Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3136: It's that simple!

??????????????????Trinity? This Nine Prison Supreme Beast is made by the Trinity of the Three Prisons of Heaven. This beast has no weaknesses, but it does not mean that the Three Priest of Heavens has no weaknesses!

?????????? The Supreme Prison of the Nine Prisons did not cover the door, nor did the Three Old Prisoners.

???????? Thinking of this, Suhang seemed to have a clear understanding, and his fierce eyes opened!

?????????? "Taimen, get killed!"

???????? Su Hang slammed, **** on the right hand, directly volleyed towards the void point!

?????????????????? The power of the supreme rule, this ability, Suhang has not used it for a long time, this time, it is still handy.

???????????????? Today's Su Hang is already a superpower in the eighth-order dominance. It has long been disdainful to use this method, but it is very momentary and very extraordinary.

???????????? I saw that when Su Hang pointed out, in an instant, the beast stopped and the space seemed to freeze, the expression on that giant face became very strange, The facial features quickly wrinkled to a hurry, unable to tell whether it was painful or cool.

???????????? "Uh...ah..."

???????????? The giant beast seemed to be enduring something, but after all, it was still unbearable. After a while, a screaming cry was finally made. A figure emerged from the beast and rose into the sky. At the same time, the remaining beast was divided into two and fell to the sides.

???????? Look at the figure that rises to the sky again, it is none other than Mengtai. Mengtai is like a headless fly, bumping into the void, and the domain wall is not hit by it. Stop shaking.

???????? He is venting, venting because of pain. He is using more pain to cover his own pain. For a moment, his head is bleeding and his body is extremely embarrassed.

???????? Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, so the powerful Nine Prison Supreme Body was so broken?

???????? Su Hang is also quite accidental, he is totally unable to poke, and did not have much hope.

?????????? A senior ninth-ranked strongman, it is not difficult to escape the law ability of Suhang, but the three prisoners of Heaven are three aging bodies, the nine beast supreme beast, the Trinity, Su Hang Name the death of Mengtai, how does Mengtai resist?

?????????? Although the three people are integrated into one, they are still three people after all. The Suhang stamp can be regarded as a bit of a broken face. As long as one of them is resolved, these nine prisons of supremacy are natural. Don't attack yourself.

???????????? For a long time, Tai Meng finally stopped his body, that look, like the evil ghost Shura, embarrassed!

It hurts, it hurts, it really hurts, and it turns out that no matter who it is, it can't bear to be stabbed like this.

???????????? The Supreme Prison of the Nine Prisons was forcibly broken apart, and Teneng Taikun fell on both sides, his expression collapsed, and he was obviously seriously injured.

???????????? "Humph, everyone come together!" Tie Ah burst into a roar.

?????????? I was still preparing to flee from the crowd, seeing the Supreme Prison Body of the Nine Prisons being broken, the Heavenly Prison III was aging to produce a prototype, and the six masters were all red eyes. Just now the six of them were pressed together It was too suffocating to fight, and at this time it didn't hurt to beat the water dog.

?????????? Immediately, the six of them threw up like a wolf, with six enemies and three, although everyone was injured, but at this moment, the three old prisoners can no longer combine the nine prison supreme As soon as I realized it, there was no room for resistance. The scene was chaotic for a time when I was besieged by six people.


?????????? The wall of the shackles has collapsed. On the top of the cliff of Paiyun Cave, the prison mine pile stands, and the three elders after being beaten up are tied to the prison mine pile, messy and decadent. , The hair was distributed, and he couldn't even lift his head.

?????????????? "Timeng, Seoul, etc. What else to say?"

?????????? The crowd was beside them, looking at the three defeated players in front of them, although they were all embarrassed, but at least they were the winning side, Ye Feifan scratched his beard, and his face was still a bit lingering fear!

??????????????Timeng slowly raised his head and looked at the people in front of him with a pair of scarlet eyes, "There is a battle that is just as bright as this, with such a mean method to win, Don’t you feel dull?"

???????? When speaking, Tai Meng's body rubbed on the prison mine pile. Obviously, it was quite painful now!

?????????? Ye Feifan and others listened to this, their faces changed slightly, to be honest, they really felt a little uneasy on their face, after all, if there is a real battle, they six It is impossible to add up to the opponent of the Nine Prison Supreme.

?????????? The Power of the Nine Prison Supreme, they just had a profound experience.

?????????? "Cough cough!" At this time, Su Hang came out and coughed softly, "The despicable is me, you don't want to kidnap them, defeat is defeat, er Waiting for nothing to say, the Nine Prison Supreme Body is indeed strong, but it also has flaws. You have to admit this!"



?????????? The reality is like this, how are you strong, it is not me who is tied to the pile now!

???????????? "How to deal with them?"

?????????? Ye Feifan came to the side of Su Hang. Now, Su Hang's opinion has become very important. The six ninth-ranked strongmen no longer dare to underestimate Su Hang. This kid, short In a short period of time, it has become enough to exist alongside them.

???????????? "In my opinion, the matter was directly destroyed, what do you think?" Su Hang said without hesitation.

???????? As soon as these words came out, all three of Taimeng's faces changed, but all three were elite sculptors, and it was simply impossible for them to bow down to their opponents for mercy.

?????????????? "Su Hang!" At this time, Mo Changchun came over and seemed to have something to say, "Tian He San Lao's position in the void is very high, and it is void again. One of the three major forces of the Demon Race, the pillar of Tianyu Mountain, if they are killed, I am afraid that the void will be chaotic!"

???????????? "Problem? What kind of chaos can happen?" Su Hang was a little surprised.

???????????? Mo Changchun said, "The three forces of the Void Demons stand up and maintain a delicate balance. If the three heavenly elders are gone, the Heavenly Prison Mountain will inevitably fall~www.wuxiaspot .com~ At that time, the balance of the three demons will be broken. In case of a life-long battle, it will affect the entire void world..."

"Where is it so exaggerated?" Su Hang shook his head again and again. "Besides, the world of the void is not chaotic. What does it have to do with me, I just want to destroy these three old guys..."

Mo Changchun paused, "This thing is caused by Brother Yun, let's listen to Brother Yun's opinion!"

Everyone looked at Yunlang, and Yunlang had withdrawn Ziyu Lingquan at this time. Hearing this, his face was full of hate, "If you let them go, wouldn't the three tigers return to the mountains? How many of these three old guys are there? Strong, you also have leaders, do you think they will let us go? Can we beat them?"

When everyone thought about it, it was indeed such a reason that even Mo Changchun gave up the idea of ​​his good old man. These three old guys did not get rid of it, it was indeed endless trouble!

"Then, kill?" Mo Changchun looked around, everyone nodded, and all votes passed!

There was a scolding in the hearts of the three Taimeng. When did the lives of the three of them be manipulated by others, and in such a majestic manner, in the presence of the three of them, decided the lives of the three of them?

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