Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3105: Runaway!

Su Hang greeted Yun Dingweng and immediately set foot on the second level. On this second level, the concentration of Hongmeng Qi increased significantly, and Suhang’s discomfort became stronger.

It seems that as Yun Dingweng said, the more upward, the greater the difficulty, the stronger the spirit of Hongmeng in those stone carvings.

In this second stage, Su Hang did not trigger any stone carving approval, but Bing Ji, and triggered four more, but Bing Ji did not accept it.

With a bitter smile, he went up to the third floor. Since the higher the better, there was no need to stay here. On the third and fourth floors, the two people kept going up until the tenth floor and stopped because, Su Hang felt that she could not stand it!

"Isn't it alright?" Bing Ji, aware of Su Hang's hard work, looked at Su Hang with concern. This ladder, the more difficult it is on each level, the spiritual pressure of Hongmeng Qi is even more terrifying than the pressure of Mount Tai. One layer and two layers can bear, but ten layers at once, this sudden increase in spiritual pressure, Rao is the sixth-order state of Su Hang, can't bear it.

The so-called spiritual pressure is that the energy concentration and level in the body are different from the outside. This is like putting a balloon into the water and pressing it into the water. The pressure of the four sides is enough to explode the balloon.

The balloon is the flesh, and the gas in the balloon is the energy in the flesh. Of course, ordinary spiritual pressure, the monk's flesh can bear it. The spiritual pressure in the flesh is stronger than the outside world. It is better to say that at least your flesh is also strong enough, not afraid of being pressured by the spirit. Blast the air and the body, but if the external pressure is stronger than the physical pressure, it will be troublesome.

If the spirit in the flesh is weak, the flesh must be weak enough to withstand the stronger spirit pressure of the outside world. If it is not particularly disparate, it is okay, but if it is too disparate, then it will be in trouble. Enough to destroy the flesh.

At this time, Su Hang felt that the endurance of his physical body was about to reach its limit, and then he walked upward, but he didn't know if he could bear it.

It was Bingji. She had a higher level than Su Hang. Although she was also suppressed by the spirit pressure, she was still far from her limit.

Su Hang sat directly cross-legged and closed her eyes to adjust her breath. Bing Ji did not continue to go up. At this time, on the tenth floor, there were six stone carvings responding, and six Hongmeng spirits flew towards Bing Ji. But they were all rejected by Bing Ji.

Can Bing Ji be indifferent? That was Hongmeng Jingqi, how could it not be tempted, but, as I said, the higher the better.

Liu Hongmeng's spirit may lift Bing Ji's limit, so that she can reach the eighth or ninth level faster in her later practice, but she has not reached the limit yet, of course, she wants more and more So pure!

Su Hang closed his eyes and his mind sank into the sea of ​​air. His physical body was suppressed by the Hongmeng Spirit, and it was almost at its limit. If this spiritual pressure is a little stronger, maybe his physical body is in danger of collapse!

A total of one hundred steps, I didn't expect that I only walked ten floors, and I couldn't bear it anymore. Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly. Compared with the real strong man, he was really too bad!

However, the Soviet Union will not give up on this, and finally came in here, did not get a little benefit, it is impossible to run for nothing?

He still has the cards. One is the physical body of fate. With the strength of the physical body of fate, it should be enough for him to climb a few more layers. But what is the use of climbing a few more layers? These stone carvings do not recognize you, are they not all in vain?

Even if you have reached the summit directly, without Hongmeng's spirit to recognize you, that is equal to zero.

Su Hang doesn't have much hope for the body of fate. After all, the body will consume a great deal. What he wants to rely on now is the huge tree in his body.

The Hongmeng tree has grown to a height of more than a foot, and it seems to be a small tree. Feeling the spiritual pressure of the outside world, the branches of the Hongmeng tree soon spread out again, and the leaves began to greedily absorb Su Hangqi. At the same time, another wave of energy walked through Su Hang's body, and every pore around the body was stretched out.

The surrounding spirits suddenly found vents of catharsis, and penetrated insanely from every pore in the body of Su Hang. The speed was simply terrifying, and a black hole vortex was formed around the body of Su Hang.

Bing Ji was shocked and had to hide.

Under the influence of huge spiritual pressure, Hongmeng Qi was crazy pressed into the body of Suhang, and reached the Qihai through the nine great gods, then was greedily absorbed by the Hongmeng tree, and the Hongmeng tree was growing rapidly. The energy transformed by it quickly replaced the energy in Su Hang's body, and used higher level and more pure energy to fill the deficiencies of spiritual pressure.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the pressure has gradually decreased, and the speed of the madness of Hongmeng’s madness has also slowed down. The spiritual pressure inside and outside the body has finally reached a balance, as if it has been integrated into this world. .


Su Su suddenly felt as if a certain string had been toggled in his body, as if inexplicably inductive.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Su Hang was stunned by the scenes in front of him. On the tenth level, hundreds of thousands of stone carvings moved, and countless Hongmeng spirits rose into the sky.


Hundreds and thousands of Hongmeng spirits, like a group of solitary souls and hungry ghosts, rushed towards Su Hang and immediately surrounded Su Hang.

Su Hang was shocked, this battle...

On the other side, Bing Ji was shocked. Even her, it only attracted the approval of the six stone carvings. Now, Su Hang has so much so that almost all the tenth floor stone carvings are rioted!

This is too the **** did he do? With so many great spirits, if you let Su Hang get it all, you should be able to go up a few steps at random, even to the ninth level!

At the same time, this scene was also sensed by the blood crow lord and smoker above. At this time, the blood crow lord has reached level 32, and smoked to level 58. Both of them have vaguely reached the limit.

Xun had just rejected the twenty-eighth order of the twenty-eighth Hongmeng Jingqi, and when he was really preparing to go to the next level, he suddenly felt the movement below.

This movement is not small, it seems to be from the tenth floor, but unfortunately Xun simply can't see what happened on the tenth floor.

Yun Dingweng has been eliminated, blood crows are probably more than thirty, even if smoked can be thought of with toes, it must be either Suhang or Bingji, but he is more inclined to Suhang to do this.

However, only the tenth floor, even if he put the tenth layer of Hongmeng essence down, no matter how, the Hongmeng spirit there, regardless of quality and purity, and the 58th floor where he is now at all Comparable.

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