Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3138: Luo 9 Chen appeared!


Seeing Su Hang's sword stab, Taimeng felt threatened, and suddenly gave birth to two arms from behind, palms together, even sandwiched the black sword in Su Hang's hands between his palms.

The rank nine realm, the terrifying power, compared with him, Su Hang is still far away. Su Hang's black sword cast off suddenly, and for a while, he was in a dilemma.

"Hahaha, boy, because of your skills, it would be naive to want to use a knife on the old man's hand, right?" Taimon laughed. Suhang's strength, in his opinion, could not be hit.

Black sword couldn't come back, Su Hang's face was black, "Sword like this, I have nine handles, I want to see, you can still give birth to a few hands!"

"You guys, help me!"

Su Hang shouted, and the other eight black swords flew out of the nine great gods veins and stopped in front of him.

At the moment, Mo Changchun and others were also unambiguous, and they all stood behind Su Hang and put one hand on the back of Su Hang. The ferocious skills kept transporting into Su Hang.

Su Hang instantly felt that his power had skyrocketed. With the help of six masters, I can't do you any more? I don't believe it, you three old guys can still resist my sword.

The black sword is shining brightly, as if to destroy the entire void, under the Su Hang's imperial envoy, wrapped in boundless force, directly killing the Heavenly Prisoners who are bound to the prison mine pile.


Jianru doomsday, accompanied by Su Hang's explosion, the void fell into boundless darkness.

The three elders' faces changed greatly, and they couldn't laugh anymore. Together, the six strong men, together with these nine black swords that were enough to harm the four holy bodies, they had already felt the end.

All the previous ones have been crossed from my mind, the eyes of three people are full of despair, three brothers, born in Hongmeng, all the way, can have today, I don’t know how many fights passed, how many times to escape, step by step It's not easy to stand on the top, but today, I will die in the hands of a kid who is just emerging, unwilling, really unwilling!


The void fell into boundless darkness, the entire space of Paiyun Cave was twisted and shattered, the void cliff where Paiyun Cave was located suddenly disappeared, even the prison mine pile was crushed by this terrifying blow. .

What a horror it is that the six strong men worked together to spawn with the black sword!

There is only one ending in the front, annihilation!

For a long time, the broken void gradually stabilized, but it was obviously somewhat distorted.

At this time, Suhang took a long breath and looked up, there was nothing in front of him, and there was no figure of the three old prisoners.

"That's it?" Su Hang was a little surprised. In his view, the power of the Black Sword could only hurt these three people. After all, that was the Supreme Body of the Nine Prisons.

The Nine Prison Supreme has no reason to be worse than the Abyssal Dragon Body. At that time, fate was only suppressed by the Black Sword. The Nine Prison Supreme Body can be destroyed so easily?

With the combined strength of the six powerful players, Black Sword can actually exert such power!

Beside, Ye Feifan waited for the six strong men. It was also an accident at this moment. Just the incompetent Heavenly Prisoners, just gone? As one of the three forces of the Void Demon Clan, Tianlu Mountain just ended like this?


At this time, a light cough came from the side.

Everyone was startled and looked away. I saw an old man in a Chinese costume standing next to him, and then looking at the side, the three figures were lying at his feet.

"Brother Luo?"

Everyone was surprised, but this man was old acquaintance, it was Luo Jiuchen who had seen in the magical machine box that day.

At that time, Luo Jiuchen's treasure in the magic machine box was left in the magic machine box to practice, saying that it was necessary to break through to the founding realm, and it made everyone want to leave the magic machine box and wait for him all the way, but Su Hang got the key of the **** machine box, so he took everyone out!

At this point, Luo Jiuchen suddenly appeared, could it be that he broke through the founding realm?

Su Hang Xueshen system scanned Luo Jiuchen. Sure enough, there is no Luo Jiuchen's information anymore. In other words, he is most likely a breakthrough!

It is enough to prove Luo Jiuchen's strength to be able to rescue the three elders of Heavenly Prison silently from the horrific sword just now.

why did he come here? And he also rescued the three elders? Su Hang's brows were slightly wrinkled, and it was inevitable that Tian San San Lao had nothing to do with Luo Jiu Chen.

"Brother Luo, what do you mean?" Su Hang asked, and looked at the three people at the feet of Luo Jiuchen. The meaning was very clear.

Questioning, questioning someone who may have reached the founding state, this courage is really not small!

The six people beside Ye Yefan were afraid to speak rashly at this moment.

Luo Jiuchen heard the words and gently stroked his beard. "Brother Su, who is forgiving and forgiving, these three people have already lost, so why kill them all?"

Su Hang was upset when he heard this, "Brother Luo, I don't like to hear your words, only then I waited for a few people to be controlled by the Heavenly Prisoners. And forgiving?"

Luo Jiuchen heard the expression, his expression on his face changed slightly, and he couldn't hold it anymore!

With a laugh, Luo Jiuchen said, "Brother Su, don't be so irritable. I rescued them, not because of anything else, but because the three of them still have some use. I want to take them back to the fairy spirit, so please raise your hands. , Sell me Luo someone's favor!"

Ye Feifan and others, after listening to this, showed a little lightness on their faces. Since they didn’t come to help the Heavenly Priest, it would be nice. Moreover, it is good for them to sell the favor of a strong founder!

However, Su Hang did not want to buy it at all. Why? Why did we take the chance to take these three people down, and you gave them away as soon as you came, and what kind of face did you say, you have a big face, do everyone have to listen to you?

Su Hang was unhappy, "Brother Luo, it's not that we don't sell you, these three old guys are really abominable. In order to win them, we almost hang here. You will take people away in one sentence. I'm afraid something is wrong! "

inappropriate? If you let others listen to this, I am afraid that you will laugh out loud. Others are strong, the strong in the founding state, can talk to you so well, you are already very face-saving, and you still talk to others. Hey, you are who you are, and you haven't set your seat at all, irritated others, and even a finger can crush you.

This kid really treats himself like a human being!

The dignity of the strong man was there, Luo Jiuchen was a little displeased, "Brother Su, if I insist on taking them away, would you have an opinion?"

Between words, there is already a bit of threat!

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