Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3107: The blood raven that couldn't be more furious!

????The eight great spirits of Hongmeng are definitely more refined than the ones below. Presumably, they can also help them break through the realm as soon as possible and advance to the ninth-level dominance.

???? This is already a great harvest, this trip is worthwhile, and the blood crow lord is now ready to accept these eight great spirits.

However, at this time, the surrounding stone sculptures suddenly shuddered, and countless Hongmeng spirits soared into the sky, gathering directly to a place.

?????????? Even the eight Hongmeng spirits that hovered around the Lord of Blood Ravens directly abandoned him, and flew to the distance with the Hongmeng spirits around.

???????? In that scene, the Blood Raven Lord was taken aback and almost sat down on the ground.

??????what happened? The blood crow lord's face was dumbfounded, and he quickly followed, but he wanted to see what was going on.

??????"It's him?"

?????? When the blood crow arrived, it happened to see Su Hang's big wave of waving away the countless scenes of Hongmeng spirit.

?????? The blood crow's mentality has exploded. Why did this kid come up at this time? Are they actually able to get here? What's more, it has attracted so many stone carving approvals? The most important thing is that this guy also robbed his own rice bowl, the eight Hongmeng spirits must have been eaten into his mouth, but he was robbed by this guy. Throw it away. Isn't this something special?

?????????? "Boy! You are looking for death..."

???????? Blood Crow screamed and flew straight past.

?????????? Su Hang just got used to the spirit pressure, breathed out to Bing Ji, and suddenly heard the blood of Lord Blood Raven, he was startled, turned around, but did not see Lord Blood Raven Body shape.

?????????? Bing Ji pointed at the foot of Su Hang. Su Hang looked down and almost didn't smile. How could this blood crow lord become a sparrow? That body is a bit smaller than the sparrow.

???????????? The sparrow is small, but the body is not weak at all, the blood crow lord glared at Suhang.

?????????? "It turns out to be Lord Blood Raven, are you here?" Su Hang arched his hand at Lord Blood Raven.

?????????? Blood Crow Lord stared at Su Hang, a pair of hollow eyes seemed to be able to pierce Su Hang, and soon his eyes became very hot, "I know, it is Hongmeng tree, Haha, it’s the Hongmeng tree that helps you balance the spiritual pressure here. Why didn’t I think that the Hongmeng tree has such a wonderful use, boy, give me the Hongmeng tree, otherwise, die!”

???????? threatened, the blood crow lord became very crazy, but its size is too small, the claws and teeth seem a little funny.

???????? Bing Ji immediately took a precautionary posture, after all, the other party is an eighth order existence, far beyond her and Su Hang.

???????? At this time, Su Hang looked up and down at Blood Raven Lord and smiled, "Lord Blood Raven, aren't you kidding me?"

?????????? "Hmm, kid, do you think I'm joking with you? Hand over the Hongmeng tree, otherwise, you both have to die here!" Lord Blood Raven said.

???????????? Su Hang laughed more exaggeratedly, "You are not even standing now, and you want to start with us? Lord Blood Crow, you are afraid you have not figured out what you are doing now. Right?"

???????????? The blood crow lord’s face instantly turned green. Indeed, his current situation is completely bluff. The spiritual pressure here has pressed him to work hard. Where else? It is good to have the power to fight with Suhang and be able to protect yourself!

???????????????? Su Hang has now adapted to the spiritual pressure here, and his actions are not hindered at all, even if he cannot kill the Blood Raven Lord, at least he will not be defeated.

???????????? Blood Crow Lord was furious, "Boy, you don’t believe I can kill you!"

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "I don't know if you can kill me, I just know that we are going now, if you want to kill me, keep up, if you don't want, then bye bye !"

?????????? The voice fell, Su Hang had nothing to say, took Bing Ji to the 40th floor, and he didn't like to take charge of Blood Crow Lord at all.

?????????? "Damn it, boy, I'm going to kill you!" The 39th order came with the roar of the Blood Raven Lord, as if there were blood and deep enmity.

???????????? However, people have already left, it is no use no matter how loud it is and how angry it is.

???????????? He wanted to catch up with the 40th tier, killing Su Hang, but the 39th tier has reached his limit, and the next tier is absolutely unbearable, At that time, let alone killing Su Hang, I am afraid that it is hard to guarantee.

???????? hate this kid, actually spoiled his chance, as long as I knew, should accept those monstrous spirits earlier, these monstrous spirits will only recognize the Lord once, if you do not accept them, they are also natural I won't care about you anymore!

???????? Blood lord Lord was depressed and angry. With anger, he took the stone sculptures around and exhaled. I thought that since you don’t approve of me, I ruined the stone sculptures. Isn't it me?

???????? When the next blood arrow spit at one of the stone carvings!

?????? Buzz!

???????? The stone carving was not destroyed as expected. Instead, a ripple struck. The ripple struck the blood crow lord and directly rushed the blood crow lord to the stone steps.

?????????? The power of the rules can't be resisted at all. Lord Blood Raven hasn't uttered a **** yet, and at this time, he has fallen off the stone steps.

???????? "Hum!" There was a cold hum next to it.

???????? Lord Blood Crow was dizzy and turned his head, but Yun Dingweng was staring at him fiercely.

???????? "Huh, glaring at me to do? You are not my pit, have the ability to stare away!" Lord Blood Crow cursed angrily.

???????? Yun Dingweng's face shook slightly, and immediately stroked the beard, "Huh, it's so fierce to get cheap, how can it be so fierce? Blood Crow, how many layers have you got? How much benefit did you get?" "

???????? "Huh, the benefits of fart!" Yun Ding Weng did not say okay, this said, the blood crow immediately exploded, telling Yun Ding Weng his own experience again.

After hearing this, Yun Dingweng not only did not have sympathy, but laughed aloud, "I'm already miserable when I was, I can't think of it, blood crow, you are more pitiful than me! "

???????? Fortunately, the depression before Yun Ding Weng was all swept away at this but it was extremely happy.

???????? At least he still got a lot of Hongmeng Jingqi in the first order!

?????? This kind of psychology is really too bad, just like a student, who originally thought that he was the last one, was depressed, but could not think of the last one who has another person. The child is balanced!

?????????? "Yun Ding, are you looking for death?" Seeing Yun Ding Weng mocked himself, the blood crow was even more furious.

?????? Yun Ding Weng finally couldn't help laughing, "What's the use of you being angry with me, have the ability to find Su Hang!"

???????? Blood Crow looked up at the stone steps, the rules had shielded it out, and it was impossible for it to go up a second time.

???????? Want it to do with Yun Ding Weng, that's white crap, Yun Ding Weng and it are all eighth order existence, he has just climbed the ladder, consume a lot, it is definitely not Yun Ding Weng to fight His opponent, after a short period of sulking, said fiercely, "When the boy comes down, I will kill him. At that time, Yunding, you must not interfere, otherwise, you will look good!"

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