Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3163: bid farewell!

"Brother, rest assured, regarding the assimilation of chaos into the void, I also know that I can't take it too fast, and seek stability and change!" Su Hang stroked the hair that was blown by the wind in front of his forehead. "This time, I would like to thank my brother for his strong support If it were not for the mediation of the elder brother and the sister in cold clothes, it would not be so smooth!"


   Ming Gu smiled lightly, "I am also selfish, let me help you without selfishness, it is unrealistic, Su Hang, after I leave, I hope you can take care of the Holy Ghost!"


   Su Hang paused, Ming Gu was honest, and he was telling the truth.


"The Holy Spirit Temple is not comparable to the Wanmo Ancient Cave. There are more people in the Wanmo Ancient Cave, and there are more strong people. Our Holy Spirit Academy, plus me, is only the only three ninth-order strongmen. After I leave, it’s just The remaining two are Ling Ling and Ming Hong supporting..."


Listening to Minggu said here, Su Hang said with a smile, "The Holy Spirit Garden is rich in solidity, the three forces of the Void Demon Realm, Tianhe Mountain is over, and the rest are the only two of you. Although there are many people in the Wanmo Ancient Caves, they are all The good and bad are not the same. After Tong Zhanxuan leaves, there is only the ninth-rank strong man in the cold clothes sister, and the cold clothes sister has a special relationship and feelings with the Holy Ghost. What are you worried about after all?"


Ming Gu shook his head and said, "You think it's too perfect. Do you think the Wanmo Ancient Caves have that strength on the bright side? Tong Zhanxuan also has two younger brothers and sisters, Tong Zhan Soul and Tong Zhan Yun, both of whom are closed. Within a few years, the strength has reached the ninth level dominance.




   Su Hang heard that, a little surprised, there are masters in Wanmo Ancient Cave? This was somewhat unexpected.


Xinggu explained, "It's just that these two people didn't show their faces, so later they almost forgot them, but I know very well that these two people are still in the Wanmo Ancient Caves, and the strength is definitely the ninth level of the dominance, so , Even if I left with Gong and Zhanxuan together, I am afraid that the entire Holy Ghost House could not be compared with the Wanmo Ancient Cave!"


In other words, the Wanmo Ancient Cave is now a void demons and a brother, Ming Gu is very worried, even if the cold clothes are the new cave master, once he leaves, the strength of the Holy Spirit Academy and the level will fall. Nothing compares with the Wanmo Ancient Cave!


   Now Tianlu Mountain is lonely, the doormen are already being madly collected, and among them, Wanmo Ancient Cave is very active.


   "Relax, I know what to do. In the future chaotic world, I will not allow any one to be the only one!" At this time, Su Hangdao said a sentence, a promise, to give Ming Gu a peace of mind!


   "Thank you!" Don't say anything else, Minggu only thank you!


   "When will it break?" Su Hang asked. He knew that the time for the creation of the Ancient Breakthrough had already been set, but he didn't know when it was!


  The ancient path of the Ming Dynasty, "With the chaotic calendar, there are thirty-five days!"


   "Thirty-five days?" Su Hang was a little surprised. "Don't you dare before the expiring contract?"


   Ming Gu smiled, "Why, you still want to come and send me by then?"


   "Delivery is a must. If I have time, I will definitely visit the Holy Ghost House!" Su Hang said seriously.


   Minggu smiled and did not speak.




  The feast of the void finally came to an end. The mountain was still very busy. This feast was a waste of a lot of manpower and material resources. Fortunately, it ended satisfactorily and the ending was still perfect.


From the more than a thousand strong, Su Hang chose several large and medium forces as agents, and set up several agent points in the void. The Temple of the Void is one of them. Anyone who wants to sign a contract Anyone can find the nearest agency and complete the contract signing. Of course, Suhang also offers discounts, so I won’t go into details here. There is only one explanation. During this time, the most popular news in the void is probably this. Now!


   There is an agent to help Su Hang do this. Su Hang has to worry a lot, he just needs to wait!


  I have to say that Su Hang played a tiger and ate a pig this time.


Su Hang still wanted to slow down the suzerainship, and he was not so anxious. He had to find time for Cangtian to have a few chats with them. After these two months passed, the chaotic assimilation of the void stabilized. Let me talk about this again. It's not too late.


   But the candidate has basically been determined. The succession of Yin Wufeng to take over as the third person's suzerain can be regarded as satisfying Yin Tianfeng's wish.


   What Su Hang did not expect was that half a month after the big banquet, Meng Nan came to Chuangjie Mountain with Gen'er Taoist.


   This seems to be the first time Meng Nan came to him actively. At this time, it has been less than a month since the barriers of the two realms of chaos disappeared. Su Hang is actively preparing for the arrival of this day, which can be said to be imminent.


  Meng Nan came to him, the purpose is also very simple, just tell Su Hang that he is leaving!


   Leave the chaos, leave the void, and return to the world fairy that belonged to him, a world that is only legendary for Suhang temporarily!


   In fact, Meng Nan had already told Su Hang that he would leave as soon as the two-year period arrived. The purpose of his coming to the chaotic world was also very simple, just to see two people, one was him and the other was Panyu!


   It is said that the relationship between Meng Nan and Panyu has made substantial progress. This time, Meng Nan will take Panyu with him. Not only Panyu, but also the entire Panjia will leave and go directly to the fairy.


   This can really only be described by one person ascending to the This family of Chen Dasheng really hit the sky.


For the Promise of Heaven, Meng Nan has already been settled. It is said that it was a descendant of the Panjia family who directly changed his status to the ninth-order dominance, leaving him to sit down, so he did not need to go to Su Hang again. care!


   The ninth-order dominion, even if it is placed in the void world, is also absolutely top. With such a strong man staying behind, even if the Promise Heaven and Earth are empty, it is nothing!


   This time to come to Suhang, it is purely separate from Suhangdao first!


   "I'm going to leave now, Brother Su, do you have anything else to ask me?" On Mingyue Peak, Meng Nan also teased Su Hang's newly born children with a calm smile on his face.


   Su Hang paused. In fact, he wanted to ask Meng Nan about it, that was really too much!


  I didn't see Su Hang for a while, and Meng Nan turned back to see Su Hang standing there, "Do not ask now, when I leave, there will be no chance!"


   "I was just thinking, ask first!" Su Hang smiled.


   "Although ask, if I can answer, I will answer!" Meng Nan said, it was very simple today.


   Organized his thoughts, Su Hangdao, "Brother Meng Nan is so simple, then I can ask, I would like to ask Brother Meng Nan, what is the origin of fate? Is he from a fairy?"



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