Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3159: contract!

"In the past few days, I have also met a lot of friends in the void world and talked about this issue. I can give someone a promise here, present or absent today, if you agree to let Chaos Assimilation of the void, then, after the assimilation is completed, each family is divided into spheres of influence according to the number of powerful persons above the Supreme Realm, above the Supreme Realm, below the Dominance Realm, each can get 100,000 Guangji territory, above the Dominance Realm, Domination , You can get one terabyte of territories, two trillions of trillions, three trillions of trillions, and so on!"


Su Hangkai’s talk is undoubtedly drawing cakes for everyone. It is undoubtedly fair to divide the territory according to the number of their strongmen. It may be a little too kind for loose repairs, but loose repairs need to be so What do you do with more sites?


   A master monarch, the territory that can be obtained is based on the mega-ray, and the lowest-grade master monarch can have one mega-ray, and each liter is a hundred-fold increase.


One trillion light ages is one hundred billion light ages. The length and width of the public is the distance that light walks 100 billion centuries. That is a terrifying territory, not to mention the higher third order fourth order, even The eighth order and the nineth order, the territories that can be obtained can only be described in horror.


  This way of distributing the territory after chaos, it is definitely very attractive for some forces, especially the super-large forces.


Su Hang's words fell, and there was already a lot of discussion below. Many of them existed, and I had talked with Su Hang long ago, but the compensation conditions proposed by Su Hang were far less abundant. At this time, Su Hang had to put forward such conditions and had to That said, it has increased the expectations of many people.


   Some people may ask, if Suhang engages in this, it is completely divided. In the future, can the chaotic world have such a large territory to allocate to them?


In fact, there is no need to worry about this. The size of the void is beyond imagination. After the chaos assimilate into the void, the volume will also increase, and there is no worry to divide it. Moreover, when that time is reached, even if there is not enough territory, the major event has been achieved. , The gods and demons have no choice!


  In the entire void, how many monks can dominate the realm? Can there be two thousand? Maybe there is, but what about that, the future chaos will certainly be able to accommodate these beings!


  The plan of Su Hang is very simple. Demolition first, and then divide the room, draw a cake for you, and demolish you. After the demolition is finished, you can’t let me decide?


   Playing with these big bosses from the void world, Su Hang still has quite a lot of routines. I'm not afraid that they won't do it.


"Brother Su!" At this time, Tong Zhanxuan asked again, "I agree with such a division. However, there is still a question. After the assimilation of chaos into the void, there must be advantages and disadvantages in all territories. How can this be done? "


Of course, Tong Zhanxuan will certainly not have any opinion. He is known as Wanmo, and there are so many Void Demon strong in his strength. Such a point is definitely a big advantage. He asks now, the reason is very simple, It’s a big place, so it’s got to be in a good location. Would you draw me to the corner, isn’t that blind?


   This is also something that other people are worried about, especially those who do loose repairs. There must be no way to fight with the big forces. If those big forces take up a good position, it will be too bad for them!


Su Hang waved his hand, "Senior Tong is too worried for a long time. Chaos assimilate into the void, it will definitely take some time. At this time, no one can say how long it will take. Now I can only say that every part of Chaos expands, I take the lead. Everyone will come to a draw, and the winners can enter the venue in order, and priority will be given to their own territory. If there is no winner, flow into the next round and continue to draw. Until everyone gets their own territory, everyone is assured, This matter is very extensive. I will definitely consider it comprehensively. I have already ordered someone to write down the specific plan. Later, you can read it carefully!"




   The voice fell, Su Hang compared a gesture, and then a group of disciples entered the venue, placing a pile of contracts made of animal skins on each table, and there was one copy for each of the vanguards present.


  The above are all the words of the chaotic world, but for the powerful people on the scene, it is not difficult to learn a word!


   The whole square quickly fell into silence, holding contracts one by one, carefully reading the above content, and each one was quite serious, afraid of missing any details!


   Su Hang was not in a hurry, sitting patiently in the position and waiting, uncovering the tea handed over by the doorman, and gestured with the people next to him, slow tea tasting!


After a long time, at dusk, the square was brightly lit, there were many terms in the contract, and there were hundreds of articles. In order to carry out this action, Su Hang even sent people to the earth and found several real estate companies. Several demolition agreements, drawing the same gourd, only then this agreement was born!


   After more than one hour, the Void Demon began to whisper, and whispered, Su Hang's mouth has been a little bit of a smile, now that he has started to discuss, prove that these existence is indeed measuring the pros and cons!


   Su Hang looked around, "You guys, how do you look, but what objections do you have?"


  Everyone looked at each other. The terms and conditions of the agreement can be said to be comprehensive and detailed, and the content of the compensation agreement is also very generous. They really don't seem to find anything to ask.


"If you have no you can put a drop of essential blood on the contract in our hands, we are considered to have signed the agreement. This contract is made by me using special materials and special methods. Don’t worry about someone Fake it, you will bring it on your body, in the future, it will be the voucher you use to draw lots and choose your territory!"


At this point, it is already the point, "Of course, I can’t wait for you all. I will give you three days to think about it. You can sign an agreement now, or you can go back and think about it for three days. The reply to me within the time is that it doesn’t matter if you disagree, and the contract will be returned. In the future, when the chaos expands, it will not encroach on the current sphere of influence, and it can still retain the original void territory!"


   "However, at the same time, you will also lose the qualification to own the territory in the chaotic world!"


"Now, I announce that the top ten friends who signed the contract, I will personally give him ten billion terabytes of territories, and reward a ninth-order virtual core. If the contract is signed within three days, I will choose 50 people by lot. Fortunately, one billion terabytes of territories will be given away, and ten fifth-order virtual cores will each be rewarded!"


   "Of course, those who signed the contract after three days may not have these preferential treatments. If you give up this opportunity and want to agree in the future, maybe I will give you some discounts for the compensation!"

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