Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3103: Among the ruins!


The two gates were rumbling apart, as if opening the gate of a family courtyard. The infinite vastness of the air poured out, making Su Hang feel a little bloody, and the door was dark and terror like an abyss.


Before Su Hang was hesitated, a few figures flashed beside him. Su Hang didn't react. Looking back, except Bing Ji, there was only Bing Ji standing behind him!

"Are these guys all dogs?" Su Hang couldn't help but scolded, but he was so anxious, even if the dogs weren't so anxious!

Bing Ji smiled bitterly, "It seems that we are doing wedding dresses for others this time!"

Su Hang scolded and shook his head when he heard Bing Ji's words, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of anyone, I'm not afraid of anyone. Let's go and let's try our luck!"

To speak of blessings, Su Hang has come along the road with fate. The cultivation is the destiny, and it depends on the blessings. He should be his own. He is not afraid of being robbed of the character by others.

Bing Ji nodded, although Yun Ding Wong and several of them grabbed the first move, it does not mean that they could grab the fortune first. After all, to discuss the first move, Donghua Great Emperor they are the first movers, and people have already entered. pass.

The two joined hands and walked into the door. The moment the two entered the door, the outer door slammed shut, but when the two looked back, the door stood still there, and the relic token flew out of the door and spun to Su. Hang hands.

Su Hang put away the tokens and was not afraid of going out for a while.

It was dark all around. Su Hang used his third eye to barely pierce Hongmeng. He saw some rough outlines. The space was infinite.

I smoked the three of them. I have long disappeared and I don’t know where to go. Su Hang and Bing Ji glanced at each other. Both of them are not strong. It can be said that the five people who entered the ruins exist this time. Su Hang and Bing Ji are at the bottom and are at a disadvantage.

With the armor of fate, although Su Hang can exert the strength of Tier VIII, it consumes a lot of energy. After all, it is not a real Tier VIII.

Therefore, it is impossible for the two to disperse their actions. Su Hang looked around. As far as darkness is concerned, there is no edge at all. The breath here makes him feel a little oppressed. The energy in the space is a bit similar to the power of the void. , And somewhat similar to the power of chaos, but there is a vaguely stronger than these two forces!

It is similar to the power spit out by the Hongmeng tree in his body, but the purity is much worse than the power spit out by the Hongmeng tree.

Could it be Hongmengqi? Legend has it that this relic was left over from the Hongmeng period, and it is full of undifferentiated Hongmeng spirit. It seems not surprising.

But what Su Hang is looking for is not Hongmeng's spirit!

For the essence of Hongmeng, Su Hang doesn’t know what the essence of Hongmeng looks like, but according to the information he got, this thing has some very great benefits for the powerful people who dominate the realm.

At this time, Su Hang felt that the bloodline was a little tumbling. In the sea of ​​qi, the branches and leaves of Hongmeng unfolded. Like a hungry child, he saw a big meal and began to **** greedily. Su Hang did not deliberately subsidize energy support consumption. 'S inventory is simply not resistant for long.

Just when Suhang wanted to suppress the riot in the sea of ​​air, Hongmengshu exhaled a force, and after traveling through Suhang's fortune-telling, Suhang instantly felt that all his pores were open.

The air of Hongmeng floating in the space quickly gathered towards Suhang, was sucked through every pore of Suhang’s body, and flowed into Qihai along the veins of the nine great gods, and was quickly absorbed by the Hongmeng tree.

Soon Su Hang felt a subtle balance between the energy in his body and the space, and the vague sense of oppression that this relic space had on him was instantly swept away.

Flying birds into the forest, pond fish return to the deep, I am afraid that is how it feels now. Su Hangchang breathed a sigh of relief, never thought that Hongmengshu also has such effects.

The heart sank into the sea of ​​qi, Su Hang looked at the greedy appearance of Hongmeng Tree, and its growth rate was faster than the outside. I don’t know how much. It seems that this space is the most suitable place for Hongmeng Tree to grow. If you can find a few rays of Hongmeng Jingqi Give it, it should grow faster.

"What's wrong with you?" Bing Ji asked Su Hang when she saw that Su Hang's face was different.

Su Hang recovered, "Did you feel sick!"

Bingji said, "The discomfort caused by the difference in energy, here is the remnants of the Hongmeng period, which is full of the power of the original Hongmeng. Of course there will be discomfort at the beginning, but after a period of time, after the body is familiar with this power, this This sense of discomfort will naturally reduce a lot!"

This is like a person living on the coast, suddenly on the plateau, there must be altitude sickness!

Bingji is also considered to be an older generation in the void, and is still familiar with the power of Hongmeng, at least there will not be such a big reaction.

Su Hang grabbed Bing Ji's hand, a force penetrated, and instantly walked Bing Ji's body, Bing Ji suddenly felt his discomfort subsided!

She turned her face and looked at Su Hang a little strangely. Bing Ji's face was a little bit shy. She was still worried about Su Hang's discomfort. It seemed that this guy didn't need to worry about himself. This guy's hidden ability was really not Less.

Slightly earned, without breaking his hand, Bing Ji simply gave up and gave Su Hang a glance, "There may be danger in this, be careful!"

Su Hang nodded, pulled Bing Ji, picked a direction, and explored the depths of this space.

Yun Dingweng and several of them have long lost their directions. There is a lot of space in them. Su Hang does not seek to meet them, nor does it want to meet them. After all, who knows whether these existences will strike him for their benefit~www There are five people in the room who can be trusted, except Bing Ji!

I don't know if there is a great life in this relic space? If there is, the strength will not be too low. It is just that the two have traveled along the way. For several hours, they have not noticed the slightest breath of life, nor have they encountered the slightest danger.

"How can I feel like I'm back in the magical machine box?" Bingji frowned. This place was empty everywhere, except for empty or empty, which made her feel that she entered the world of the box. At first she entered the magic machine. The case is basically the same.

Su Hang doesn't care, but what is certain is that this is not the world of the God Box. After all, the ruins are full of monstrous spirit, and he has a token in hand and should be able to go out at any time.

"Look, there!" At this time, Su Hang's eyes looked through Hongmeng, and an ancient building beyond tens of trillions of light in front attracted his attention.

At the same time, Bing Ji's eyes flashed a few strands of ice crystals, and also saw the distant existence, retracted his gaze, the two looked at each other, and his figure disappeared instantly.

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