Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3142: The origin of walnuts!

??????????????? Just to learn ancient Jieji, it took five days for Suhang to fly. When Suhang woke up from the sea of ​​information, Bingji was already awake At this time, Su Hang was surprised to find that his realm had quietly risen to the ninth level!

???????? Ninth-order dominion?

???????? Su Hang was shocked, but he only learned a word, and the realm broke through directly, from the eighth to the ninth rank, and it is still quite stable, without any hindrance.

?????? Even the Hongmeng tree has grown a lot, the fruit on it has grown a lot, Suhang is a bit stunned, feeling the surging power in the body, the eyes and ears are as bright as the world in front of him It has become a little different.

???????? You must know that the ancient Jieji is the oldest law text. The Su Hang Institute of this text, even if you can not fully understand the laws contained in all the words, but at least you can understand a little fur, know probably The meaning of, just like the classical Chinese, you can't understand the combination of sentence by sentence, but you know the individual words.

???????????? This is so, the realm is not long, it’s strange, what is certain is that as the Soviet Union understands the ancient Jiewen more and more deeply, his realm will definitely go Jump up.

???????? It seems that the treasure is really picked up. This energy point is really worth the cost!

???????? At the moment, Suhang just wanted to laugh, how long it took, it has actually reached the ninth-level dominance, and it is still a solid, solid ninth-level dominance.

???????????? Unconsciously, he has stood at the pinnacle of the void world, and then upward, but is infinitely close to the founding realm!

?????????? Su Hang's face involuntarily hung on the arc. Now, he should have the power to guard the chaotic world. I believe that in the void world, except for a few old monsters, It's hard for someone to threaten him!

???????????? Putting aside his thoughts, after the excitement, Su Hang regained his consciousness, and set his sights on that Hongmeng foreign body.

?????????? I have learned the ancient Jie Wen, and at this moment the text on the Hongmeng Foreign Body Chronicles has already failed Su Hang.

?????????? The content recorded above can be said to be varied, and many of them have never been seen by Su Hang, or even heard of it.

???????????? Only a few pages turned, and Su Hang found his illustrated book of walnuts.

?????????? "Fairy Walnut!"

?????????? This pair of walnuts, indeed named Xianxian Walnut, was left by a super-Hongmeng strongman named Li Dabai!

???????????? The so-called Hongmeng strong man is the strong man above the dominant realm that emerged from the time of the birth of this Hongmeng world to the beginning of the evolution to the void, but the super Hongmeng strong man, that is Born before Hongmeng.

?????????? That is to say, the super-Hongmeng strong, is the existence outside Hongmeng!

?????????? Beyond the strength of the Hongmeng strong, that's impossible to say. It is possible to dominate the realm, or exceed it.

?????????? And the foreign body records, this super-Hongmeng strongman named Li Dabai is a ninth-level founding strongman.

???????? The ninth-order founding state, the current Su Hang, can't imagine that state at all, just like in the state of the realm of the king, it can't imagine the dominance.

???????? This pair of fairy walnuts, in fact, does not have any special ability, just outgoing momentum.

????????The so-called outgoing momentum, the pair of walnuts were discouraged by the super-Hongmeng strong for a long time, and they evolved magical powers by themselves. As long as the users put it up, they can naturally let out the momentum.

?????????? However, this pair of walnuts is still in a sealed state, so Nieshan has been studying for many years and has not found a way to use this pair of walnuts.

?????????? And the way to open this pair of walnut seals is actually very simple, Hongmeng Jingqi!

?????????? Inject a few hongmeng spirits, the seal on the walnut seal can be eliminated instantly.

???????????? This is too simple for the current Soviet Airways. He now has a large amount of reserves of essence and energy in his body. It can be said that in the entire void, Soviet Air said that Second, I am afraid that no one can be the first.

???????????? At the moment, Su Hang directly pinched the two walnuts in his hands, brought out a few strands of Hongmeng essence, and injected them into the walnuts.

??????????????The walnuts soon became hot and hot, with a red glow, and Su Hang’s face was red. After a moment, the red light dissipated and the two walnuts became There is red in the black, and a little jade in the red, and the pulp becomes more pure.

?????????????? held in his hand, heavy and very textured, with the infusion of skill, the two walnuts are like old donkeys pulling stone mills, in the palm of Suhang Turned slowly.


?????????? "Oh, this Soviet Airways is really extraordinary, how long did it take to reach the ninth-level dominance, and the speed of this practice is too exaggerated!"

?????????? In the main hall of the Void Temple, Gros and the King of Owl are talking, Gros sighed, watching Su Hang coming out of the chaotic world, it was only a year or two, It actually reached the top of the void world, which really made him unable to calm down.

?????????? Half a day ago, there was a momentum from the Suhang Palace, which was clearly a breakthrough to the ninth order is exuded, that is to say, Suhang closed in the past few days, actually improved layer.

?????????????? This ability, people sigh!

???????????? The King of Owls also expressed some emotions, "It should have been harvested in this battle. It depends on the pile of fairy stones that Brother Luo left him, but pile up like this It’s easy to be unstable!"

?????????? Gross shook his head, "I don't think so, wise brother, don't forget, he is the heir to fate, and even the family teachers value him so much, so , Su Hang must be unique..."

?????????? Xiao Wang nodded slightly, he did not deny, "Since brother understands that the temple must be treated with him in the future, I have a hunch, our brother Su, the limit is not here, Maybe it won’t take long before we can break through to a higher level!"

?????????? "Houlang pushes forward, Xiangxi, you say that, I suddenly feel I am old!"

?????????? Gross sighed a long time ago, and got a treasure in the Meng Nan Treasury some time ago, with the help of the treasure, Gros's skills are recovering quickly. Rubbing There is now an eighth-order dominance, which makes Gross rekindled his fighting spirit. However, the growth of Suhang made him feel decadent!

???????? There is no comparison between the two!


The King of Owls also smiled bitterly. However, at this moment, a terrifying momentum came from outside the palace, causing both of them to stagnate. Their faces rose instantaneously, their heartbeat accelerated, double-struggle battle, and creepy.

What a terrifying momentum, the void is like a huge bubble, as if they were both distorted by this momentum. The two couldn't help but rushed out of the hall and looked at the place where the momentum came.

Is he, is Su Hang?

The surprise of the two was overwhelming. The horror momentum came from the palace where Su Hang lived. Needless to say, it must be Su Hang.

I don't know how many times this momentum is stronger than when the Soviet Airways broke through the ninth level. The terror made them both difficult to walk, and almost couldn't stand!

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