Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3093: Give Su Jin a class!

?????? Su Hang's face fell black when he heard Su Jin's words, "You wanton!"

?????? Not angry, Su Jin knew that he was wrong, and fell down on his knees, "Father..."

?????????? Seeing Su Jin, Su Hang sighed, the sigh on his face subsided, leaving a bit soft, for Su Jin, he owes a lot, now, just want to try his best To make up.

???????? "You get up!" Su Hang hand lifted up, a pot of soft force, lifted Su Jin up.

?????????? Su Jin stood up, Su Hang felt a little helpless, Su Jin was more in awe of him, this is actually what Su Hang does not want to see.

??????????"The people of our Su family can have nothing, but they can’t do without confidence, Jin'er, you are my son, who dare to say in front of you that these two words are unworthy? You yourself Not to mention!"

????????"I know that you have seen a lot of young and powerful people during this period, which has a great impact on your self-confidence. After all, you have been staying in the Xuanhuang Realm all year round, and your vision is inevitable. It’s narrow, not to mention you. I was the same at the beginning. When your strength reaches a certain level, you will naturally come into contact with a wider world, and it’s hard to avoid seeing a lot of anti-sky existence. However, if you were a father Like you, you lose confidence when you are hit, so, do you think we will have today?"

?????????? "Children are taught!"

???????? Su Jin bowed, he had to kneel again, but hesitated, and did not kneel down again, because he knew that Su Hang did not want to see him bend his knees.

???????? Su Hang took a deep breath, "You can see for your father, you still have a feeling for Panxin girl, just because her realm is much higher than you, so she respects it, but enters Have you ever thought that Panxin comes from the realm of the realm of Wang Jie, and her grandfather is the realm of realm Wang Sheng, even if she is unwilling to practice, the realm of the realm of the world can put her strength up, and you are different, you can go to today, Relying on yourself, the father has not given you any help, and she has nothing to be proud of in front of you!"

?????????? "Father is right!" At this time, Su Jin laughed bitterly, "The child is in the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is also a gift of self-ask for self-ask, one hundred thousand years, breaking through the realm of heaven, and I am complacent, but I have recently seen the existence of a lot of avenues, and my heart has indeed been hit..."

???????????? Su Hang took a deep breath, "You don't need to worry about cultivation matters. You are a father. Those so-called geniuses are not bad, let alone 100,000. Years, being a father now can even elevate your realm to dominance..."

???????? Dominate the Realm? Su Jin looked up at Su Hang, his eyes filled with surprise, dominating the realm, that is beyond the existence of chaos, what realm?

?????????? Su Jin didn't dare to think about it, you know, the existence of the realm of the realm of chaos in the chaos is very rare, chaos has existed for so many years, except for his own father , Who else has broken through the dominance?

?????????? When others say this, Su Jin will only be regarded as bragging, but he has no doubt about saying this from Su Hang's mouth!

????????"But..." At this time, Su Hang replied, "The hard-drawn state is not good for your future practice. Enter, my practitioners, look at it. In the long run, Su Jin, you see the dominance is very far away, but if you let you know that there is a realm above the dominance, you will not feel that it is far away, the food needs to be eaten bit by bite, the way to go step by step, you Don’t look at the existence of your peers, now walking in front of you..."

????????"They are different from you. Before that, you walked a mountain road, they walked a smooth road, but, from now on, your road is upside down, you walked a smooth road, they Start walking the mountain road, and, you are a smooth road, they are endless mountain road..."


?????????? So much to say, Su Hang just wanted to talk to Su Jin and let him regain his confidence!

???????? After the speech was over, Su Hang's right hand spread out, and a nine-color halo appeared in Su Hang's hands.

?????????? In an instant, the room was full of brilliance, a strange feeling appeared in Su Jin's heart, staring straight at the aura, his eyes seemed to be deeply sunken and could not be removed at all. .

???????????? If Suhang had banned the study space, I was afraid that the appearance of this aura would be enough to attract countless creatures across the sky.

???????? "What is this?" Su Jin looked at the aura in Su Hang's hands in surprise. He didn't know what it was, but the feeling it brought to him was really weird. At this moment, it seems that there is only the halo in front of him, and this halo seems to occupy his entire world.

???????? "This is destiny aura!"

?????? Su Hang gave Su Jin a brief explanation of the origin and role of the aura of destiny. Su Jin was very excited after listening to it.

Everyone has their own destiny, but what can be condensed into a halo is the existence of the realm of the realm, and each color environment represents the limit that the aura owner can reach.

?????????? This aura has nine colors, which means that this is a nine-color aura. With him, you have a pass to reach the king of the nine-color world.

?????? Su Hang's thoughts moved, the nine-color aura broke away from his control, flew to Su Jin, and directly hidden into Su Jin's body.

???????? Su Jin couldn't tell what it was like in an instant, as if his brain suddenly became more spiritual, and he was blessed with the soul, seeing things differently!


???????? As if something in the body was broken, Su Jin's eyes closed and opened, and even found that his realm has broken through to the third grade of heaven and earth!

???????? From the first grade to the third grade, it is just a breath, is this the power of the aura of destiny? Su Jin was shocked!

???????? "Aura of Destiny represents the limit, is atmospheric transport!" At this time, Suhang began to explain and explain to Su Jin, "This aura is enough to let you unimpeded under the dominance. ..."

????????"In the past few days, after the full moon wine of your brother and sister, Panjie Wang will leave Panxin in Chuangjie Mountain, let you cultivate and cultivate feelings, and hope that you will not be so rejected by your father. People are thousands of miles away, if they are suitable, they should be nurtured..."

????????"In addition, don't neglect your cultivation because of your children's personal feelings. I will give you two years to cultivate to the realm of the realm!"

???????? "Ah?" Upon hearing Su Jin's surprise overflowed with words, Realm King Realm, just two years?

???????? "Why? The time is too short?" Su Hang raised his eyebrows. "I still think the time is too long. You must know that the Realm of Realm is not the end. When you jump out of the chaotic world, You will know that the realm above the Realm King will be even broader!"

"Yes, children must do it!" Su Jin's face was very firm.

???????? Su Hangdao, "Come on, during this time, any resources or exercises you need to practice can be directly applied to Zongmen. If Zongmen cannot give it, you can come directly Come to me, I am your father, there is nothing wrong with you!"





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