Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3156: The feast is on!

"Everyone has a sense of conformity, even if some people disagree, but seeing that most people agree, he will not be able to sit still, otherwise, you will throw this question directly at the feast, I am afraid few people will agree!"


What Ming Gu said was very reasonable. Su Hang listened to his ears and remembered it in his heart. He had to say that Ming Gu’s experience was indeed much stronger than him. He hadn’t thought about it so much before. Put a plate of walnuts at the feast, others will naturally give themselves face!


   Only, this is an ideal state, a hundred people have a hundred thoughts, who can guarantee that they can succumb? What if Suhang shows something wrong?


Ming Gu’s suggestions are very constructive. Call the leaders of these big forces one by one, talk to them first, try to get more people over, and agree to your own conditions, then this matter will be half .


This is the same as the demolition. As long as they provide enough conditions for them, Su Hang believes that they have no reason not to agree to the demolition. Even if there is a small group of people in the end, they can persuade and persuade. Remove it and leave a place for you to let you play for yourself.


   "Brother should be on my side?" Su Hang first wanted to hear if Ming Gu was willing to stand in line.


   Ming Gu smiled faintly, "Then you have to see Brother Su, how many people can talk about it, and I, like myself, follow the crowd!


   Su Hang heard the words and smiled on his face. Although Ming Gu did not specifically agree, Su Hang knew that since he was willing to tell himself this, he must be willing to help himself!




   It was two or three days away from the feast. These two or three days were still reserved for the operation of Su Hang. Su Hang first went to the No. 9 peak and saw Tong Zhanxuan.


   Tong Zhanxuan is definitely a big deal in the void. If he can get him done, then it is certainly not difficult to get other existence.


  On the 9th peak, Tong Zhanxuan saw that Suhang had come to the door, and at first he had some precautions. He thought that Suhang would go back and turn to Chi Chi again.


However, what Su Hang told him was more embarrassing than finding Chi Yan trouble. Su Hang wanted to turn the entire void world into chaos, even the Wanmo Ancient Cave, and therefore he had to obtain his consent. .


This was a big event. It was because of this thing that they fought against fate. It can be said that this matter is quite sensitive. Suhang now mentions the old thing again, which can be said to be accelerating the promotion of the void and chaos to two. opposite!


For this matter, Tong Zhanxuan's attitude is that there is no attitude, that is, Wanmo Ancient Cave does not stand, as long as others agree, Wanmo Ancient Cave agrees, if others do not agree, then Wanmo Ancient Cave only I can say sorry!


   Su Hang can see that Tong Zhanxuan's original intention was not happy. If Su Hang was so demolished, and the void became chaos, then, wasn't that the one with fate?


Tong Zhanxuan has his careful thinking, because he is about to break through the founding realm. He will naturally say no to Su Hang. Of course, the current realm of Su Hang makes him afraid, and he has to leave after he breaks through. So, on this issue, he will be ambiguous and will not give a specific attitude.


   Su Hang did not say much, and did not use force to intimidate, such as Tong Zhanxuan, if you really make him urgent, you may tear your face!


   He can say no or disapproval. It is very interesting to see how others decide. He understands Tong Zhanxuan's attitude. Su Hang knows that as long as he persuades more people, Tong Zhanxuan has no reason to disagree.


  After all, even if Tong Zhanxuan now disagrees, when he breaks through the founding realm and leaves the void world, after the Wanmo Ancient Cave is commanded by the winter clothes, are they afraid that the Wanmo Ancient Cave will become a nail household?


   came out of Tong Zhanxuan, and Su Hang had already won the ticket. Even Tong Zhanxuan had to be afraid of him and gave such a reply, then others would just ignore it.


  Now he doesn't have to look for those big forces anymore, he is going to start with the small and medium forces first, because these small and medium forces are not as confident as the big forces.


   First get the small and medium forces, then get a part of the powerful group repairs, and finally get these big forces, then when they have any reason to refuse?






   On this day, hundreds of long tables were placed in front of the Cangtian Temple from the world of the void. Nearly a thousand strong men had been seated early, and they might be late for fear of occupying a suitable seat.


   Apart from these entrants, there were thousands of disciples who walked in the seats and served food back and forth. Fortunately, the square was huge enough, so although there were many people, it was just lively and not crowded.


The food and wine from all walks of life in Chaos, Xianguo Lingzhen, are displayed on every table. It’s called a letting the population flow. It can be said that this time the feast of the void, Daozong Zong is really full of sincerity, and it’s a waste of time. Less thought.


Before the dishes were finished, some people could not bear it anymore, and they began to taste it. They made some waiters helpless. They scolded these people for being earth. How could they not have seen the world like this? One is more horrible than the other. They are not afraid to offend them.


Eating, drinking, loud noise, this big feast has not yet begun, the front of the Cangtian Temple is already bustling and Su Hang also doesn’t know, how come so many people, and, Except for some family disciples and the like, most of them are monks dominating the realm, and there are at least four or five hundred!


   Moreover, Su Hang believes that this is only a part of it, and there must be many others that have not come. If nothing else, among the eight abysses alone, I don’t know how many powerful men did not come.


   In this way, the monks who dominate the realm of the sky are at least a thousand people, or even more. However, what can come in front of them should be more active parts!


   There was a sudden deterrence of the Soviet Air on that day. These existences are indeed a lot of rules. At least from that day on, no one of the Void Powers killed or injured the Dao Zongmen disciples.


  So many powerful people gathered here, it can be said that this has not lost to the Wanmo Banquet of the Wanmo Ancient Cave, and these existences have not been to the Chaos World, and they feel very fresh when they look at everything!


As for the service of Daozongzong, the quality of this feast is much better than the Wanmo Ancient Cave. At least, the dishes and drinks are delicious. Although there is no nutrition, they are all enjoyment on the tip of the tongue. They have a different taste, unlike Like the void, it's all dark cooking.


Above the feast, there is already a crossover plan. Many of these existences from the void do not know what is etiquette, but now, when they go to the village to follow the customs, many are learning the etiquette of the chaotic world. , Sometimes it's funny to watch how much!

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