Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: Momentum competition!

????Ma Hengdao saw this scene in the back, his eyes suddenly burst into a strange look!

The owner really has two brushes, is this his real strength?

The momentum exuded from Su Hang's body at the moment made Ma Hengdao feel a breathless breath!

This momentum is obviously higher than him!

Second order?

Ma Hengdao frowned slightly, did the master finally hide his strength? Showdown?

Is this his real strength? Second order? If it is only second-order, is it necessary for him to hide his strength? There is no need to hide to the first order even if it is hidden

After all, what's so good about the first-order gap?


Suddenly, Ma Hengdao felt a bit of heart palpitations. It was a creepy feeling. He could clearly feel that after reaching the second order, Su Hang's momentum did not stop, but kept climbing upwards!

Third order? Soon, it has reached the third level, but still did not stop.

Ma Hengdao's complexion has changed. When Su Hang's momentum reaches Tier 3, he can no longer leap over the ranks to estimate the specific realm of Su Hang!

He only knows that the momentum of Su Hang's body has been so strong that he was terrified. Although the momentum was not aimed at him, it was equally terrifying.

Beside, Qin Qianshui and Lan Yutian were already pale and trembling all over!

Su Hang, who was standing in front of them at the moment, was soaring. The feeling was like standing in front of an atomic bomb about to explode!

At this moment, Su Hang, with walnuts on the side, walked into the crack again!

There is no other use for this walnut. It is just to increase the coercion of the momentum. Su Hang used to use it to pretend to be a fox and a tiger, or to use coercion to refine the body.

The body's momentum has exploded to the third-order peak. Su Hang walked into the crack. The body's momentum collided with the crack's momentum, directly pressing back the crack's momentum.

This time, there was a strong momentum to open the road. I didn't feel the thrust at first. I walked in there for twenty steps, and the familiar feeling came again!

Su Hang once again felt the repulsive force of momentum and pushed him outwards. When he reached the twenty-fifth step, sweat appeared again on Su Hang's forehead and he couldn't move on!

The walnut in his hand was vigorously spinning, and he did not dare to relax at all. Su Hang could guarantee that if he stopped the pair of walnuts now, he would definitely be crushed here by the terrifying momentum.

Take out a top-grade fairy stone, Su Hang quickly replenishes his strength, and the walnuts in his hand inject more powerful power!

The body's momentum has exploded again!


Su Hang even felt the explosion of the surrounding space!

At the fourth level, the momentum broke through to the founding level of the fourth level. At that moment, Suhang felt that the pressure around him was cleared, and the rushing momentum was pressed back again, as if the tide had receded. .

The top grade fairy stone held in his left hand has been shattered and scattered into the surrounding seawater.

This walnut is too much physical energy, and the thirst for energy has reached an extremely terrifying point. It is completely a machine that consumes energy to create momentum!

This time, Su Hang directly took out five top-grade fairy stones and used the fairy stones to quickly replenish the consumed physical strength and energy and continue to walk in!

In this crack, the channel is narrow, the darkness is abnormal, and the mind is compressed by the momentum within 20 meters, and I don't know what is ahead!

Fifty steps, the Soviet Airways stopped again, the pressure came again, and once again reached the limit!

The five top-grade fairy stones were exhausted, and Su Hang felt a bit of a pain, but in order to figure out what is inside, he had already come here, and Su Hang could only go inside with a scalp!

Taking out a superb fairy stone, the volume quickly recovered, and the huge power continued to be input into the fairy fairy walnut, and Su Hang's body surged again.

Tier 5 founding realm!

The huge majestic pressure around him was pressed back again, and his body seemed to be unloaded with heavy burdens. Su Hang felt like he was going to float.

The energy of the Need for Immortal Stone is being quickly consumed. Su Hang dare not delay, and continues to go deep into the crack.

Su Hang’s pair of fairy walnuts is said to be the relics of Li Dabai, a ninth-ranking founder of the fairy world. In theory, as long as there is enough energy to infuse, this pair of fairy walnuts should be able to play out. Nine orders of momentum.

The existence of this crack can not be stronger than the ninth order, right? Su Hang is thinking!

If that piece of Tianwei Artifact is doing strange things, it is a magic weapon of the ninth-order strongman. Now that it has lost its owner, it should not be able to exert its ninth-order momentum, and it will exude the strength of the heavenly power for a long time. Absolutely limited.

Of course, there is no absolute thing, in case it can really exert the momentum of the ninth order, then for the Soviet airlines, it is really dead!

Now, Su Hang only puts the fairy walnut into the fifth order, he has already felt his body is crumbling, and some can't bear it!

Moreover, the energy consumption rate of the fairy stone is extremely horrible. If he hadn't harvested a lot of money under the Crab King's Palace a few days ago, otherwise, it really couldn't withstand the consumption.

At two hundred steps, Su Hang stopped again and was again blocked by the momentum ahead!

The momentum here has been so strong that it is terrifying, comparable to the momentum exhaled in the violent state of the sixth-order strongmen in the founding realm!

Now that Suhang is a little difficult to ride a tiger, it has gone so far. It is not reconciling to withdraw, but if it continues to go inside, although the body is barely able to withstand, but I don't know how far inside!

In case there is still a long way to go, the energy in his body is not enough to be consumed. At that time, in the face of such a powerful momentum, I am afraid that he has no chance to escape, and he will be crushed into smashes.

At the critical Su Hang hesitated for a moment, took his heart across, took a super-high-quality fairy stone out, pinched it in his hand, the vast energy poured into the body, repairing his huge momentum The flesh is being refined, and even more terrifying energy is injected into the Fairy Walnut.

The momentum surged again!

Sixth-order dominion!

This is already the limit of Su Hang. Su Hang can feel that every cell in his body is shaking and every drop of blood is boiling.

While exalting the immortal walnut, it is also a tempering of his own flesh. This kind of hardening has allowed Su Hang to reach the limit of his flesh and may collapse at any time!

In this case, the fate body is accelerating the fusion with the Su Hang's flesh, and the Su Hang's flesh is also becoming stronger during refining.

However, this will take time. Obviously, the current situation of the Soviet Airways is the most lacking.

Because every minute and every second, he is consuming energy at a terrifying speed, he cannot wait until his physical body is tempered and strong, and then continue to move forward.

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