Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3072: Dove accounts for magpie nests!

Huang Nu sighed and did not dare to get out of the swallowed clams. He still shrunk first and became a happy self.


At this time, the dragon stood up and Su Hang dispelled his heart, and he did not intend to do so for Su Hang because he is now empty and unable to take down Su Hang because he just saw Su Hang just now. Using the armor of fate, he couldn't figure out how many cards Su Air had.


   "What are Brother Su's plans now?" Du Long asked, but his words were polite, as if he had been friends for many years.


  Su Hang shook his head, "What happened before, what will happen in the future, I'm afraid that Donghua Pavilion knows what is happening today, and causes troubles, so...


   Long Dao said, "Brother Su is assured that the death of Dong Huazi is also related to me. I am afraid that someone will not be stupid enough to make trouble for myself!"


  Su Hang nodded slightly, "What did that predecessor have any plans? I heard that you were the leader of the two families of gods and demons. Do you want to collect the old ministry and reunite the void?"


Horon listened and laughed, "Even if I have that heart, I don't have that strength anymore. At that time they chose me as the leader, but they put me on the edge of the knife and let me take the lead for them and die for them. Ha ha, I hate that I thought they really supported me, otherwise it would be the point of today, so..."


Speaking of this, the dragon suddenly paused and continued, "I have to keep a low profile this time. I will find a place to restore my skills first. Otherwise, if those who know that I come out and take advantage of the fire, there are definitely not many people who fall into the rocks. I’m just afraid that I won’t be peaceful!"


   "Where is the predecessor going to go? Su Mu has something to do in the future, so he can go to the door for help!" Su Hang asked casually.


   Su Hang did ask casually. Since the Dragon wanted to find a place to hide and restore his skill, how would he tell Su Hang?


   "I've already thought about it!" Unexpectedly, the dragon is generous, but it seems to have no worries, "Brother Su, look!"


   The voice fell, and the dragon turned around, and the streamer turned around, and it immediately changed its appearance!


   Su Hang looked at it and looked like the emperor of Donghua, he couldn't help but be surprised, "Senior, you are..."


   The dragon smiled, "I have nowhere to go, it is better to dove to occupy the magpie's nest, retreat in silence, Donghua Pavilion should be the best choice!"


  Su Hang understood what he meant, and when he smiled, he threw the seal in his hand to the dragon, "With this thing, it is more vivid!"


This seal, which Su Hang held in his hand, was useless at all. He could never hold this seal and really go to receive Donghua Pavilion and become the new owner of Donghua Pavilion. Those in Donghua Pavilion are not fools. Believe him, if Donghua the Great is alive, it is still possible. Now that Donghua the Great is dead, he wants to take over Donghua the Great.


   Therefore, it is better to throw this seal to the dragon and make it a favor.


   "Haha, thank you Brother Su!" Horon haha ​​smiled, not at all embarrassed.


The dragon’s gaze fell on the seedling of the Hongmeng tree in the hands of Su Hang, and then said, "Brother Su, this seedling of the Hongmeng tree is my separation from the Hongmeng tree. It’s just a little younger, but its potential and body Hongmengshu is no different..."


  Su Hang picked up the Hongmeng tree and looked at it, "How to use this tree?"


"Cultivating in the spirit sea, nurturing with skill every day, it will grow up on its own, and you will understand the magical effect by then, but this tree has a great appetite, and it takes a lot of effort to develop it. !"


   "I heard that if you get this tree, you will have to break through the law of origin, is it true?"


Horon nodded slightly, "This is indeed the case, and, over the years, I have also had some eyebrows on this path, but this time, I have consumed a lot of Hongmeng trees with Donghuazi. This time it hurts the foundation, but I don’t know how long it will take to fix it!"


   Suhangdao, "In this way, I still got a lot of surprises by accident. In the future, I am afraid I have to come to Donghua Pavilion to ask my predecessors!"


   Fang Long smiled indifferently, "With the talents of the Su brothers, with the help of destiny, I am afraid that I will soon go in front of me. At that time, I should ask the Su brothers for advice."


   "Senior senior is serious!" Su Hanggong said.


   Fang Long waved his hand, "Jin Brothers have helped each other, and fortunately lived a life. There is no long thing in life, and there is no such thing as a reward. This little thing should be given to the brothers!"


   said, Horon took out a fist-sized bead, and the whole body was black, so black that it was scary.


   As soon as the bead appeared, Su Hang suddenly felt a sense of panic, and inexplicably felt panic, "What is this?"


   Long Dao said, "It's not a special thing, but a horror bead that I said in my life, and there is no special ability, but it can make people feel scared. This thing is given to the Brothers Su and the right to be a plaything!"


   Su Hang heard the words and couldn't help but smile. It turns out that this horror dragon's ability is to make people feel terrified. Before the horror dragon did not show his momentum, Su Hang felt fear from him. I am afraid that is the reason!


"Thank you for the gift!" Su Hang smiled and put away the bead. This bead has the dragon's natal ability. In the future, it will fight with people. If it is stronger than yourself, take the bead out, the other party might be the first How scared it is.


   Yanluo, called on the shrunken slave who was happy in the swallowing clams, and the three left the primordial abyss.


The way out is still safe. Although the power of Horon has fallen so badly, the slaves have been injured again, and Su Hang is only a second-order state. However, Horon’s fearful ability that day was preserved. No one has dared to block the road offense along the way.


   just took the fifth-order Devil Snaketail Eagle, and all gave way to obedient From this, you can see how terrifying the breath of the dragon's body was.


The three went to the Donghua Pavilion together, and the dragon changed into the appearance of the Donghua Emperor. Its realm was so deep that none of the masters in the Donghua Pavilion could detect the difference. After all, three people went out and three people came back. No one knows that the real East China Emperor has been buried in the original abyss.


   Soon after staying in Donghua Pavilion, Su Hang and the desert slaves left together. Perhaps the dragon was afraid of the long time and exposed the flaws, so he hurriedly closed the gate.


   was sent by Bai Xi to Su Hang. Su Hang felt a little funny. The emperor Donghua was lost by me. This Bai Xi was also kept in the dark, so kind to himself.


   "Brother Su is really lucky, and can be appreciated by my emperor, and the future is really limitless!" At the entrance of Donghua Pavilion, Bai Xi accompanied the smiling face.


   said this, I don't know whether it's Kau Su Hang or Kau Dong Hua Emperor.


The servant next to him listened and couldn't help but pouted. He and Baixi have never dealt with it. Now when they look at Baixi, they feel that this fellow is a little pitiful. I wanted to ridicule a few words, but I still think about it, lest he let him see. What clues, branches outside the festival.

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