Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3125: Ochigaya!

"Brother Ye should be in Deciduous Valley, but it's only half a day away!" For Ye Feifan, Bing Ji still knows more.


  Su Hang nodded slightly, "Wonder Demon Banquet did not see him, presumably in hidden cultivation, hope not to disturb him to practice!"


   "The two of you can be faster, otherwise, I'm just afraid of Yun Lang..." Yun Dingweng was very anxious, anyway Yun Lang was his fellow brother!


  Su Hang waved his hand, "I and Bingji went to the Fallen Leaf Valley, you go to Paiyun Cave to see the situation yourself!"


  Yun Ding Weng heard the words and shook, letting him go to Paiyun Cave alone to face the Heavenly Heirs?


However, Yun Dingweng nodded and agreed. Although he is a little uncertain, Yun Lang is his younger brother. In this matter, his position is still very clear. Even if he can’t do anything, delay the time. It should still be possible!


   I only hope that Su Hang and Bing Ji can come early, don't let him dove!




Ye Feifan didn’t have much contact with this person, and he wasn’t very familiar with it. However, Bing Ji and Xiao Wang were very respectful of them, aside from their strength, at least Ye Feifan should not be a human being. Big question.


But that's how others feel about him. Su Hang and Ye Feifan don't have much contact. What kind of person is he? Su Hang doesn't dare to pack tickets. He can only say that he tried his best to invite him. If he refuses to shoot, then it depends on whether Yun Lang's face is big enough!


Deciduous Valley is not far from Yunding Mountain, but it is a great spiritual realm transformed by Ye Feifan's supernatural powers. Unlike the darkness, void, and nothingness in the void, there are mountains and water in this deciduous valley spiritual realm. There are flowers and grass, rare and elegant.


   This had to make Su Hang wonder if Ye Feifan had ever lived in the chaotic world, because such a scene is only available in the chaotic world. Most of the void is empty. Where is such a scene?


Step into the spiritual realm and look around. This is a valley, the water flowing in the valley is quiet and deep, and the eyes are a piece of flaming phoenix tree. The leaves are red, like a flame that has been burning for a long time, reflecting the mountains and the eyes .


   The phoenix tree is the ancestral tree of the phoenix sycamore. It is very rare in the chaotic world, but here, it is full of mountains!


The ground is covered with fallen leaves, and a thick layer covers the road into the valley. These flamingo leaves, for some low-level monks, can be rare alchemy alchemy materials. If you let some low-level monks Seeing that, I am afraid it will be directly crazy.


   Of course, the low-level Su Air said is not Jindan Realm or Yuanying Realm. For the current Su Hang, as long as it is below Dadao Realm, it can be called low-level.


   The phoenix leaves are indeed valuable, but they can also be scored by anyone. In the eyes of Su Hang and other masters of the realm, they are no different from ordinary leaves!


   "Large place, don't clean it, this senior Ye doesn't seem to like cleanliness very much!" Looking at the fallen leaves all over the place, Su Hang was joking!


   Bing Ji gave Su Hang a glance, "It's not good to say bad things behind people's backs, we are here to ask for help, let Brother Ye hear it, it's not good!"


   Bingji was very cautious. She really respected Ye Feifan. When she was in the box space, Ye Feifan, the big brother, took great care of them.


  Su Hang smiled, just kidding, why should he be so serious?


   At this moment, I saw the woods moving in front, like two doors, separated to the sides, revealing a wide avenue!


   A room is not big, it is not small, it is not magnificent, and it is not that a simple courtyard appears at the end of the avenue!


   "Oh, Su brothers are right!" At this time, a voice sounded, and an old man in white with long beard fluttered out of the courtyard and greeted him!


  Who is Ye Feifan?


  Khan, it was true that the length of the person behind him could not be said, Su Hang was a little embarrassed, he hurriedly bowed his hands to salute, "I haven't seen you for a long time, please don't come, Ye?


Ye Feifan smiled and looked up and down at Su Hang. "I am still the same, but you two seem to have a good chance, especially you, Brother Su, if you read it right, you should Isn't it far from the ninth order?"


   "Seniors are really smart eyes!" Su Hang did not cover up. After all, in front of this kind of existence, he could not cover up.


   Ye Feifan was very surprised. Bingji had advanced to two levels, but he could still accept it. However, Suhang went from second to eighth level, which made him not only surprised, but also shocked.


   I want to think that during this time, Su Hang has encountered a great opportunity. He can even feel the faint momentum of Su Hang's body, which is only a half step away from the ninth order!


  Ye Feifan waved his hand and smiled bitterly, "I am already old, I have to serve the old, the brothers Su are talented, and it will not be long before there will be a day to come!"


   "Brother Su also doesn't call me a senior, your husband and wife are one, Bing Ji calls me a brother, you can also be so worthy, otherwise it would not mess up your generation!"


   Ye Feifan said something very pleasantly, and Su Hang was not a stubborn person. "That younger brother was offended. Brother Ye, I and Bing Ji and I were unsolicited this time. We took the liberty to find you, actually..."


  The words were not finished yet, Ye Feifan had interrupted them, "I have known your intention, but for Yunlang?"


   Su Hang and Bing Ji were a little surprised, Bing Ji was stunned, "Brother Ye, how do you know?"


   Ye Feifan stroked his beard and pointed sideways to the small courtyard behind him, "He is here with me, let's talk in the courtyard!"


here? Yunlang is here?


   looked at each other, even more surprised, and didn't come back for a long time.




  Small the small hall, Su Hang looked at the cloud with authentic tea in front of him, and felt a little messy.


   He and Bingji were also worried that Yun Lang would be knocked down in Paiyun Grotto by Tian He San Lao. Baba ran to find Ye Feifan for help, but he didn't want to, Yun Lang was hiding here at ease!


   "What the **** is going on here? Brother Yun, why are you here?" Since they all talked to Ye Feifan's peers, naturally they can no longer call Yun Lang a predecessor.


   Yunlang spit out a tea leaf and sighed, "If this matter is said, then it will be a long story!"


A black line flashed across Su Hang’s eyebrows, “Then make a long story short, the outside world is rumored that you sneaked into Tianhe Mountain and stole the treasure of Zhenshan Mountain, so that it was chased and killed by the three prisoners? Is it true? ?"


   Several pairs of eyes were fixed on Yun Lang. Looking at his calm appearance, I really couldn't figure out why Yun Lang would be so calm. Could it be said that the rumor is false?


   Yunlang looked up at Su Hang and said, "Why did Brothers Su use a stolen word? I can get my own things back. Can it be stolen?"

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