Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3171: There is another BOSS not hit!

The winter clothes didn't say much, but obviously, Su Hang's words gave her a big touch. If Su Hang's words were true, then, that is to say, she also had the opportunity to break through that realm, leave this world, and go to the fairy spirit.


   This is a great temptation for her!


As the master of the Wanmo Ancient Cave, the winter clothes are intended for the Wanmo Ancient Cave. She just learned that Su Hang has not yet broken through the founding realm, she is indeed considering whether to cancel the contract with Su Hang, because it hurts Wan Mogu The benefits of the cave, but now listening to Su Hang said, she instantly changed her mind!


  Compared with personal interests, the others are nothing. Besides, she can break through the founding realm, which is not a bad thing for Wanmo Ancient Cave.


   "So, Sister Winter Clothes, you not only can't stop me now, but also have to strongly support me, and strive to transform the void into chaos as soon as possible. By then, you and I are all done!" Su Hang added.


  The winter clothes nodded slightly, "I'm going back to the Wanmo Ancient Cave first, you don't have to worry about it, I can handle it..."


There are three major forces of the Nether Devil, namely Tianhe Mountain, Holy Spirit Temple and Wanmo Ancient Cave. Tianhe Mountain is no longer in the climate. Most of the gatemen have already invested in Wanmo Ancient Cave. The remaining forces do not have to worry about, and the remaining Holy Spirit The courtyard, and the cold clothes are also inextricably linked. The cold clothes are also how they once were the mothers. In this way, nowadays, the entire Demon Race, the best thing to say, is only the cold clothes, the cold clothes In a word, basically represents the attitude of the entire Mozu.


  The winter clothes left, Su Hang stopped for a moment, and went to chaos!


  Su Hang gave Han Yi the hope, he believed that Han Yi would desperately seize, no one could resist this temptation.


If it’s not that there were too many people who knew about it, Su Hang would have brought the bug to the public, and Su Hang would have made this bug known to the public. As a result, the Void Gods and Demons must work together to help chaotic expansion, but unfortunately, This bug really can only be known to as few people as possible.




All are gone, Meng Nan is gone, Panjia is gone, and they are all gone, Suhang has gradually felt a bit lonely in the past few days. At the beginning, Suhang did not understand where this loneliness came from, thinking It took several days to understand, perhaps because there were too few beings who could stand at the same height as him.


  Looking at the entire void, there is very little existence that can stand at the same height with him. Chaos assimilation of the void is also surprisingly smooth. He can feel that in the future life will lack many challenges, and will gradually return to plain.


At this time, Su Hang was able to gradually realize the state of mind of Meng Nan. An invincible existence, looking around, could not see an opponent, what kind of loneliness was that, what was the meaning of practice, and became stronger What is the meaning of the invincible time is too long, I really doubt life!


   Too much time, suddenly idle, there will really be a lot of discomfort, Suhang is now a little bit annoying!


The barrier between the Chaos World and the Void World has broken and disappeared a month ago. With the pre-arrangement of the Soviet Airways, some of the Void Powerful who are eager to divide the territory help, the Chaos World has been expanding into the Void at a super fast speed .


   How fast is it, 80 million light times per second, of course, this is nothing compared to the huge void world!


   But there must be a process of development. This speed is not static, and it is gradually increasing. According to professional calculations, it only takes 10,000 years to complete the evolution of the entire void!


   Ten thousand years, for the monk, the flick of a finger is much faster than expected, but this is the result of the joint development of many void powers.


  Why is everyone so active, there is no other reason, because everyone is waiting for a room.


  According to this speed, Su Hang has specially convened all parties to hold a small meeting and decided to organize a number-sharing sub-area every ten years in the future. Then, the contract number in everyone's hands will play a role!


That is to say, the first time to divide the new chaotic territory, just ten years later, it will fulfill the previous commitments of Suhang. As for some sporadic nail households, Suhang has no chance, and by that time, they Naturally know how to choose.


  Everything is so smooth, for Su Hang, there is not even a wave of events, really no challenge at all!


   Su Hangke is not yet ready to live that kind of leisure retirement life, but for a while, he is at a loss.


He is different from Meng Nan. Meng Nan is truly invincible and lonely, but Su Hang knows that at least in the fairy spirit, there are more than three billion trillion strong men surpassing him, there are stronger challenges to meet him, he does not Should be trapped in this piece of hongmeng!


   Could you say that all you can do now is to wait for 10,000 years, and after 10,000 years, seize the opportunity to break through the founding realm?


   Now in front of the tower of Mingyuefeng Zhanyue Pavilion, Su Hang looked up at the starry sky and the starry sea in the sky. Who is the most dazzling one?


   looked down and pinched a small pink object in his hand. It was the piece of jade Ruyi that Luo Jiuchen gave himself before leaving!


   Ten thousand years is too long, I want to fight, only day and night!


  The jade Ruyi in his hand clenched a point, Su Hang's kind of flashing a very determined light, that is the look that only the strong will have!


   He seemed to have made a decision, but at this moment, suddenly the space was stirred in the night sky, and a figure appeared in the ripples of space!


   Chu Beng! Su Hang looked at it, and it was Chu Beng, an old friend of the Void Temple!


   "Where are the Brothers Chu?" Su Hang immediately asked, seeing Chu Beng's expression flustered, Su Hang was actually a little excited, what happened to the Void Temple? Has this peaceful life finally gotten a little better?


   "Brother Su!" Chu Beng came to Su arched his hand first, then said, "Just before, the temple was attacked by the dark abyss..."


   "Oh?" Su Hang heard the words, his eyes lit up.


   "However, those who have been repelled and attacked the temple are not particularly powerful!" Chu Bang's words instantly disappointed Su Hang!


   has repelled, what are you doing with me? Su Hang was speechless for a while.


Chu collapsed, "However, those dark beings leave a message before leaving, let you go to the dark abyss, otherwise, they said, the Lord of Darkness will come out in person, of course, with the strength of the Brothers Su, naturally I don’t take the dark master into my eyes, but the dark abyss is an extremely large and mysterious force. I will never lose to any super power in the void. Once the dark master wants to make trouble, I’m afraid it will affect me. To the great cause of chaos assimilation into the void, so the Lord of the Palace told me to let you know, so that you can be a care!"




   Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but smile, "I almost forgot, there is still such a boss and no boss!"

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