Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3175: Dark Demon Formation!

"Boy, you really make me angry!"


   Slowly, the black sword was pulled out by the black crow, and threw it aside!


   is really a ruthless person, the black crow is trembling all over, and it can be seen that the black sword hurt him badly.


When Su Hang was hesitating whether to go up and make up a knife, he saw that the body of the black crow instantly liquefied, as if it had turned into a pool of oil, rising directly into the sky, and then turned into a black giant claw, with a bang. On the ground, grab the entire range of black holes in it.


Su Hang immediately felt a change in the surrounding environment. The black giant claws were petrified, and Su Hang was sealed in it like a cage. The four claws were turned into giant stones, covered with dense mysterious lines. The claw array directly separated Su Hang from the Destiny Nine Sword. The Destiny Nine Sword fell outside the Claw Array. Su Hang could not sense its existence for a while!


   Without saying anything, Su Hang took out the sky axe and chopped towards the stone claw, trying to break the blockade of the claw formation.




   The axe hasn't been cut down, only to hear the sound of the boom, the sky axe hasn't been cut up yet, and there are countless black lightnings falling down, directly hitting the sky axe.


   The force of terror directly tears the tiger's mouth of Su Hang, the sky axe almost flicks out, and almost half of his body is numb by electricity!


  Su Hang is horrified, what strange trick is this?


   "Boy, how are you feeling?"


  Condensation of darkness, the pressure of the four parties swept over, and Su Su was pressed to suffocate, as if pushed into the seabed abyss by 100,000 meters.


The voice of the black raven came from above, "Without Destiny and Nine Swords, you are nothing, you just had a chance to escape, but unfortunately you are too confident, into my dark devil's claw, you have no reason to survive, your life and death Already under my control!"


   Su Hang looked around, "Do you think I can be trapped in this space?"


This magic claw array is indeed powerful. Just now the black thunderbolt was also scary enough, but Su Hang did not think that it could trap him. He had not yet summoned the armor of fate. The body of fate was enough to resist the black lightning. How strong can the space domain wall be?


"Remind you!" At this time, the black crow's voice sounded again, "My dark devil claw is connected to the dark spring eye, and the power is endless. Even if you have the ability to break through my dark demon formation, then the dark spring eye also It will collapse, and you should be able to guess the consequences. The power of darkness is also a cornerstone of the void. If the dark spring eyes explode, it will inevitably affect the entire void..."


   Hearing this, Su Hang frowned. Hearing the black crow's words, can't he break the line? After breaking through this time, the dark springs flew away, and Su Hang could not guarantee whether it could clean up this mess!




   Rolling black thunder, like an iron whip, greeted the Su Hang with no politeness. Su Hang would not be able to dodge, and he would always be hit by the black thunder, and he would be covered with bruises soon.


   However, the damage of the skin and flesh is nothing to Su Hang. He can bear it completely, and his body is constantly repairing his body, which is a kind of refining.


Therefore, Su Hang did not choose to use the body of destiny, and simply did not hide, standing directly on the spot and accepting the baptism of the dark **** thunder. In his current state, there are too few means to harm his body. He must cherish this opportunity!


   Black Crow clearly noticed the strange thing. Dark God Thunder could not destroy Su Hang in an instant, but could only help Su Hang to practice, which is abominable!


   Soon, the dark **** thunder stopped, doing something like a wedding dress, how could the black crow be willing to do it?


   The wound on his body healed, Su Hang looked up, his face actually showed a bit of disappointment, and I didn't know that this guy liked to be abused.


   "Black Raven, since you can't help me anymore, why don't you let go of your dark demon, let's talk about it?" Su Hang said lightly.


   "Hehe!" The black crow chuckled, "Do you think this is the end? My black crow's greatest ability has not yet been exerted on you!"


   "What else can you do? The law of time and space?" Su Hang shook his head. The system of learning God had made this guy's information clear. The black crow has an innate ability, that is, control of time and space!


   Space-time laws, including time and space, space includes compression, expansion, folding, etc., time includes acceleration, deceleration, stillness, backtracking, etc. It can be said that there are countless laws related to this, each of which is extremely powerful.


The natural ability of the black crow happens to have the law of time and space, which is why the black crow is strong enough to be called the Lord of Darkness. Compared to it, another natural ability of the black crow is to control the law of darkness. It's a lot worse!


  No matter where it is, time and space will always be the most powerful and mysterious two kinds of forces. It can completely integrate time and space, and it is even stronger!


   Black Crow is one of the best among them, talents are different!


  However, Su Hang is not bad. He still has a good attainment of the law of space and time!


   The black crow did not respond to Su Hang, but soon, Su Hang felt the turbulence of time and space, to be precise, it was time!


  Su Hang felt that the timeline was fluctuated, and time was flowing backwards quickly.


Almost instantaneously, Suhang knew what the Black Raven wanted to do. He wanted to make Suhang degenerate by going back in time. You must know that Suhang hasn't practiced until now, and it only takes a few years. How long will the Soviet Air Force fall back automatically, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Black Raven!


   Reversing time and space, the consumption is huge, especially for the ninth-order super powers such as Soviet Airways, the consumption is even more terrifying, but the black crow is backed by the dark spring eyes, so don’t worry about it at all!


   Knowing the black raven's Su Hang is not so easy to mess with, and quickly used the law of time to speed up the time in the array!


   is pros and cons, and for a while, even one step forward and one back, stalemate!


   "Good boy, I still despised you!" Black Crow snorted coldly, and then the space in the array was compressed!


In an instant, Suhang felt the pressure. This feeling was like a space in a big world. It was instantly pressed into a point. The horror of the pressure in it, came in for an ordinary dominant power, fearing that it would instantly turn into nothing. !


  Su Hang also quickly applied space laws to expand the space, but at this time, Su Hang felt that he was inadequate in space laws!


The speed of the space expansion is not comparable to the speed of the other party's space compression. The terrible pressure quickly presses on Suhang's body, the bones are squeezed, and the pressure of all parties seems to press Suhang into a slime. !


Sure enough, I was still too confident. But the other party was intensively studying the laws of space and time, and the accomplishments of the black crow's laws of space were obviously much stronger. Compared with the space laws that were always proud of Su Hang, they became his shortcomings. , Dwarfed!

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