Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3152: Compensation!

After talking, Su Hang took out the black sword, and in his current state, it was almost as easy to cut off Chi Chi.


   "Brother Su, keep your hands!" Just when Chi Yan was frightened, a cry came out, and she saw a figure flying in from outside the palace.


   It is Tong Zhanxuan!


  Tong Zhanxuan stepped forward, looked down at Chi Chi lying on the ground, and then looked up at Su Hang, "Brother Su, what's going on?"


   Su Hang looked at Tong Zhanxuan with a sullen face, holding the two walnuts in his hand, "Predecessor Tong came just right, your disciple killed more than ten of my disciples, you said, should he die?"


   "Master, Master save me!" Chi Yan seemed to see a savior, and quickly grabbed Tong Zhanxuan's trousers, begging loudly.




  Tong Zhanxuan kicked Chi Yan out with a single kick, and Chi Yan was lying on the ground, not calling!


   At this time, Tong Zhanxuan snorted, and then turned to Su Hang to arch his hand, trying to make his expression softer, "Brother Su, can I sell an old face, my disciple, I will definitely learn a lesson!"


   wasn’t Tong Zhanxuan's fancy for Chi disciple, the reason was that this disciple was his disciple, he brought people, if he died here, where would his face rest? Even if he wants to kill, he has to kill himself!


   Su Hang took a deep breath, "Senior Tong, I respect you as a senior, and Chi Zhi killed my doormen. If there is no account, how can my sect be majestic?"


  Tong Zhanxuan heard that his face became a little unsightly, "Brother Su, is the old man's face not as good as the lives of several of you?"


   These words made Su Hang angry, what is your face? No matter how big your face is, can you have the life of my people?


"Senior Tong, if you talk like this, then I feel that we haven't had to talk about it. Since we did something wrong, we have to pay the price. If the senior just wants to protect me, then I can only say sorry..." Su Hang's The voice became very cold.


   Tong Zhanxuan's face could not be hung, watching Su Hang holding walnuts, in that calm look, thinking of Su Hang has broken through the founding realm, he did not dare to tear his face with Su Hang.


"Is Brother Su not asking for an argument?" Tong Zhanxuan took a deep breath. "This is not a problem for you and me at all, and you don't have to hold it. The old man will give you an explanation!" "


After finishing talking, Tong Zhanxuan walked beside Chi Ying, Chi Zhen was unconscious, dead or alive, Tong Zhanxuan took out a small green bottle, lightly opened the cap, the bottle was slightly inclined, and a drop of red and black thick liquid flowed from the mouth of the bottle It came out and dripped on Chi Yan.


In an instant, Chi Yan's body was wrapped in red light, and instantly became a body of nothingness. A trace of different colors flashed in Su Hang's eyes. He thought Tong Zhanxuan wanted to kill Chi Yan by himself, and give himself an explanation, but, the next In one scene, Su Hang dismissed this idea.


   I saw that there was some blood-red light spots in the void wrapped by the red light. The light spots were more and more and quickly gathered into a dozen light groups!


   Tong Zhanxuan waved his sleeves, then this light group flew directly out of the red light, and landed on the ground one after another, instantly transformed!




   "No, don't kill me..."


   "Well? Me, where am I?"




All of them came out in shape, without exception, they were all wearing Daoist Sect disciple's clothes, and their faces were covered with panic. It was those disciples who were killed and devoured by Chi Yan, and their memories seemed to remain in Chi At the moment when Ji killed them, fear occupied their hearts.


  However, when the environment was found to be different, when the founder was nearby, the disciples were a little bit confused!


   At this time, I saw that the red light quickly dissipated, and Chi Zhen's body that had been turned into nothingness reunited again, and appeared, but still coma!


   "Disciples visit the suzerain!"


The disciples came back to their knees and knelt down to the stage quickly. Su Hang waved his hand and motioned them to step aside. The disciples, fearing they didn’t know what they said at this moment, in their meaning, Chi Yan will They swallowed and appeared here afterwards!


   "Brother Su, you can still be satisfied, and you count, are you disciples, are you missing?" Tong Zhanxuan put away the green bottle and asked Suhang.


It's a good method. In their current state, people are brought back to life. It is as simple as eating and drinking. The difficulty is that these people are swallowed, and the person who devours them is a master. The existence of the environment, the flesh and blood of these devoured people, I am afraid that they will have been digested and absorbed by them, and become a part of the body of this powerful person who dominates the environment!


At this time, it is undoubtedly more difficult to let them rebirth, but Tong Zhanxuan is at his fingertips, directly transforming Chi Ying into a body of nothingness, and then separating those disciples devoured by Chi Ling from this nothingness to rebirth .


  After pondering for a moment, the expression on Su Hang's face was slightly slower, "Predecessor Tong had all the means, admiration, admiration, but, if Chi Chi had ever done it, he should still be punished.


   At this time, Han Yi and Ming Gu came in. Han Yi said, "Su Hang, since all of your disciples have returned it to you, let's just go!"


   "Brother Su, you have to spare people and to spare people. There are many people on this mountain. They also give Wanmo Ancient Cave and leave some face for the old man!" Ming Gu also said.


Su Hang heard it and found it ridiculous. I am engaged in this matter today to stand up for prestige, to deter, to make small things bigger, and to deter all void powers so that they can all give me some rules. I said that big things are small, you have to spare people and spare people, is this not funny?


   At this time, the walnuts in Su Hang's hands turned inadvertently. In an instant, a magnificent momentum showed up, and the three of the halls' faces were instantly white.


   This momentum is terrifying. At this time, Suhang, standing high above it, is like a majestic mountain, and it may be pressed against them at any time.


  Suhang will close when he sees good, just for deterrence, the walnut stops, and the momentum will converge.


"Two, for Senior Tong, I am naturally respectful, but one yard down to one yard, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Looking at Senior Tong's face, I don't take his life!" Su Hang is light Said a word.


   The huge momentum, huge pressure, Tong Zhanxuan's face recovered slightly, his strength is weaker than that of others, and he can only counsel.


In other words, in this life, Tong Zhanxuan has not counseled. This may be the first time in his life. Take a bag from his sleeve. "I heard that Brother Su likes energy stones. Here, I have some nuances and good grades. , It’s just as compensation, so it’s uncovered!"


   said that the gray cloth bag flew towards Su Hang.


   Su Hang has uncovered it, put it in his hand and weighed it, and did not open it. The Mongolian core is a virtual core. The essence of the master monk is condensed. What Tong Zhanxuan can bring out is definitely not an ordinary product.

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