Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3133: Dangerous situation!

Horon smiled, "My Hongmeng tree is also the life treasure of the four demon sages!


   "Oh?" Su Hang was very surprised, "Could it be that you are also one of the four demon lords?"


"Fei Ye!" Bi Long smiled bitterly, "Where am I qualified to be called the Four Demon Saints? Like the three elders of Heaven, I have all chances and coincidences, and have only inherited the tradition. Unlike them, I have to It is the inheritance of the Abyssal Horror Dragon Beast, which is cultivated into the Abyssal Horror Dragon Body, and, I also got the Hongmeng Tree, which is a complete set of inheritance. They only passed it halfway."


   So it turns out! Su Hang suddenly realized that Horon had such a history.


Immediately afterwards, the Dragon Dragon said, "The Four Great Demon Saints, the Nine Prison Supreme Beast, the Abyss Horror Dragon Beast, the Purple Jade Golden Eye Beast, and one, although the strength is not the strongest, but it is the one that has lived the longest. , I believe you have heard of it, that is the Void Demon Ape!"


   "Void Demon Ape?" Su Hang was surprised with his face. Wasn't that the righteous brother of Ming Gu? In other words, I still have the power to cultivate the Void Demon Ape!


   "Yes!" Horon nodded. "Unfortunately, although the Void Demon Ape lived the longest, but he was so guilty, he could not escape the same fate of the other three beasts!"


   "However, among our older generation of monks and monks, there is a consensus that the life treasure left by the four demon sages, any one of them, can hope to break through the ninth order!"


Su Hang thought about it for a while. It turned out that Ming Gu and Tong Zhanxuan won the Void Beads of the Void Demon Ape before they could touch the bottleneck. I am afraid that the two also won the inheritance of the Void Demon Ape. , Ziyu Lingquan has already appeared, these treasures are the opportunity to achieve the founding realm.


Horon reached out and patted Su Hang’s shoulder, “So, with a guilty conscience, you and I are full of treasures, and I will find troublesome people in the future. Mine is not much anymore, but you, with a huge tree, will be targeted by someone sooner or later!"


   Su Hang pondered for a while, "Now I worry that these are superfluous, let's look at it now. Since you know the Jiulu Supreme Beast like this, how can you defeat it?"


The battle ahead is fierce, and the six strong men have obviously fallen off. They have little intent to fight. If they were not under siege by the law, I am afraid that Ye Feifan would have slipped away for a long time. .


Horon looked at it from afar, "The Nine Prison Sovereign Body of the Three Oldest Prisoners has been cultivated to a great state, not to mention the six nine-tier strongmen, I am afraid that there will be six more, I am afraid it will be difficult to suppress him. If I am at the peak At that time, the abyss dread dragon body may be used, maybe he can fight with him, but unfortunately, I am also helpless now!"


Speaking of which, Horon looked at Su Hang, "You have a strong sense of destiny, if I am not wrong, you should get the body of destiny, the body of destiny is not lost to the four demon bodies, but it is also very It's a pity that you can't push the limits of your physical destiny and fight against it, but you will not die, but it is absolutely unbeatable!"


   This needn't be said by Long Duo. He has just used his destiny flesh and touched the three elders of Heavenly Prison. Although he was not injured, his strength is indeed very different.


  Even just now he wanted to build the Void Demon ape body directly through the system of learning God, but when he thinks about it, his fate can't be dried, can he do it? The essential reason is that his own state is insufficient, and he cannot exert his ultimate strength!


   "However, it is not difficult to break this game!" The dragon's face is unpredictable!


   "Oh? Please also ask seniors to give pointers!" Su Hang asked immediately.


Dragon Dragon said, "It is undeniable that the Nine Prison Supreme Body is very strong, but unfortunately, they are three fellow initiates. With the power of three people, without the monument of prison, they used the Purple Jade Spirit Spring to force the cultivation, so , This is also their weakness, together is strong, points are weak!"


  Su Hang nodded, "I know this at this point, but, what is the predecessor's way to separate them?"


  As long as they can separate them, Ye Feifan, with their six enemies and three, can completely subdue the three prisoners.


Dread Dragon said, "It depends on your ability. Although the three elders of Trinity are three in one, they are still three people, each with their own door. As long as you can find their door, hit it, the Supreme Prison of Nine Prisons. Break through without attack!"


   "Cover the door?"


   Hearing these two words, Su Hang's complexion became a little strange, and turned to the distant battlefield, even his eyes became strange.




"The shackles around the law are getting thicker and thicker, Brother Xiao, Brother Iron, Brother Mo, you temporarily resist this beast, Brother Yun, Madam Xing, I and three others, join forces to break a path, and then everyone will retreat together, do not love , The power of this beast, can not resist the six of me!"


  Jiusu Supreme Huwei flicked, flicked Ye Feifan, and hit the wall of the law, the internal organs almost moved, and the corners of his mouth bleed.


Under the combined force of the six people, they couldn't even capture the giant beast transformed by the three elders, but instead they were beaten and beaten. Ye Feifan looked up, and the walls around the yoke became smaller and tighter. Thickness has completely blocked their retreat and must make a decision early, otherwise the situation will become more and more unfavorable to them. If this continues, I am afraid that they will lose.


   It's really I can't think of Tian He San Lao and other means.


   Right now, only three people can drag the three prisoners, and the remaining three people work together to break the wall of the shackles and take the best course!


   The other five people have already retreated, and they have no intention of fighting again. At this time, if they do not decide, the wall of the shackles will become thicker and thicker, and it will be more difficult to go again!


   "Oh, I want to go, it's ridiculous!"


The beast snorted coldly, and the giant claw waved, just in time to encounter Mo Changchun. The power of terror flew Mo Changchun out of the shot directly, and fell on the wall of the yoke. Mo Changchun was dizzy and almost lost. Spit out the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!


   "I just warmed up, why did you want to go?" The beast grinned. "Since I chose to fight against us, then leave the virtual core!"


  Obviously, Tian He San is always not ready to do this well, and he is determined to take these six people down.


   "Leave me all!"


The beast roared, and the body's momentum exploded again. At the same time, countless rules of shackles condensed into substance, and the chains of rolling iron chains sealed all positions of the entire battlefield. .


Nine Prison Supreme, the reason why it is called Nine Prison Supreme, is in the word of it. The prisons it sets are not allowed to enter or exit, and want to trap a few nine-rank strongmen. It is as simple as it is. It is impossible to work together to break the prison, it is too difficult to go out!


  :. :

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