Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3109: Meet!

???????? The Hongmeng tree is like eating a big bite of fertilizer, and its head is madly rising up, growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, just like a dough being foamed.


???????? I don't know how long it took, Suhang finally opened his eyes again, sweating on his forehead, with a bitter smile on his face.

Almost all the stone sculptures around were destroyed. Without Hongmeng's spirit, they would have no meaning of existence. They were instantly turned into piles of rubble, and the scene was dilapidated.

???????? Thousands of Hongmeng's spirits were swallowed by Hongmeng tree, but he didn't get any benefits himself.

???????? It's a Hongmeng tree, reaching a height of one hundred feet, it looks like a towering tree.

???????? It's just that the benefits have been given by Hongmengshu, will you not be driven down like this? Stopped here?

???????? You have to know that you have never accepted these Hongmeng spirits, they are all caused by Hongmeng trees, and have nothing to do with yourself!

???????? Looking up and looking up, Su Hang gritted his teeth. Since he didn’t accept these great spirits, shouldn’t he break the rules?

???????? Immediately, Su Air tried to reach the sixty-first level!

???????? Sixty-one, actually really boarded, although the sudden increase in spiritual pressure made him feel uncomfortable, but at this moment, Su Hang can only be described with excitement in his heart, he thought After Hongmengshu absorbed the spirits of Hongmeng, he was no longer qualified to continue upward, but the reality seems to be otherwise.

?????????? He can also step on the 61st floor, that proves that the Hongmeng tree absorbs Hongmeng's essence, and his acceptance of Hongmeng's essence is basically two different things!

?????????? Is this still ecstatic with Su Hang? Doesn't it mean that the Hongmeng spirit on the hundred-level stone ladder can be taken into his pocket?

?????????????? Su Hang just wanted to laugh three times at the moment, and at the same time there was a little regret in my heart, I knew it was like this, then, those monstrous spirits below the 60th floor Qi, it should be sucked together, it should not suppress the urge of Hongmeng tree, otherwise, Hongmeng tree now only fears that it can grow to hundreds of feet huge!

It’s a pity that it’s a pity that it’s not too late to know, he can still bear the spiritual pressure of the 61st floor, but Su Hang does not intend to go directly to the 62nd floor, because it is too wasteful, Now, every level of Hongmeng Jingqi, he wants it.

???????? As long as the Hongmeng tree helps him balance the spiritual pressure and integrates with this layer of space environment, then he will be able to obtain most of the stone carving approval, and then the Hongmeng tree will take them all Absorb, so carpet upwards.


???????? Level 79!

?????????? "Huh, Huh..." smoked a cigarette in his mouth and kept swallowing clouds and mists. With this natal ability, he could assimilate the surrounding monstrous qi, Incorporate it into the flesh to gradually adapt to the horrible spiritual pressure around.

?????? It was also because of this natal ability that Xun actually came to the terrifying seventy-nineth level, but from time to time there were earth-shattering movements that made him feel a little flustered.

????????At this time, although he has the ability to reconcile his life, he has already been unable to make ends meet. Standing there, the double-struggle battle has already faltered. His speed of assimilation can be said to be really a salary .

?????????????? Nearly a hundred Hongmeng spirits were attracted by him, all circling around him, just waiting for him to accept, but, at this moment, it did not mean to accept them, Because he has a belief that he must climb to the top.

?????? This is already level 79, and there is the final level 21. Although it is very difficult, for him now, every level is very difficult, but, smoking on his own life ability Very confident.

???????? Although the pressure was so painful that he couldn’t even stand up, he could only choose to lie on the ground, but he didn’t stop swallowing the clouds and spitting out the mist, and sucked back the spitting smoke. One breath can make him feel better.

???????? Despite the torment like hell, as long as he resists, his body will only become more and more adapted. As long as he has fully adapted to the spiritual pressure here, he can continue to go up. The only thing is to spend a little more time.

?????????? Time, for Xun, that is the least valuable thing!

?????????? Therefore, on the seventy-ninth level stone steps, you can see a monster that looks like a human, a bear and a bear, lying on the ground in a large shape, with a cigarette in your mouth, Breathing smoke constantly, the scene is quite funny.

???????? The many Hongmeng spirits circled around Xun have been completely smoked to ignore, but Xun has no choice to refuse to accept them for the time being, he still wants to wait, in case he really can’t bear it in the end Let's talk again, after all, we can't break the back road.

?????? Xun is a ninth-order strongman. Since he came here, of course, he wants to get the most benefit. He is rushing to break through the ninth-order, the origin of the Dao Dao. He must step on the highest-level, See what's in the fairy altar, can it really lead to the fairy as legend says!

???????? For this, Xun was full of expectation. Although he was almost unable to stand up, the perseverance in his eyes was not reduced at all, but became more and more prosperous.


???????? "Boom!"

???????? The Quartet was moving like an 800 earthquake. It was originally closed eyes to recuperate, relying on its natal ability, it took me not many days to finally adapt to the spiritual pressure here, but, yet Was awakened by this shock.

?????? One stone carving shattered, and a great deal of vigour and spirit flew directly to the right, making the sound scary.

?????????? I was shocked, I didn't know what happened. The first reaction when I came back to me was that the people below must have caught up.

?????????? You have to know that such terrible movements often came from below, and it must have been triggered by someone later.

?????????? It's just, who is this later person? Blood Crow? Can he have this skill? If he has this skill, he should have walked ahead of himself!

?????????? Yun Ding Weng has been eliminated long ago, and it is even less likely that he is the young man and the woman!

?????????????? This is the seventy-ninth floor, those two people are only six or seven, can you get here?

???????? Brows lightly Somehow, the young man's figure emerged involuntarily in the smoked mind.

???????? Standing up reluctantly, walked to the place where the movement came, and not long after, a figure appeared in his field of vision, proving his guess.

???????? I saw Su Hang sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the humongous men and women from all corners were constantly drilling into the body of Su Hang. The scene was really spectacular.

?????? "So it turns out!"

???????? A bit of heat flashed in the smoked eyes, and even the blood crow lord could see the clues, how could he not see it?

???????? At this time, Su Hang suddenly felt a kind of creepy, immediately opened his eyes, opened with a fierce glance, just to meet the smoked eyes!

?????????? Shivering, just a glance, so Su Hang felt scalp numbness, the hair has exploded in general, from the smoked eyes, he felt bad intentions!

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