzzled expression on his face.


The dragon said, "If the Hongmeng tree is to grow, you must provide him with a lot of energy, take care of it, and take care of it. Otherwise, this seedling is very squeamish, and it will not be used for a long time, and it will become black. I have spent it. It’s the merits of countless Yuanhuis that barely cultivated my Hongmeng tree!"


   What is your strain, my strain? Hearing the words of the Dragon, Emperor Donghua’s face has completely changed, and the excitement of the Hongmeng Tree has just disappeared!


   "Brother, what do you mean?" The emperor Donghua's voice was a little deep, "You mean, the plant you gave me is just a seedling?"


Horon nodded slightly, and rightfully said, "Although it is a seedling, it is also a Hongmeng tree. It is also my painstaking effort to separate it. Brother Donghua wanted a Hongmeng tree. I will give you a Hongmeng tree. Is there anything? Is it wrong?"


   At this moment, the emperor Donghua's face was black and black. This terrifying dragon, trapped in the primordial abyss these years, seems to have figured out a lot of things, has his mind become so good? Actually play this routine with yourself?


   "Brother, you are teasing me!" Emperor Donghua took a deep breath and tried to control his emotions.


"Why did Brother Donghua say this?" The dragon shook his head. "The Hongmeng seedlings are also Hongmeng trees, isn't my Hongmeng tree also cultivated from the seedlings? As long as Donghua brothers are willing to spend their time and energy, sooner or later It can also grow..."


"Brother, I'm struggling to save you, but now, you are using this seedling to confuse me, and you have lost me!" The voice of Emperor Donghua was shaking, and he could see that he was already fast Can't control his emotions.


What he wants is the mature Hongmeng tree of the Dragon, as long as he gets the Hongmeng tree, he can break through the existing realm and touch the legendary realm as quickly as possible, but there is no one I thought that the dragon actually played this trick, stole the beam and changed the column, and differentiated a seedling to block him.


  Although this seedling is indeed a huge tree, but he still has time to spend his time and effort to cultivate it, when it grows up, when will he get it?


   What he wants is not to work hard to get rich!


   is abominable, and was actually tricked by the dragon, and the anger in the heart of Donghua Emperor has been difficult to contain.


   "Whatever you think, anyway, I have given you what you want, I still have things, Brother Donghua, let's make another appointment again!"


   The dragon was too lazy to take care of the East China Emperor, and he rose directly into the sky and wanted to leave.


   "Hum, want to go, where to go!"


  The emperor Donghua was already irritated. At this time, he was furious when he saw that the dragon was going to leave. Dozens of colorful small flags appeared in his hand and threw them directly into the air!


   Those flags split into four directions, and disappeared instantly, forming a domain wall, like a huge glass cover, covering the surrounding space as much as possible.


   The dragon flew to midair, seeing the hood, stopped, frowned, looked back at Donghua Great Emperor, "Why, Donghuazi, do you want to fight?"


The emperor Donghua looked serious, looking up at the dragon, and said, "Dragon, I have enough face for you, but unfortunately you don't know what to do, and thought it was the same year? If you know now, leave the Hongmeng tree, otherwise, tear it apart No one looks good with the face!"


   He heard this and sneered again and again, "Don't the Hongmengshu already give it to you?"


   "The one I want you to breed!" Emperor Donghua snorted coldly and concisely!


"You are too greedy!" The dragon also snorted. At this time, he was out of trouble. How could he give the treasure like the Hongmeng tree to others, and be able to differentiate a seedling for Donghua Great Emperor, it is already his limit. !


After all, what a treasure that can help him break through to the founding realm, how precious it was. Fate trapped him at that time, and even destroyed him. He never surrendered the Hongmeng tree. Now that he is out of trouble, how can there be a treasure tree? The reason for giving away?


   Next to Su Hang and Huang Nu is already in a This situation is really getting worse and worse. The two of them are about to fight.


   "Brother Su, why don't we find a place to hide first?" Huang Nu murmured at Suhang Road beside him.


  Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Hide? Can I hide there?"


  Everyone here was sealed by the emperor Donghua, can they hide it? If these two men fought, the ninth-ranked strongman, Yu Wei alone, would probably injure them seriously. Moreover, if the two played ecstasy and accidentally gave them a punch and two feet, they might not be able to live!


   hide in a subspace like Sima cylinder? In the ninth-order battle, there is no sub-space that can't be carried at all. The real battle is under pressure, and the space is torn, even the storage rings on them will burst, don't want to hide people.


   At this time, the desert slave said, "It is possible to hide in my body, Brother Su..."


  The voice fell, and a slave's mouth was shot. A giant clam was shot from his mouth. It was the slave's body, the eighth-order void demon, eight wilderness swallowed the sky clam!


  The giant clam fell to the ground and opened his mouth, aiming at Su Hang and the desert slaves, the desert slave road, "Brother Su, hide!"


   Su Hang hesitated and looked at the slaves with a questioning expression, "Would you like to take this opportunity to swallow me?"


  The eight wilderness swallowed the heavenly mussels. They swallowed everything. Last time they fought the wild slaves, they were almost swallowed by the wild slaves with the mussels. At this moment, this man wants to let himself go in actively? How does it feel like a pit?

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