Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3095: Great chance!

???????? After Su Hang finished, Yun Dingweng looked at Su Hang strangely, and seemed to think that Su Hang was running a train on his mouth. "Do you know, how to use the things in your hands?"

???????? "It is said that Master Yunyou Palace failed to study it!" Su Hang looked at Yun Dingweng with a strange look, "Senior, don't tell me, you know!"

???????? "Oh!" Yun Ding Weng smiled, "This thing is completely a violent object in Nishan's hands. I'm afraid you don't believe it when you say it. This object was obtained from a ruin of Hongmeng. I was there when I got this baby, but he started faster and was robbed by him..."

?????? "Remains?" Su Hang was somewhat puzzled. "For your existence, it was almost born in Hongmeng. What else is considered a relic for you?"

Yun Dingweng shrugged, "Although I was born in Hongmeng, have you ever thought about how it was before Hongmeng was born?"

?????????? Before Hongmeng was born? Su Hang thought about it, it was about before it was founded, too far away, Su Hang could not imagine.

That is to say, it is a relic left by a certain existence before Hongmeng's death, which may be the relic of a strong founder.

???????? Hongmeng World is like a house, although this house is newly built, but maybe what treasure is buried under the house, that is the remains!

???????? Yun Ding Weng then said, "At that time, there were me, Yunyougong Nieshan, Xishan Wang Luobin, Xiugu Gumoli four people, Nieshan took this pair of fairy Walnut, Luobin and Moli took a pair of yin and yang mirrors, and I only got a book named Hongmen Foreign Body Record!"

?????????? Suhang did not interrupt him, this old man could not hold back, and will definitely give Suhang and Pan to entrust.

????????????"At that time, the friendship between the four of us was pretty good, but unfortunately, both Robin and Moli wanted to get the mirror in the other's hand, and they fought, and finally both fell. The pair of mirrors disappeared with him and disappeared, and I and Nishan were left!"

??????????"In my foreign body records, I have recorded the origin and usage of the pair of fairy walnuts and the pair of yin and yang mirrors, but unfortunately, they did not know this, and even Nieshan studied for so long. , Even if I know how to use it, I can’t use it. The foreign body is in my hands and it’s just an idle book!”

?????????? Speaking of this, Yun Dingweng's eyes fell on the walnuts in Su Hang's hands again, "I think so, Brother Su, you give me this pair of walnuts, between us Even if the cause and effect are settled, how?"

???????? This is funny, listening to Yun Dingweng said, the value of this pair of walnuts should be above the virtual core of the Supreme Mother, otherwise he would not let himself put Walnuts give him cause and effect!

???????? Seeing that Su Hang's face was different, Yun Ding Weng said directly, "I am a straightforward person. This pair of fairy fairy walnuts is in your hands, far less useful in my hands... …"

?????????? "Senior, what is the use of this walnut?" Su Hang asked.

???????? Yun Ding Weng said, "So tell you this, this walnut was cooked by a strong man, it contains the will of the strong man, hold this thing, and make a plate every day, It will be influenced by the will of the strong, and it will greatly help the practice. If I get this thing, it may not take long before I can break through the ninth level..."

?????? Su Hang had a very serious question on his face, "Is the predecessor blaming me? I've been discuring it for several days, how come I don't feel any strong will?"

?????????? "You don't understand this!" Yun Ding Weng shook his head. "If you want to get this thing, you have to match it with a certain determination. That's why I said that things are in my hands. , For reasons that are more useful than in your hands, if you don’t believe it, you can give me this thing, I will try to show you!"

???????? After that, Yun Dingweng had reached out and wanted to ask Suhang for help.

???????? Where could Suhang give it to him, "Senior, we are all adults, if I have this thing in your hands, I don't think it can come back!"

???????? "Oh, then do you think that you can hold them?" Yun Ding Weng said, a little more threatening in his words!

?????????????? Su Hang smiled, "To be honest, Senior, you want to take this thing from me, I am afraid it is not that simple!"

?????????? "Oh? Really?" Yun Ding Weng smiled, his eyes narrowed into slits, "Then, let's try?"

?????? Su Hang waved his hand, "This place is not a place to fight. If you really have this heart, seniors, we can find a place someday and fight in the void, then use these two walnuts as Bet, you and I have a good relationship!"

???????? Yun Dingweng heard the words, his eyes turned round and round, "Young people, the tone is not small, no matter how good we are to hit the sun, now, at this moment, a battle in the void Don’t worry, I won’t bully you. Let’s compete. If I win, if you win, you will give me the fairy walnut. The cause and effect between you and me will be cancelled. We can still have a good relationship. If I lose , What do you say!"

?????? Su Hang smiled, "If the predecessor loses, just give me the foreign body lore you said, including that piece of heart formula, and it will also be causally cancelled in the future, and form a good relationship!"

???????? "Okay, I like the refreshing person like you!" Yun Dingweng patted his thigh, "Let's go, let's find a place!"

???????? Don’t blame Yunding Weng for his anxiety. Su Hang’s practice speed is so fast. If he waits for a while, if Su Hang directly jumps to the eighth level, he is even stronger than him. To the point where the contest is meaningless to him.

?????????? Therefore, Yun Dingweng is still very insightful, taking advantage of the fact that now he is more confident than the Soviet Airways, the fight was first fought, sooner rather than later.

???????? "Predecessors don't worry!" Su Hang waved his hand quickly. The old man completely said that the wind is rain. "Let's talk slowly!"

???????????? "Slowly? When did it slow down?" Yun Dingweng's face suddenly became black when he heard this, feeling that Su Hang was playing with him.

???????????? "Seniors are not in a hurry!" Su Hang just heard me, I have a great opportunity here, and I want to add up with my seniors It’s okay at any time, let’s get this stake first, and it’s not too late! "

???????? "Opportunity?" Yun Dingweng's pair of eyes flashed a strange light. Just now his attention was completely on the pair of walnuts. As for what Su Hang said before, he was at all There is no attention.

???????? Suhang didn't mind, and said things from the beginning, "I got a chance and wanted to go to see it, but that place is too dangerous. I'm going alone. I'm afraid it will be difficult. If you don’t get the chance, you will be killed, but it’s not good, so..."

???????? "So you want to pull me back?" Yun Dingweng raised his eyebrows.

?????? Su Hang laughed aloud, "Seniors said a lot, they should be rich together and rich together!"

???????? "Oh!" Yun Dingweng was undecided, "You talk about, what chance?"

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