Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3148: The dragon is coming!

That’s right, Yin Tianfeng’s eldest son, Su Hang’s uncle, Yin Wufeng, is really a good example of Yin Tianfeng’s love.


  Although I don’t want it now, it can’t be cheaper for outsiders. This may be Yin Tianfeng’s idea!


   However, Yin Wucheng is also a candidate. His character is reliable, but his strength is not very good, and he is still mixed with the four grades of Dadao Realm. Such strength may be difficult to convince the crowd!


   Fortunately, with Su Hang, the strength is not important, because for him, helping people improve their skills is really too simple!


  Cangtian Temple.


   "Don't you think that I am selfish. Wounded to take over as the suzerain, maybe there will be insufficient ability, but, I can help him, I believe he can do it!" Yin Tianfeng strongly recommended to Su Hang that Yin Wu hurt.


  Rather than let him be the suzerain, the dad who is the suzerain is more platooned.


   Not selfish? Su Hang listened to this, and wanted to laugh. Others might be qualified to say this, but Yin Tianfeng did not. It was clear that he was selfish!


   "Have you talked to him about this in these two days?" Su Hang asked.


  Yin Tianfeng said, "There is no confirmation. How can I tell him that I just knocked on the side a little bit!"


   Side knock? Su Hang was a little helpless to himself as an old man. He said that he was banging on the side, and that must have been said to Yin Wu hurt already!


   "What is his attitude?" Su Hang asked.


  Yin Tianfeng smiled, "Of course, without injury, I hope to sit on the throne of the patriarch and serve the patriarch!"


   "Listen to you!" Su Hang squeezed his chin. "I suddenly felt that Su Jin is also good!"


   "Jin'er?" Yin Tianfeng froze for a moment, and looked at Su Hang with a weird look. He said, "It's your son. Are you too partial?"


  Su Hang laughed, "How? There is an objection? Do you think your son is OK, I also think my son is OK!"


  Yin Tianfeng's face twitched slightly, "The Sect Master said that Jin'er is also a good candidate. If the Sect Master has decided, then choose Jin'er!"


   Now what Su Hang is saying is Jinkouyuyan, can Yin Tianfeng have objections? If Su Hang chooses Su Jin to succeed, no one will have any objection, and, I pass the throne to his son, justified.


Seeing Yin Tianfeng compromised so easily, Su Hang felt bored, and waved his hand at the moment, "Forget it, I am teasing you to play, the qualifications of entering children are too shallow, it is difficult to be a big task, since you say no harm, Then there is no harm. However, the matter of passing on the throne will wait for a while. The most important thing is the feast of the void. At that time, there will be a lot of void powers. Each of them has the ability to destroy chaos. Therefore, this feast must be done well, and no difference can be made!"


   "Yes! Despite the feast, the Sovereign is assured that if I personally check it, there will never be a difference!"


  Yin Tianfeng listened to Su Hang’s changes, of course he was delighted. In fact, he can accept Su Jin’s succession. After all, he is still a family, but he is not as good as his own son.


   "A long time ago is a guest. Many of these people have never been to the chaotic world. There will definitely be many discomforts. By then, the reception work must be done!" Su Hang asked.


  Yin Tianfeng nodded again and again, he was an old man, he didn't need to be commanded by Su Hang, he thought more profoundly than Su Hang thought!


The Soviet Air is just not sure. This feast is too important. He does not allow any mistakes. In these few days, those who are strong in the void may come one after another. The Soviet Air is afraid that someone will make trouble during this time. !


Yin Tianfeng receded, Su Hang took a deep breath, and waited for the barrier of the chaotic world to disappear, the barrier's restriction on the chaotic world would also disappear, and the law of chaos would also be in line with the law of the void. It will also be broken, and the upper limit will be raised to dominate the realm, and some powerful realm kings may also break through.


   It's just a pity that this day came a little too late. There is no one in the current chaotic world that can handle it. There is no such thing as a left and right arm of Suhang. This event can only be dealt with by him alone.


   Hope to spend it safely!


   Su Hang sighed for a long time, pressed the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart, and left the Cangtian Temple, ready to see his pair of children!


   As soon as he returned to Mingyuefeng, he was holding his son and daughter in amusement, and Yin Tianfeng chased in a panic. Su Hang was a little unhappy, but Yin Tianfeng said that a guest was coming!


   is there a guest? The first thing Su Hang thought of was the existence of the emptiness world, otherwise, it would be impossible for Yin Tianfeng to be so disoriented.


  Although there are still a few days before the feast of the void, but these days, those who are strong in the void should also come one after another!




   came to the Cangtian Temple. The two figures in the hall made Su Hang really surprised!


  An old bald man, Su Hang did not know, but the sturdy man standing in the middle, Su Hang was familiar and could no longer be familiar.


   "It turns out that Senior Dragon is here, there is far away and welcome, forgiveness and forgiveness!" Su Hang walked in with a smile, but the system of learning God was pulled out, and the information of the old man next to him was checked.


   An eighth-ranking master, Su Hang did not pay much attention to it. Looking at the positions of these two men, I am afraid it was the follower found by the dragon!


   When Dragon saw Su Hang, there was a smile on his face.


   "Dare, dare!" Su Hang quickly waved his hand and greeted the two of them to sit down, and he also sat on the throne.


"I heard that Brother Su was going to hold a feast, but I didn't know that I would say it. This seems to treat me as a foreigner!" When Dragon looked up and down Su Hang, It seems to want to identify the realm of Su Hang.


"Where did the predecessor say, in a hurry to come back, I have nowhere to go to find the predecessor, so I just entrusted the Void Temple to distribute the invitations for me. The predecessor should not blame, Su did not mean to be negligent!" Su Hang said quickly. A sentence.


   He heard the words, not sure, and his eyes were taken back from Su Hang. "It's really been a few days. I have seen each other for a long time. After listening to Gros, they said that the Su brothers have broken through the founding realm, but is it the real thing?"


   had just made some explorations. He only felt that the state of Su Hang seemed to be the ninth level, but it was not like that. For a while, he was a little uncertain, so he asked.


  Gross, there was no door on his mouth, and Su Hang's helpless wry smile, "It's really not true, it doesn't matter, this time I feast on the gods and demons of the void, it has nothing to do with this matter..."


  The ambiguity of Su Hang said, which made the dragon more inaccurate, and his heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching!


  I want to say that Su Hang really made a breakthrough, it is difficult to accept the dragon. After all, this time is too short. Even if Su Hang has another adventure, it is impossible to run in front of him so quickly, right?

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