Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3112: Hongmeng tree results!

?????????? Suhang felt a little depressed. Look closely. This should be an altar, but I don’t know how many years this altar has been, nor how long has no one been here, so much so Ruinous!

???????? If there is no spider in this place, otherwise, I am afraid that the spider web is already covered!

???????????????? Wandering around the square, nothing was found, Suhang was crying helplessly, it was impossible that someone had come before, and had taken it here Opportunity?

???????????? I am afraid this is really the case. I am afraid that these stone pillars were pushed by the people who came before. The Soviet airlines can’t help but defamation. These people are really. Since they have taken the treasure, they are still smashing people’s stalls. what happened?

???????????? Returning to power, the Soviet Union lifted the collapsed pillars back to their place.

?????????????? The dilapidated altar was cleaned up. It looked like it was finally. Su Hang clapped his hands and his eyes fell on the futon in the middle of the altar.

?????????? Picked it up, shook the dust, and dropped it on the ground again. Su Hang exhaled and sat up.


???????? When Su Hang sat up, he instantly felt something strange, a warm energy came from the futon, and subconsciously, Su Hang thought of it, but the futon seemed to be a huge one. The same suction power, so that Su Hang can not get up at all, sucked on the ground.

??????????what happened? Su Hang was shocked, and then a purple light rose from the futon, immediately wrapping Su Hang.

?????????? Innumerable purple qi entangled, vigorously drilled into Suhang's body, Suhang couldn't even stop it.

?????????? Hongmeng Jingqi?

???????? Along the way, Su Hang is very familiar with Hongmeng Qi, and naturally recognized these purple air masses in an instant. It is Hongmeng Qi, and its purity, but Better than everything he had seen before.

?????????? "Buzz..."

???????? It was suddenly enlightened, almost in an instant, the realm broke through the seventh-order mark and directly broke through the dominance of the eighth-order dominance.

?????????? The eighth order dominates the realm and climbs a stone staircase, from the sixth to the seventh order, and from the seventh to the eighth order, which is too fast.

???????? At this speed, is it possible to go straight to the ninth level? Or, to lead to the realm above the ninth level, to create the realm?

???????? Su Hang couldn't help looking forward to ecstasy, this is the creation of the fairy altar? Directly to the fairy? Is it to reach the original state?

???????? Yeah, to reach the founding state, with your own lead, is it not the way to the fairy?

?????????? At the moment, Su Hang quickly sat cross-legged, running the ancestral scriptures, pulling the Hongmeng Qi to refine the flesh, and at the same time realized the non-existent Tao contained in it.

?????????? Su Hang can obviously feel that his realm is constantly rising, this feeling is too wonderful, I hope to practice, just like an old cow pulling a broken car, how fast the cow walks , How fast the car will go, but now, Suhang feels like there is a force behind him pushing him non-stop forward, it doesn’t even need him to exert some force.

?????????? So, after half a month, the purple gas in the futon seemed to have been absorbed, and the skin on Su Hang's face gradually recovered from the original color from purple.

?????????? Su Hang opened his eyes, bursting into his eyes, the sharp breath pressed to the four sides, the surrounding space was crackled and thunder rolled.

?????????? For a long time, the breath returned to calm, Su Hang spit out a sword, with a little regret on his face, originally thought that he could at least break through to the ninth-order dominance, but the fact was a bit cold, only arrived At the peak of the eighth order, the gathering of the ninth order is still so close.

??????However, this is a goal, but I don’t know when to kick it. Su Hang took a deep breath and felt a little depressed. Most of Hongmeng’s essence was sucked away by the Hongmeng tree and left to him His benefits are few and far between.

???????? Otherwise, let alone the ninth-order dominance, I am afraid that it is not impossible to go further!

???????? Standing up, the futon under the **** no longer knew when it had turned to ashes, leaving only a pile of residue in place.

?????????? Unfortunately, just such a futon, do not know what is left!

???????? Suhang checked the situation in the body. In the air, the Hongmeng tree had grown to at least 100,000 feet, and the branches and leaves were huge.

???????? The branches and leaves are vomiting, and the energy in the Qihai has been almost completely converted into the monstrosity. It is vaguely visible that between the branches and leaves that cover the sky, there are several fruits wrapped in purple air!

?????? Actually returned?

?????? Su Hang is a little surprised, there is a faint feeling, this fruit is not simple, I am afraid it is related to his breakthrough breakthrough in the future!

???????? Counted a total of nine, but they are still very green, and none of them are mature.

???????? Looks like it has to be cultivated!

???????? Suffocated, Su Hang withdrew his mind and became familiar with his current strength.

?????? The eighth-order dominance should not be afraid of the threat of Yun Dingweng and Blood Raven Lord. As for smoking, Su Hang secretly weighed himself. If he uses the body of fate, he should have no problem.

???????? came to the stone steps, Su Hang looked down, at this time, he was at a high level, can see the situation of each stone step below.

?????? What surprised Suhang was that Xun was still going up, and had already reached the 93rd level.

???????? You know, almost all the stone carvings above the stone steps were collected by the Soviet Airways, and the rest are only a few. The smokers actually went up. Is it so persistent?

?????????? Suhang feels a little pitiful to him, what is he trying to do, would he want to come up and find himself desperately? To **** the so-called character from yourself?


?????????? Su Hang shook his head, went directly to the 59th floor, called Bing Ji, ready to leave!

?????????? On the fifty-ninth floor, Bing Ji meditated for a month, and actually broke from the seventh to eighth level. Those Hongmeng spirits really gained a lot for her, and Hongmeng spirits expanded. What is the limit, obviously, the eighth order dominance is not the limit of Bing how? Are you up? "Bing Ji saw Su Hang and asked immediately.

Su Hang nodded slightly, this fifty-ninth level spiritual pressure still exists, but for Su Hang, they are like nothing!

"Leave here first and say it again!" Su Hang said, Bing Ji is now better than breaking through the eighth order realm, and it is better to leave safely.

The token cannot be used above the stone steps, otherwise, Su Hang will take out the token at this time and take Bing Ji away quietly, which still controls the lives of others.

Right now you can only leave the stone steps.

However, Su Hang knew in his heart that there would be a battle in a moment, and it might still be a fierce battle!

Without waiting for Su Hang to remind Bing Ji, Bing Ji reminded Su Hang first, the two interlocked their fingers, as if they were ready to fight. On the contrary, if it is just a blood crow lord, but if the smoker also comes in, it will not be very good!

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