Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3169: Jade Ruyi!

"What is the realm above the founding?" Su Hang was a little curious. Since the disciples ranked more than 900 have already had the ninth-level founding realm, then the existence before 900 should be stronger?


  Fairies have billions of trillions of founding powerhouses, so there should definitely be an existence beyond the founding realm.


  However, Luo Jiuchen shook his head, "I can't answer you this question, because I don't know the answer to this question!"


   "Don't you know?" Su Hang looked at Luo Jiuchen with surprise, wondering what a ghost was?


   Luo Jiuchen shrugged, "Maybe I'm ignorant, I haven't heard that there is a realm above the founding, or that there is a realm, but I haven't touched..."


   "This thing, there are secrets?" Su Hang puzzled!


  Luo Jiuchen shook his head, "Perhaps, only those who have reached the ninth order founding state will know it. There must be more than the ninth order of fairy spirits, and there are definitely a lot of them. But, these existences, I still have no contact with..."


   It seems that Luo Jiuchen is not really mixed up in the fairy spirit. Su Hang heard these words and asked no more!


At this time, Luo Jiuchen God mysteriously took a thing from his sleeve, "Brother Su, don’t know today, I don’t know when I will see you again, but I believe Brother Su, you will arrive at the fairy sooner or later, and that one The date will never be too far. Let's meet each other, and I have nothing good for you..."


   said, Luo Jiuchen handed the thing to Su Hang. Su Hang looked down, it was a pink wooden box, the box was long and narrow, not big, with some patterns embossed on it.


   "This is?" Su Hang reached out and took it, looking at Luo Jiuchen with some surprise!


Luo Jiuchen smiled and said, "It's not a precious thing. There is a jade ruyi in the box. I took it from a ruin of the fairy. I might have some use for Brother Su in the future. Of course, if you can't use it, Brothers Su are just for fun!"


   "This..." Su Hang was stagnant, "Senior Luo, the so-called reactive power is not good, this, I'm afraid it's not a bit good?"


   Suddenly send himself something, which makes Suhang feel a little flattered.


Luo Jiuchen laughed, "Brother Su, Luo Mou is a real person, and he does not follow you around, saying those scenes. Since Master respects you, you will definitely be extraordinary in the future. Luo Mou just wants to be good. Fate, the word "relationship" is very important in the fairy spirit. Luo Mou is not a person willing to be ordinary. If you want to fly into the sky, you may have to rely on Su Brothers in the future!"


  True, this Luo Jiuchen is really real. In his personal words, he must have spoken these scenes beautifully, but he said his true purpose without reservation!


   But Su Hang just likes this kind of frank character, and immediately shook his head and smiled, "Senior Luo said aloud, you are a fairy god, I should rely on you."


"You and I don't tout each other, I don't have to be a few years old, and I don't have to call my predecessor. If you don't dislike it, just call a brother. In front of the Brothers Su, Luomou can't dare to be big!" Luo Jiuchen He smiled.


  I have to say that Luo Jiuchen's near set of skills is really top-notch.


   is actually nothing more than Luo Jiuchen's enthusiasm. Originally, when he was in the fairy, he heard that his master Meng Nan ordered the blockade, and he also mentioned the name of Su Hang!


  Who is Meng Nan? The strongest of the fairy, how could he order such a special blockade? What is so special about this Suhang? Many people think that this existence, called Su Hang, must have done something against Meng Nan and made a big mistake!


Luo Jiuchen was still hesitating before. If Su Hang really committed something and caused the Master to be unhappy, it would be his own enemy. He could even destroy him and invite him to receive rewards, but after Su Hang finished speaking After that, he knew that the master was forcing Suhang to grow.


  That is to say, the future of Suhang is infinite, Luo Jiuchen wants to invest in advance!


   Stared at Luo Jiuchen and looked at it. Su Hang opened the box in his hand, and inside it lay a pair of jade wishful, pink and pink, with a long palm, which looked very small, and it was crystal clear!


   "Brother, what good is this, what's the use?" Su Hang asked.


   This brother, called Luo Jiuchen, blossomed on his face, "Brother Su, come with ears!"


   "Oh?" Su Hang was surprised. What did Luo Jiuchen want to tell himself?


   Immediately, Su Hang leaned over his ears. Luo Jiuchen didn't know what to say, but his lips moved slightly, and the expression on Su Hang's face was replaced by shock.


   "Does this matter seriously?" Su Hang turned to look at Luo Jiuchen with a shock.


   "Hush!" Luo Jiuchen stretched out a finger and stood up to his mouth, beckoning Su Hang to mute, as if what he had just said was a great secret.


   "Brother Su, I'm taking a risk to help you, but you can't hurt me. If people know this, I'm afraid it won't end!" Luo Jiuchen said seriously.


  Su Hang nodded slightly, "Brother, rest assured, you help me like this, I will not harm you naturally, I am in your love!"


  Luo Jiuchen nodded with satisfaction, "The fairy will not be allowed to have a monk come to this world afterwards, this thing is useless in my hands, Brother Su, use it with caution!"


   "Thank you!"


  Su Hang put the jade Ruyi back into the box, and put it away with precious and precious things. At this time, Ming Gu had already dissolved the power of Tongtian Pill, Luo Jiuchen said goodbye, and they walked to Ming Gu.




   Let's talk about Minggu and others, although they dissolve the power of Tongtian Pill, but they are not completely absorbed. They only feel the abnormal Tongtai all over the body, and every flesh has a bulging feeling.


   Sure That Tongtian Pill didn't increase their cultivation behavior, this medicine only allowed them to adapt to the environment of fairy spirit faster, so as not to be crushed by the spirit of fairy spirit.


   "Are you all done?" Luo Jiuchen looked coldly at the four people in front of him, "But what else to explain? What to do? It's too late to regret after waiting for the fairy!"


   Several people shook their heads, only Ming Gu looked at Su Hang from afar and felt Ming Gu's eyes. Su Hang understood his request and nodded far.


  Minggu turned to Luo Jiuchen now, "Envoy, we are all ready to go at any time!"


   Luo Jiuchen nodded slightly, "Then let's go!"


  The voice fell, Luo Jiuchen waved his sleeves, took the four ancient men and the two young men, and disappeared instantly!


   The golden light above the void converged, and the crack also healed quickly. Between Xu Yu, the whole void fell into darkness again, and the surroundings were quiet, leaving only Su Hang alone, as if none of these people had existed just now!

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