Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1228: Add another general!

Peng Jiu Channel, "In fact, it is also simple. The old slave thought about it before he went to the island. Qin Wulu and I have no deep friendship. If he comes to share such a treasure with him, he will definitely be vigilant, so the old slave will move. Think carefully!"

"The so-called treasure has spirits. After I went to the island, I gave one of the dragon berries spiritual wisdom to make it far away, and the old slave chased behind. This move shocked Qin Wulu. When he saw the dragon berries, he naturally took the shot! "

"The old slave asked him to grab the dragonberry, and then he said that it was the old slave that I discovered first, chased it all the way, and returned it, and he had no friendship with me, would he give me the dragonberry? The things he found should belong to him. Now that Dragonberry has entered his hand, it is his chance, and there is no reason to return it. I naturally jumped like a thunder. When I forced him again, he simply swallowed the Dragonberry..."


Peng Jiutong said, as if he was counting the achievements, he was very proud.

Su Hang couldn’t help but admire it. He and other people beside him listened to it, and they even put it on the ground. I wanted to be the one who encountered this routine. I’m afraid I couldn’t hide it. I used to underestimate this old man. The old man is not only powerful, but his IQ is actually full, and all are full of routines!

In the final analysis, it is still a corruption of a word of greed. If it is not greedy, Qin Wulu has no reason to be calculated by Peng Jiutong.

In any case, the result was very happy to see Su Hang, a few people went to the island, there is a forest on the island, very clean and tidy, a path, directly from the beach to the depths of the forest.

In the depths of the forest, the grass and trees are faint, only the birds call insects. Several wooden houses are hidden in the lush forest. This island occupies a small spiritual vein in the sea. The unique sea potential of the wild waves bends, making the surrounding fairy spirits The qi is gathered here like a tornado, which can be said to be unique!

There is plenty of fairy spirits here, and in this sea area, it is difficult to find a blessing that is comparable to the place in front of you!

There was a noise in the room. An old man was lying on the bed and was sleeping soundly. The two children next to him were anxious like the ants on the hot pot. They were in a panic!

"It's you, dare you come? What did you eat for my ancestor?"

The two children heard the movement and came out of the house. When they saw Peng Jiutong, they were furious and pulled out the sword with a groan.


The two young monks who just joined the realm dared to draw their swords in front of the founding realm. Isn't that a fate, Peng Jiutong just snorted and waved his sleeve gently!

The two swords fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a blue smoke rising from the spot. The two boys had disappeared, and there were only two hares in the spot!

It turned out that only two hares were cultivated. Qin Wulu wanted to solve the loneliness, so he took care of his daily life!

Cultivation of one's own behavior, it is so vanished, even the spirit of wisdom is beaten back to its original form, it really makes people sigh!

Therefore, in the practice world, never swell, never think that you are a personal thing, in the eyes of the real strong, maybe you are just an optional ants!

The two hares jumped directly to the side, jumped into the wood one after another, and soon disappeared!

Few people ignored it and went straight into the room!

The furnishings in the room are very simple, just a wooden bed, on which lies a gray-haired man, but looks like a young man in his 20s or 30s, with a sword hanging on the wall, and nothing else!

When the two Su Hang entered the room, the sword hanging on the wall suddenly shook violently, glowing golden glow all over him!

"Master be careful!"

Peng Jiutong shouted, stepped out, grabbed the front, and before the sword came out of the sheath, played countless restrictions to seal the sword!

The light on the sword quickly dimmed down and was like a beast that was calmed down after a violent rage!

At this time, Peng Jiutong turned to face Su Hangdao, "This sword is called Chi Xiao, but it is a super-divine magic weapon. They all blame the old slaves for their inconsideration. This sword has a spirit and automatically protects the master. It almost disturbed me. the host!"

Su Hang waved his hand and didn't care. No matter how powerful the weapon was, without the master's envoy, the power would be greatly reduced. There was Peng Jiutong here, a sword, and he couldn't turn the waves!

Coming to the bed, Su Hang looked at it, "He is Qin Wulu?"

Peng Jiutong verified his body and nodded at Suhang. "Yes, it's him!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, anyway, he was also a powerhouse of the fifth-tier founding world, placed on the fairy continent, and could dominate one side, becoming a township powerhouse of the fifth-level kingdom. Who can think of such a existence, actually confused. Was upset by a fake dragonberry!

Sleeping so sweetly, Su Hang couldn't bear to bother him!

Time waits for no one, Su Hang is unequivocal, take out the contract scroll that has already been prepared, and urge it directly, and a light directly enters Qin Wulu's mind!

Peng Jiutong looked next to him, and sighed. Not long ago, this was how he was enslaved by Suhang!

He has a feeling of being a tiger, but now that there is another Qin Wulu, Peng Jiutong feels that his heart is more balanced!


"Slave, Qin Wulu, see your master!"

Three days later, Qin Wulu awoke, lowered his head, knelt in front of Su Hang, and under the influence of the power of the contract, he could only helplessly accept the reality of being enslaved by Su Hang!

Suhang told him what he had already prepared. It was nothing more than the ones he had spoken with Peng Jiutong before. When Suhang would one day be in the ninth-order initiation, and return to the Palace of Destiny, they would free themselves!

Anyway, this is a little hope for them!


Next Su Hang took them to the sea of ​​giant crocodiles again to find Wang XIII. As Peng Jiutong said, Wang Shisan was not in the sea of ​​giant crocodiles, it was considered to have escaped.

Later, a group of people went to the algae sea area again, and Excellence was not so lucky. After all, it was only the second order of the founding state. This time, Su Hang did not even use the supersense narcotics, but only let Peng Jiutong and Qin Wulu take action. When dealing with a second order, there is no suspense at all, and excellence has no resistance at all, so they are easily won by the two!

After receiving the excellence, there are four founding strongmen under Su Hang's command. Time has passed for about ten days, and they have not continued to hunt other strongmen. Su Hang directly took them back to Blue Whale City, preparing to do a little Let's rest again!

Moreover, in the blue whale waters, Su Hang has another very important thing to do!

Su Hang hasn't gotten that Tianwei artifact yet!


After catching the golden toad, Su Hang took out a lot of energy stones from the golden toad.

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