Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3082: Promise!

"Father, you..." Su Jin quickly interrupted Su Hang's words. He seemed to know what Su Hang wanted to say!

Su Hang raised his hand and motioned for him to finish, "The girl Pan Xin, I have met before, looks good, and the King of Panjie can introduce her to you. It should be good!"

"Jin'er, it's been so many years. You are all alone, and you really feel bad for your father. I didn't have time to take care of your business. Now, it's just that Panjie Wang has this kind of heart, so I will promise you first!"

"Father, this..."

"Jin'er, I know that you always wanted to wait for your mother to come back and talk about your own marriage. Now that your mother has found it, she awakens to Tibetan knowledge but sooner or later, at this time, you have no reason to avoid it!"

"I know that you may have resistance and resentment to my arrangement like this, but you can rest assured that your father is an enlightened person and respects your freedom. I have explained to the Panjie King that you and Panxin Contact, if you can chat, then naturally the best, if you can’t chat, you won’t be forced to be a father..."

Su Jin heard this, his forehead couldn't help sweating, it seems that he is an old dad, after being an addicted father, he thought of being a grandpa!

Having said this, Su Jin knew that he would not be able to escape, and now he bowed, "It is up to my father to arrange everything!"

Su Hang nodded with satisfaction, "I have already made an appointment with Panjie Wang. After two days, I will take you to Wuji World for a trip. It is better for our man to take the initiative to meet this first time..."

Su Jin buried his head, really could not think of his majestic grandeur, but also one day was forced to marry by the father.


Su Jin's business is about to be settled. Su Hang came to him to talk about it this time. Su Hang was a little surprised, but when he thought about it, Su Jin was also the boss. I didn't care enough about him as a dad before, but I can get a snack in the future.

A qualified father, starting from urging marriage!

In fact, it is quite good to get married with Panjia. Since I knew that Su Hang had such a son, there were many people who came to him to talk about Su Jin’s marriage. There are many forces in the world, what are the city’s daughters, their granddaughter, and even the Chen family Suhang has all mentioned this matter.

It is not the snobbery of Su Hang. Su Hang was so disdainful about the so-called door-to-door, but it was his son's turn. Now, Su Hang feels that door-to-door is still a bit influential.

At least, other people came to Su Hang to talk about Su Jin's marriage, saying how good the other girl was, and Su Hang had never been at ease, but Pan Sheng found him and said that he wanted to marry his granddaughter, Su Hang almost subconsciously decided agreed!

However, still in that sentence, he will not force Su Jin, whether this can be achieved, depends on Su Jin.

If this family matter can be formed, it will be of great help to Su Jin. According to the information Su Hang heard, Pan Xin is the youngest daughter of Pan Sheng’s fifth son, Pan Long. People are very good. !

In fact, Pan Sheng wanted to get married with Su Hang, and Su Hang didn’t want it. After all, Pan Family had Meng Nan’s son-in-law who hadn’t been there. No matter what the purpose was, Su Hang would naturally be happy. of.


Su Hang is very happy with a new pair of children. In the past few days, the people who came to congratulate are also endless. The whole world seems to be immersed in the atmosphere of joy because of the birth of these two children.

There was no movement from Yun Dingweng, and Su Hang was too lazy to take care of it. He took care of Su Jin's affairs first. After choosing a good day, Su Hang took Su Jin, Yin Yu'er, and a group of people to prepare. Meeting ceremony, went to Wuji.

Su Hang wanted to come to Wuji Sky for a long time. This time it was a grand reason. I hope to see Meng Nan again. Chaos is now in peace with the void world, but Su Hang knows this is superficial, in fact The root cause has not been resolved, he needs guidance from an expert, and Meng Nan is undoubtedly the expert.

Therefore, in this visit to Wuji, in addition to doing Su Jin's business, he wanted to chat with Meng Nan.

Since Su Jin's case was Pan Sheng's first comment, it basically became 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​depends on the two parties.

This time Su Hang also brought Yin Yuer with him. The reason was that Ao Xue was not with him. Yin Yuer was half of Su Jin's mother. Taking Yin Yuer with him seemed more formal, and it was better for women to talk.

Knowing that there are people coming from outside, Wuji has also made preparations early, and Pan Sheng even welcomed him personally.

You know, Su Hang is the first existence in Chaos that transcends the realm of the realm of kings, and is also the recognized leader of Chaos. Pan Sheng naturally wants to have a relationship with Su Hang.

In today's chaos, there are definitely more than one or two who want to climb the Su Hang. Pan Sheng knows that it must be early and must be ruthless!


This time when he came to Promise, Su Hang received the highest standard of reception. In Panlong Palace, Su Hang saw her future daughter-in-law Pan Xin, a pretty and pretty girl, younger than Su Jin, but only 80,000 years old.

However, others are in the realm, which is much stronger than Su Jin. Su Jin also broke through from Tianzun Realm to Heavenly Dao Realm. Su Jin is still mixed with Tian Dao Realm, while others are Pan Xin, but Da Dao Realm is third grade!

The two stood together, and they were indeed Lang Cai and Fei, but this realm was very unmatched. If the woman is weak and the man is better, it is the man and the woman. Although everyone did not say, Suhang also saw embarrassment.

Like Su Su Jin came out of a small place, Su Hang did not care about his cultivation, but just let it go, so Su Jin can cultivate to the present state, basically With his own efforts.

Su Jin's talent is not bad, but Xuanhuang Realm has restricted him, and he has been repaired to the realm of heaven and earth for 100,000 years. In Xuanhuang Realm, it is already extremely talented!

But here is not Xuanhuang Realm, after all, the family Panxin, from the family of the Realm King, tens of thousands of years of practice, to Dadao Realm, this can only be regarded as ordinary, just like Panyu, the same age gap It's not particularly big, but they are already in the same place!

If it is taught by the present self for 100,000 years, even if he is just a piece of wood, I am afraid that he can reach the realm of the realm!

It seems that after this, I have to give Su Jin a good tutoring!

Su Hang made up his mind that his son must not be weaker than others. Although others don't say anything, they all look at his face, and they must still look down on him.

He would have forgotten this matter, Su Hang shook his head in his heart, he should have thought of it, it is not difficult to give Su Jin his skills in his current state!

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