Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1210: Ancient legend!

"Yo, you have also been to Panlong City!" Qin Weisshui pouted beside him, a little yin and yang, with a bit of ridicule!

"Nonsense!" Ma Hengdao snorted. "In that year, Princess Rizhao Guojiu Xiao Liyuan married the Huang clan in Panlong City. Rizhao Wang Qin ordered Master to accompany him. Master took me to marry Panlong City. Panlong City stayed for three months..."

   Speaking of this, Ma Hengdao suddenly stopped and snorted at Qin Weishui, "I'll explain this to you, this woman, boring!"


  Qin Qianshui also threw a blind eye, too lazy to take care of him!

   In the room, he had already entered the city. There was a blue rainy day, the head of the blue whale family. Naturally, no one dared to stop it.

  The Whale Palace is deep in the Blue Whale City, and it is a forbidden palace in the inner city, and the defense is strict!

  Especially some time ago, after Ma Hengdao's visit, the guards here are more strict, and they are completely alert throughout the city!

  Although encountering such a strong man, no matter how vigilant it is, it can provide some psychological comfort to those who are superior!

   entered the palace and met the Blue Whale King, a middle-aged man who looked very capable. However, his strength was a bit worse, and he was not yet in the dominating realm, only the Supreme Realm.

I don’t know what is the second grandson of the blue rainy sky. In Su Hang’s view, the Supreme Realm is nothing, and it can even be said that it is the same as the ruddy dog, but in this area, it can be regarded as The pinnacle exists, and there is an old ancestor behind, sitting in this seat deserves it!

The Blue Whale King was very frightened in front of Su Hang because he felt that his ancestors were very scared, especially that the outrageously strong man who had troubled some time ago was also respectful behind Su Hang. He Even more terrified!

  Because he knows, this must be someone he can't afford!

   In the main hall, Lan Yutian rejected the Blue Whale King, whispered a few words, and talked to Su Hang alone.

   "Sit down and chat, this is your place, don't be discouraged!"

  Su Hang was sitting on the guest seat next to him, Qin Qianshui and Ma Hengdao stood behind him, and Lan Yutian stood in front of Su Hang, naturally he was afraid to sit!

   Hearing Su Hang’s words, Lan Yutian sat down and said, “Predecessor Lu Zun was downgraded to my Blue Whale City, and the old is not terrified...”

  Su Hang waved his hand and interrupted his words, "Do not say those polite words, let's be practical, Ma Hengdao took your whale palace what?" 33 novel debut


  Lan Yutian heard the words, his face twitched slightly, and he seemed to be avoiding it.

   It looks like a wealthy slave who doesn't want people to know that he has money in his family.

   Su Hang shook his head, thinking of me Su Hang, what baby hasn't seen it, can it still covet your things?

   looked sideways at Ma Hengdao, Ma Hengdao said, "Master, this must start from a legend!"

"It is said that a long time ago, there was a ninth-ranking great saint in the sea of ​​bliss called Dragon Covering the Sea, which was called the sea-covering big sage. The entire sea of ​​bliss is almost dominated by it. The soldiers will be broad, and don’t take the Destiny Palace in your eyes!"

   "Destiny Palace has several times sealed him as the Bliss Emperor, he is not subject to it, thinking that it would be short of Destiny Palace, how bold is that, dare to fight against Destiny Palace!"

   "The most stupid thing is that this dragon covered the sea, and actually threatened to take someone to the destiny palace. Where is the destiny palace, how could he be provocative!"

"Toasting without eating and drinking fines, without being banned, then there is only war. Destiny Palace sent troops to suppress it. For months in the sea, there were countless dead and injured aquariums. Finally, Long Fuhai was captured by a superpower in Destiny Palace. I returned to the Palace of Destiny, and since then I have been silent for three hundred years!"

   "And the drama is that after the three hundred years, Long Fuhai returned to the sea of ​​bliss with the decree of the palace of destiny, and became the king of bliss that ruled the sea of ​​bliss, also known as the sea emperor!"

   Speaking of this, Ma Hengdao shook his head, and it seemed a bit ridiculous. At first, you were unwilling to let you be this Elysium Emperor. You had to be beaten up, and finally it wasn’t flattered. 33 The fastest mobile terminal for novel updates: https:/

   Everything seems to be unable to escape this theory of true incense. There is no doubt that Long Fuhai in the three hundred years of the Destiny Palace must have been smooth!

   Su Hang looked at Ma Hengdao, "Is this story you told me a question for you? Is there any connection?"

"It's connected!" Ma Hengdao immediately said, "It is said that when the dragon covered the sea and the Destiny Palace strong man, then the Destiny Palace strong man left a treasure in this sea area, and the strong man has always been Did not come back..."

"Because of the existence of this legend, I don’t know how many strong people go deep into the sea of ​​bliss to seek treasure, but the sea of ​​bliss is too big, and I want to find something that exists in a distant legend, and I don’t know if it exists, it is simply Needle in a haystack!"

   "So, you mean, that baby is in the blue whale waters?" Su Hang asked.

   Ma Hengdao glanced at Lan Yutian, "then you have to ask this blue patriarch!"

   "Ask me? Ask me what I do?" Lan Yutian quickly shook his head, his eyes dodged a little, "I don't know what remains of the Destiny Palace!"

"Hum, not honest!" At this time, Qin Weishi snorted coldly, "I also said that Ma Hengdao grabbed your baby in the Now I don't know what baby, blue rainy day, you take my home Master can't play as a fool?"

  Khan, what is this called?

   A black line flashed across Suhang's forehead, and where Blue Rainy Day was able to withstand it, he quickly fell to his knees on the ground.

At this time, Ma Hengdao said, "I traveled to this blue whale some time ago, and met several children of the blue whale family. During the chat, I heard them talk about the legend of the blue whale family. It is said that the powerful treasure of Destiny Palace fell in the blue whale waters at that time. At that time, I thought that if there is such a treasure, then Heaven will help me, so I will find the Whale King Palace!"

"Unexpectedly, the old man confided me, so I grabbed him as a slave and forced him to take me to treasure hunting, but the old man was really slippery, saying that he was taking me out to find treasure, but he was in the sea for half a month. Until you meet the owner!"


  What is this called? Su Hang touched his forehead, so he said that people died for money and birds died for food. If it weren’t for greed, Ma Hengdao might not meet himself, and he didn’t have to be a slave!

   "So, does this treasure really exist?" Su Hang looked at Lan Yutian.

   Lan Yutian knelt on the ground and shivered. "When I return to my predecessors, there are similar legends in the family, but if the younger disciples catch the wind and catch the shadows, I can't believe it!" 33 The fastest update of the novel computer: https://

"Humph!" Qin Weisshui snorted softly, "the so-called bluff wind, there are some things, I am afraid it is not necessarily catching the wind and catching the shadow, Lan Yutian, the master is face to face, you dare to tell a few lies, without the master's shot, I can destroy your blue Whale family!"

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