Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 3208: Be my servant!

"Oh, funny!"

Su Hang chuckled and glanced at Ma Hengdao. "You are in Rizhao. You do have some prestige and status. I don't deny that you can come up with enough money to compensate, but, you think, your words are worth believing. What? When you come back to Rizhao, I am afraid that the first thing is to struggle with the forces, find me to settle the bill?"

"Dare not!" Ma Hengdao endured the pain in his body and quickly said, "My Ma Hengdao would like to swear to the sky that if my senior let me go this time, there will be a rebate in the future. Open up for you, if Ma Mou dares to bite back, he must die without a burial place!" (Starting, domain name (please remember _三


  Su Hang looked up and laughed.

At this time, Qin Qianshui had come together, facing the Su Hangdao very seriously, "Master, don't believe him, Ma Hengdao, this person is naturally overbearing. Although I haven't seen him before, the wind in the thirteen coastal countries The evaluation is not very good. If the owner releases him, he will definitely be bitten by him in the future!"

   "The Ma family is the Rizhao national clan. There are second-tier founding powerhouses in the clan, and Ma Hengdao's master is the third-order powerhouse sword Emperor Lin Sanguan..."


  Qin Qianshui said a lot, the implication is to let Su Hang kill Ma Hengdao, otherwise, it will be a future problem!

   "Qin Weak Water!"

Su Hang didn't speak yet, Ma Hengdao was angry, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Qin Qianshui tightly, "You are such a bad woman, I have no guilt with you, why do you bother me to death!" "

  Qin Qianshui looked down at him, but ignored him, and turned to Su Hangdao, "Master, you can't let him go!"

  Ma Hengdao carried the flame giant blade, struggling to stand up, the giant blade in his hand pointed far away to Qin weak water, "Huh, don't fight this life, Ma Mou will also bring you to be buried!"

   was so angry, like a wild ancient beast, that Qin Qianshui's face was pale and he quickly hid behind Suhang!


   Facing the violent Ma Hengdao, Su Hang said lightly, reached out and squeezed his chin, "Let me think about it, how to deal with you!"

  Ma Hengdao's body has lost a lot of anger, but this feeling of being tried is really bad.

  He wanted to escape, but he could not guarantee that he could escape. If he could not escape and was caught, there would be no room for return, and it was absolutely a dead end.

   daringly suspended his heart, his heart raised his throat, Ma Hengdao could even hear his own breathing, and his nerves were extremely tight.

   "I have it!"

   At this moment, Su Hang patted his head, and the sudden sound almost scared Ma Hengdao into illness.

   I saw Su Hang spread his right hand, and a golden light burst into his palm. After the light flashed, a quaint scroll appeared in the palm of Su Hang.

  The reel flew up, flying straight to the horse horizontal knife, the horse horizontal knife reached out and took it, opened it, and his face changed slightly!

   There is only one word on it!


  Ma Hengdao looked up at Su Hang, his dry lips pursed slightly, "Senior, what does this mean?"

   "Drop a drop of blood, cover a fingerprint, sell as a slave, from now on, you will be my slave!"

  Su Hang is very simple, and there is no shyness at all, "Of course, you can also choose not to sign, and your life is today!"

   "Do you want me to be your slave?"

  Ma Hengdao seemed to hear what a fantasy, but someone wanted to accept him as a slave?

   Who is he? The first genius of the Ma family, the founding powerhouse under the age of fifty, what is the dignity of his identity, some people want to accept him as a slave?

"Time doesn't wait for others. The chance to live is in front of you. If you can't catch it, it's up to you. If you think that dignity is more important than life, then I have nothing to say!" Su Hang said lightly. A sentence. 33 Novel debut https://https://

   life? dignity?

   Some people regard dignity as more important than anything, and some people would rather give up dignity in order to get what they want!

Ma Hengdao is obviously the former. This person is very concerned about dignity. It can be said that he is completely controlled by dignity, but this is also a scoring occasion. If there are many people around him now, he is being watched. He will definitely choose dignity without hesitation, but Now, there is only the vast sea around him, and his problem is obviously much lighter. 33 The fastest mobile terminal for novel updates: https:/

  However, if he really wanted him to lay down his dignity and be a slave, he still could not do it.

   looked up and looked at Su Hang, "It's just a contract, even if I signed it, aren't you afraid of me repenting?"

"No, you won't!" Su Hang shook his head gently. "Although this is only a paper contract, this is not an ordinary contract. There are special rules on it. Once signed, it cannot be removed unless you one day cultivate to nine. The first stage of the founding state, otherwise, it will follow you like a curse, but if you have a little rebellious move, even a thought, you will be punished by the power of the contract..."

  Know that this contract was a huge price for Suhang, which was exchanged from Xueshen system. Suhang still has a lot of confidence in what the Xueshen system gives.

  Su Hang's words, Ma Hengdao shuddered, and Qin Qianshui beside him couldn't help but shudder, thought Su Hang wouldn't let her sign such a contract, right?

  Ma Hengdao holds the After listening to Su Hang's words, he doesn't want to sign this contract anymore!

   "Ma men, would rather stand to die, rather than kneel to live."

  Ma Hengdao turned his heart across, holding the long knife with one hand, his body once again blossomed into infinite fighting will.

"it is good!"

   Su Hang took two slaps, "It's guts, but it seems too late!"

  Ma Hengdao seemed to realize something. When he looked down, he had been injured just now, covered with blood. The contract held by him was already soaked with his blood!


  Ma Hengdao reacted and quickly threw the reel out.

  Blood soaked on the reel, and quickly penetrated into it. The reel automatically floated in the air and unfolded directly. The word "slave" above radiated blood red light.

   The light was hot, like a falling star, and the scroll shot directly towards the finished horse.

   The horse's horizontal knife was terrified, and the knife was cut, and it was cut on the scroll, but it was like nothing. The scroll turned into a red light, and entered the head of the horse's blade directly.

   For a moment, Ma Hengdao was fixed, as if he had been hit by acupuncture points, and a pair of scarlet eyes instantly lost their mind and stared straight ahead!

   At this time, if someone is close, you can definitely see the surface of Ma Hengdao's eyes, and there are countless text-like information flows.

Countless messages exploded in the mind of Ma Hengdao in an instant, and was quickly understood and absorbed by the horse Hengdao. Those are the laws that come with the scroll, telling the horse Hengdao what can and cannot be done. Things, what a penalty!

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