Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3154: I have a background!

?????? He really didn’t want to sit in this seat anymore. The elders of the ten had also seen it for a long time. After experiencing the disappearance of the sky, they were afraid that Soviet airlines would also play missing one day. Anyway, he also left an heir. , So as not to make Daozong Zong as chaotic as before!


  ???????? The heir's business is of course related to the survival of the sect. I am afraid that the elders have not discussed when this seal should be handed to Su Hang, and the result was seen by Su Hang!


  ???????????? There were also several candidates drafted above for Su Hang to choose. Su Jin and Yin Wusheng were in the list, and there were a few extraneous ones.


  ?????????????? Su Hang did not care too much, put the fold back to its original position, Quan Dang had not seen it.


  ???????????? At this time, the messy footsteps came from outside the temple, and even after seeing a group of silhouetted fishes coming in, they bowed down to Suhang.


?????????? There was a little smile in Su Hang’s heart. These existences are all the vanity masters who had committed crimes in Chuangjie Mountain before. Seeing their panic, they were obviously afraid. I was afraid because of the majesty revealed by the Soviet airlines when they dealt with Chi Yan. Without exception, they all came to plead and plead guilty!


  ???????? What is needed is the effect, the purpose of the Soviet airlines is to deter, otherwise how could he bother to play this out?


???????? You must know that with the capabilities of Su Hang, those dying doormen can be brought back to life. The big things are small and the small things are not. However, Su Hang did not do this, but made a fuss, he was Let everyone know that they are not lacking in temper. Here, no matter who they are, they must be honest!




???????? After this night, it turned out that those Void powerhouses were quite honest, staying at their guest peak temporarily, waiting for the Void Feast to open, few people went out, fearing stir up trouble.


  ?????????? After all, the majesty of the founding powerhouses, they have learned the experience, and no one dares to challenge.


???????? Bing Yunfeng, where the Bingji Xing Palace is located. After the cold clothes came, he did not have another place to stay, but lived in Bing Yunfeng, where he lived in Bingji Palace. The two sisters had not seen for a long time, and they were also old when.


?????????? Ming Gu wanted to see Xuan Ming, one of the little holy masters he personally selected, and Su Hang let people bring Xuan Ming who was still in his baby to Bingyunfeng , By the way, the ancient ancient appointment.


?????? On the one hand, look at Xuan Ming, on the other hand, it is also entrusted by Bing Ji, so that Ming Gu and the cold clothes get along, after all, it is an old wife and an old wife, Bing Ji also hopes that her two sisters and husband can reunite .


  ???????? However, Su Hang and Bing Ji obviously think much, and Ming Gu and Han Yi seem to be much more harmonious than they thought.


????????"This child, the qualifications are indeed good. If you leave it to me for training in the Holy Ghost, it will not be difficult for you to achieve the supreme state within one thousand years, to achieve the **** of the state within one yuan, if you try your best. Cultivate hard, the achievement dominance can be compressed to ten thousand years!"


???????????? After seeing Xuan Ming, Ming Gu made such an assessment. Ten thousand years, with the largest resource cultivation of the Holy Ghost, it can be achieved to dominate the realm, which is already very Horrible!


?????????? You know, ordinary people, for a period of 10,000 years, I am afraid that they are still hovering in the realm of the Venerable, not to mention the more heavenly realm, heavenly realm, avenue realm, supreme realm, Dominate the realm!


  ???????????? The strength, but they are all piled up with time and effort!


???????????? Only the great forces of the void such as the Holy Spirit Academy can have this confidence to say such things. It takes only ten thousand years and thousands of years to cultivate a strong man who dominates the territory. For For senior monks, it's just a flick of a finger.


?????????????? Su Hang just smiled and did not talk, he would not tell Ming Gu, if he wants to train a strong man who dominates the territory, one or two days is enough, as long as there are With enough energy points, you can give as much as you want.


  ?????????? After all, the Xueshen system is there, and he now has the authority to create the powerhouse.


  ???????????? At this time, Ming Gu also noticed Su Hang's expression, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "but he made Brother Su laugh!"


  ?????????? Su Hang is now a "founding state" powerhouse. He is showing himself in front of him. Isn't that what he sees as a big witch, is Guan Gong playing a big sword in front of him?


  ???????????? Xuan Ming here in Suhang is obviously more promising than in the Holy Spirit Academy.


  ?????????????? "Brother, what about you and your sister in cold clothes, how to deal with it?" Taking advantage of the cold clothes and Bing Ji talking in the house, Su Hang asked about the private affairs of Ming Gu.


   Actually, Su Hang shouldn't ask this question, but was asked by Bing Ji. The relationship between her sister and her husband was obviously eased. She wanted to try to make them compound.


???????????? Hearing this, Ming Gu took a deep breath and sighed, "I am also hesitating, and I will break through the founding realm in the near future. , I have to leave here, go to the fairy, when I can come back, I can’t tell..."


Su Hang smiled bitterly, "This is just two different things, can't be confused, so you and the cold clothes sister Lang are affectionate, the concubine is interested, you should not consider other things, even if you go to the fairy in the future, she stays in the void, so what, As long as the hearts are together, they will meet sooner or later!"


Hearing Su Hang’s words, Ming Gu was somewhat distracted. It took a long time before he came back, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and looked up at Su Hang, “Brother Su, you have now broken through the founding realm, and you have to leave here to go to the fairy, I think Ask you, how would you feel about leaving these family members?"


   Su Hang shook his head, "I will not consider going to the fairy for the time being!"


   He didn’t think about it for a Actually, he didn’t have that qualification at all, after all, his founding state was completely fake!


"This can't help you!" Ming Gu sighed. "As early as a few months ago, the angel of the fairy had already approached Tong Zhanxuan and me, which is why Tong Zhanxuan was so big and fanciful. Just knowing the day when we broke through the founding realm, the fairy messenger let us deal with private affairs, and after breaking through the founding realm, there will be a messenger to lead us to leave. Ha ha, we want to stay, can we stay?"


   Speaking of this, Ming Gu seemed to realize something, and looked at Su Hang with some doubt, "Brother Su, didn't the messenger of the fairy come to you?"


   They must leave to break through the founding realm, but Su Hang still stays here. This makes Ming Gu very puzzled. Is the angel of the fairy double standard? Discriminate?


Su Hang paused for a moment, quickly shook his head, smiled indifferently, and pretended to be deep and deep, "To be honest, I am in the fairy spirit, but also have some background. I was fortunate to know a friend, but the ancestor of the fairy spirit, so I will not go No one dares to embarrass me when going to the fairy!"




Ming Gu heard the words and was a little shocked. He was watching from a distance when the big strongmen were fighting against the three old men. When Luo Jiuchen came out, he was really shocked because they said that The fairy messenger is Luo Jiuchen.


   At that time Luo Jiuchen compromised with Su Hang. They were even more shocked. Now that Su Hang said, they have to believe that there must be a great background behind Su Hang!

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