Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 4001: smoke!

Familiar breath, what familiar breath? Breath of fate? Su Hang's heart sank slightly, and it was inevitable that his fate had come to this ruin. What contradiction did he have with this man in front of him?

"Under the Soviet Airways, the first time I arrived, I will enter one at the end of school!" Su Air said politely.

"Going to the end of school? I'm afraid it's not the case?" Lord Blood Raven looked cold, and then he seemed to feel something. His eyes burst into infinite shock. "I know, it's the breath of the Hongmeng tree. Hongmeng tree?"

Su Hang groaned in his heart, this guy knows Hongmeng tree?

Yun Dingweng's blinding leaves could cover the realm of Su Hang, but could not hide the breath of Su Hang. At first, Su Hang thought he felt the breath of destiny on his body, but I did not expect that this guy actually You can feel the huge tree in your body.

The eye of Dongxu is so powerful?

"Hahahaha, fortune and fortune, it's really fortune, even if you can't enter the ruins, if you can get the Hongmeng tree, it will be enough for me to reach the ninth level, even higher!"

Lord Blood Crow smiled, his eyes were full of greed, and in the reflection in his eyes, Su Hang was already his dinner!

"Blood King, how dare you!" Yun Ding Weng snorted angrily, and he also expected Su Hang to take him into the ruins!

"Don't I dare?" Lord Blood Raven sneered. "Little ones, let them see how powerful we are!"

In an instant, the crowd of blood crows in the sky screamed, and what he saw was only blood red, mania, and bloodthirsty emotions, which instantly filled the hearts of the people in the array!

If the three of them are facing an enemy, this mortal blood raven array is a formation that can control people's minds. In the formation, the emotions will be guided by the formation. Various negative emotions are superimposed enough to destroy a person's will. The most direct result is madness, killing each other!

Just at the stall just spoke, Lord Blood Raven has instructed his men, and the Blood Raven Array of All Souls has quietly formed, sealing all three of Su Hang in the formation!

Lord Blood Crow suppresses himself. He has that confidence. Even Yun Ding Weng, don't want to escape easily.

However, just when Lord Blood Crow felt everything was in control, he was waiting to destroy Su Hang and took the Hongmeng Tree. Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling haunted it.

Fear, inexplicable fear, as if being stared at by a huge monster, a scalp tingling, a cold air from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot, making its eight feet suddenly flash.


Even the blood crow lord feels fear, not to mention the blood crows under his hand, the blood crow array that just formed broke up instantly, and the group of blood crows almost instinctively wanted to escape, but the extreme fear made them even connected. Wings can't shake.

The blood crow array collapsed instantly, and the emotion that had been triggered by the formation disappeared instantly. The three people's brains recovered a little sober, and they all watched the blood crow lord alertly.

Lord Blood Raven looked even more horrified. However, he soon discovered that the fear did not come from elsewhere, but from the young man in front of him.

Su Hang folded his hands behind his back, with a slight smile on his face, and looked at Lord Blood Raven calmly.

From Su Hang's body, Lord Blood Raven felt the danger, which was a kind of fear that could reach his heart.

"You..." Lord Blood Crow seemed to be strangled by his throat, and looked at Su Hang in shock, thinking, what could this man be? The ninth-rank strong?

Yeah, if it's not a strong man, how can he come here with Yun Ding Weng? If it is not a strong man, how can I make my soul feel trembling? This can also explain why he has such a huge presence.

If this is a ninth-ranked strongman, then he just offended...

Cold sweat had come out of Lord Blood Raven.

At the same time, Su Hang was holding a bead in the hands behind him, and the source of fear seemed to be this bead.

The beads were put away, and the atmosphere of fear and tension disappeared in an instant, but all the blood crows, including the blood crow lord, looked at him with a lingering fear at the moment.

Sure enough, this horror bead given to him by the dragon really has a deterrent effect. This bead has no other effect, it just makes people feel scared and scared.

Because the realm of Suhang was covered by the blind leaves, and Lord Blood Raven felt the danger from Suhang, so he mistaken Suhang for the rank nine.

Fortunately, at least let the Blood Raven Lord be afraid, to be honest, it is not afraid to fight, but it is not necessary to fight, Suhang has to preserve its strength. After all, what is the situation in the ruins, no one can tell.

"Is it possible for you to go for a trip?" Su Hang said lightly. It sounded very calm and peaceful.

However, these words fell in the ears of Lord Bloodcrow, and that was a threat, and the strong threatened the weak.

Blood Crow hesitated for a moment, and already showed some cowardice. Now where do you still think about the hongmeng tree on Suhang? Although it is indeed very tempting, it is still not worth mentioning compared to his own life.


When the blood crow was hesitating whether to leave, suddenly, a white smoke did not know where to jump from, and unconsciously wrapped the surrounding in a light white mist.

The white smoke was very smoked, and there was a smell of smoked bacon. I didn't feel it at first smell, but when I smelled two more times, I immediately coughed and felt dizzy.

"No, it's coming!"

Before the Suhang responded, the blood crow made a big noise, and then many blood crows fell from the sky, and they clapped together. After a few screams, the flesh turned into thick smoke and quickly melted with the surrounding smoke. As a whole, the whole is like vaporization.

"Smoked, it's smoked!"

Yun Ding Weng screamed His face changed greatly, and Su Hang's heart jumped when he heard this, smoke? Is that the existence of the ninth order Yun Ding Weng said before?

Ninth order, no wonder you are facing an enemy!

This smoke is weird and has a very strong corrosiveness. Su Hang can only use his skill to resist, but even if he holds his breath, the sky of smoke can still invade his body and consume his skills!

The Bing Ji and Yun Ding Weng next to them are obviously not much better! Those blood crows, under the dominance of the realm, could not resist it for a long time, and landed and turned into smoke.

At this moment, the smoke separated, and from the hazy, came out a figure, that is a short, small monster that looks like a raccoon walking upright.

He was only three feet tall, holding a smoky smoky gun in his hand, but walked upside down, living like a drunk.

Mingli's eyes glanced over, and the stranger took the squirt gun and took a sip at the mouthpiece. The countless smoke around it instantly reversed, and all the smoke guns were sucked back into it, and then was sucked in by the stranger.

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