Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3206: Ten Thousand Blades Array!


   Su Hang drank coldly, waved his big sleeves, and at the foot of the ray, he flew away with Qin weak water.

   The battle of the founding realm was not something that could be blended into the dominating realm. Qin Qianshui knew that he had a few pounds or two. Since Su Hang let her avoid it, she naturally escaped far away!

That horrible knife, like splitting the sky and falling down suddenly, Su Hang's figure disappeared from the spot instantly, the horrible knife gas fell on the sea, the hot knife gas instantly split the sea water into two halves, and the edge evaporated into a huge air mass , Transpiration to heaven, and splashing water, forming a large rain cloud.

   This knife, the horror of power, almost split the sea to the bottom of the sea, at least tens of thousands of meters deep.


   The billowing power, the water waves, the sky covering the sky for a time, it is difficult to imagine such a terrifying power, if cut on the body, how many people can bear it?

  Ma Hengdao put away his sword, and there was no Su Hang in front of him, and the monstrous waves had not yet subsided, and the sword Qi Yuwei continued to split the sea and extended towards the distance.

  A whole sea was directly separated by a trench, and it could not be healed for a long time. It seemed terrifying as an abyss!

   This knife has a lot of power, and the travels of these years are still very effective!

  Ma Hengdao seems very satisfied with his own knife!

   "Fancy bells and whistles!"

   At this time, a voice came from the side, cold and creepy!

  Ma Hengdao felt murderous, almost instinctive, and turning back directly was a knife.


  I don't know when Suhang appeared behind him, holding a black sword and slashing toward Ma Hengdao.

  Ma Hengdao turned around this time, came in time, and just caught the Suhang sword.

   The electric light flashes, thunder is great!

  The sword of Su Hang is full of force, and the mahjong knife is in a hurry, being shot down like a shell!

With a loud bang, Ma Hengdao fell into the sea, exploding a big pit, and the waves were blasting!

   Su Hang stood in the air, watching the wounds on the sea close, Ma Hengdao had no idea how many meters below the sea floor he was bombarded.

   Suddenly, the seawater moved again. Within a few miles of the circle, the seawater's rapid rotation quickly formed a huge vortex, as if to **** people in.


   There was a tremendous momentum, and from the edge of the vortex, a giant blade of dozens of seawater gathered quickly.

  The giant blade pointed directly at the sky, like a dozen of thousand-meter-high giant walls, surrounding Su Hang in the middle, and the sea water tumbling down from the water blade, the momentum was enough to make people **** like a spring! 33 Novel debut https://https://

  More than ten giant blades quickly rotated around the vortex.

   "Uh, uh..."

  Innumerable waterjets flew out of the huge water curtains, and they were directed towards Suhang!

   The sky is like the wind and the butterflies, dense and dense, like to kill Su Hang.

  Every water blade is constantly waving, as if he possesses consciousness and is practicing a set of mysterious swordsmanship!

  Each waterjet drill seems to have a different knife method. Countless waterjets are countless knife methods, which are dazzling!

   Change to a weaker level, I'm afraid that one waterjet can't be cracked, not to mention countless waterjets. Moreover, these countless waterjets continue to shoot out, and even form a hidden faint, and the power is superimposed several times! 33 The fastest mobile terminal for novel updates: https:/

   Su Hang was in the formation, but he was extremely calm, as if not affected by this terrifying knife formation.

  The system of theology is pulled out and scanned, and the information of the entire formation is well known.


   Su Hang snorted coldly, his black sword flew out of his hand, and went directly to a large blade curtain wall in the northwest.

  The black sword was shot out and destroyed, the countless blades were evaded like consciousness, and the ones that could not escape were all smashed into pieces by Jian Qi!


   A huge blade in the middle of the black sword at high speed!

  In an instant, the giant blade array stopped like a hole, and the countless water blades quickly turned into seawater, as if they lost their lives, they fell from the array and returned to the sea! (First launch, domain name (remember _3

  The dozen or so giant-bladed curtain walls also collapsed, just like a thousands of waterfalls, which quickly fell from the sky and exploded into the sky.

  A figure appeared from the curtain wall, it was Ma Hengdao.

   Destiny Sword passed through the chest of Ma Hengdao, leaving a transparent hole. Ma Hengdao covered his chest with one hand, his face pale, and he looked at Su Hang with a shocked face.

   "You, did you actually break my ten thousand bladed sword array?" Ma Hengdao obviously couldn't believe the facts.

His tens of thousands of blades can completely trap the first-level founding powerhouses, and even compete with the second-level founding powerhouses. Such a powerful blade array was suddenly discovered by Su Hang. And directly broke!

   This person is very strong?

   Not necessarily, this person's momentum is not even stronger than himself, and should only be in the first order of the founding state, unless he has intentionally hidden strength.

   Or, there is a possibility that this person is very familiar with the ten-edged sword array!

  However, this ten thousand blade array is a unique skill taught by his teacher. What is a unique one? It's something that only you own, how could outsiders know?

  Ma Hengdao didn't forbid the strange eyes to look at Su Hang. This guy knew so much about his origins. Now he might know Wanblade Array. Where did he come from?

The Destiny Sword flew back to Su Hang's Su Hang stood with the sword, suspended above the sky, and looked calmly at the horse's horizontal knife below, "Your tens of thousands of blades are indeed powerful, change your personal It will really be bluffed by you. However, no matter how powerful the formation is, there must be a strong person matching it to the main formation, otherwise, no matter how strong the formation is, it will be in vain!"

   "You mean, I am not strong enough?"

  Ma Hengdao has a black face, a hand-held giant knife, and his boundless anger blooms, the surrounding seawater is affected by it, and it can't help boiling.

   Su Hang’s words undoubtedly made Ma Hengdao feel that his self-esteem was stepped on, and the handle of his hand was reddened by him!

   "Not that you are not strong enough, I am just stating a fact!" Su Hang said lightly.

   facts? The fact is that you are weak?


   has never felt underestimated. Ma Hengdao can be said to be completely angry at the moment, holding a giant knife, holding his chest high, and the hole in the chest is quickly repaired as before. The flames in his eyes are full of anger!

   "No matter what kind of bull, ghost and snake **** you are, out of your offense to me, today, you will die!"

   Above the giant blade, an orange-red flame was raised, and the hot temperature caused the surrounding seawater to evaporate instantly. The hot airflow formed a giant pit on the sea surface under the foot of the horse horizontal knife!

"Grumpy, irritable, like you, no wonder you can't break through for a long time!" Su Hang glanced down and shook his head again and again, "Since that's the case, I don't have to be polite with you, let you see what is the real million. The Blade Array, er, it's not right, it should be a Ten Blade Array!

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