Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: Hit a nail!

   These people were all captured by Peng Jiutong and Qin Wulu. They did not even use the supernatural narcotics prepared for them by Su Hang, and they were captured directly and violently, commonly known as robbery!

  This saves Su Hang a lot!

   has a vast overseas territory, and some strong people like to avoid the world and practice, and the overseas world, regardless of heaven and earth, has become their choice.

   However, these scattered repairs are often scattered in various seas, mostly avoiding the world and practicing, and not much contact with the outside world, so the reputation is not obvious, one in the east, one in the west, no one knows who, no one knows who!

  Peng Jiutong didn't know many people. Except for a king who disappeared without a trace and accidentally escaped from Suhang's palm, Zhuoyue and Qin Wulu were taken by Suhang!

  Qin Wulu knows so many, and also knows so many. The more people he catches, the more information about the nearby sea area, the more someone will know the information of a few hermits.

Qin Wulu and Peng Jiutong were originally the top five of the founding realm. They have rarely met their opponents. As long as there is information about the founding monks, Su Hang will let them catch it, and they will sit back and relax in Destiny Island. To catch people back, just use the contract bondage!


"the host!"

   On this day, Peng Jiutong and Qin Wulu came back empty-handed, came to the founding hall, and asked Su Hang for guilt!

   "Why, it's hard to do this time?"

   Su Hang was sitting on the throne, Qin Weishui was standing on the side, and Ma Hengdao and others were respectfully standing on the left and right. It still counts as small as a dozen people, just like the emperor's upturn.

   "The old slave is incompetent, please ask the master to punish!" The two kneel on the ground and kowtow to pray!

   "Tell me first, what's going on?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and said lightly.

If you remember correctly, I caught a first-level founding monk named Yu Guanhua back yesterday. This man's strength is not very good. The news is quite informed. The situation of dozens of sea areas is clear. From his mouth, I know There is a volcanic sea in the northwest, and one of them has reached the fifth level of the original state!

   As soon as Su Hang heard the fifth order of the founding state, he was naturally interested, and he immediately let Peng Jiutong and Qin Wulu go to catch them.

  Before the two left, Su Hang prepared the super anesthetic specifically for them, in order to be foolproof, but unexpectedly, the two returned quickly.

   "Master!" Peng Jiutong gritted his teeth, "The information is not very accurate..."

   "How? That person is not the fifth order of the founding state?" Su Hang frowned slightly, and inadvertently looked at Yu Guanhua.

   If it is not the fifth-order, reaching the sixth-order strong, Suhang is impossible for Peng Jiutong to take risks, because it is almost looking for death!

Yu Guanhua was shocked when he heard this, and quickly stood up and knelt in the hall, "Master, the news of his subordinates is not dare to be fake. Before the age of one, he really just broke through the fifth order of the founding state, unless in At this age of age, he made another breakthrough..."

   One year old, it was a million years!

However, the million-year time sounds very long in the Soviet Airways, but for ordinary monks in the founding world, if you want to break through the first level and practice to the second level in a million years, that is almost not How is it possible that the time is too short!

   Su Hang frowned slightly. This Yu Guanhua was nothing more than the news he heard.

   waved his hand, ignoring Yu Guanhua, Su Hang looked at Peng Jiutong and Qin Wulu, waiting for their reply.

Qin Wulu said, "Going back to the owner, Brother Yu, the blackheart priest, was indeed only a fifth-level founder. It was not difficult for me to win him with Brother Peng and me, but what we did not expect was that when we got there It was only discovered that the volcanic waters are not only a founding monk of the Blackheart Residence!"


   When Su Hang heard this, the expression on his face became more serious, and more than one person could make Qin Wulu and Peng Jiutong go back and forth. Su Hang already understood the meaning.

   "It doesn't make sense. I went to the volcanic waters once a hundred years ago. Apart from the Blackheart, I haven't heard of any other powerful people in the volcanic waters?" Yu Guanhua puzzled.

   Su Hang's eyebrows stretched out, "A century of time, although it is just a flick for you, it is enough to happen a lot!"

  Yu Guanhua had nothing to say, bowed his head, and dared not talk again.

   At this time, Peng Jiu Channel, "According to our investigation, we know that there is a sixth-order strongman in the volcanic waters. What is the specific existence? We failed to see myself and did not inquire clearly..."

   "Wait!" Su Hang halted. "You mean, you haven't seen the man, and the man hasn't shot, so you're back?"

   Both laughed a little, and looked a little embarrassed and shy. Obviously this was the case.

Qin Wulu said, "Master, although we haven't figured out the other party's bottom, but what is certain is that a huge force is entrenched in the volcanic waters. This force was formed by the strongman of the sixth order, and the Blackheart Residence has been included. At the time, in addition to the blackheart layman, there were two fifth-tier strongmen who appeared. We fought a game. If we didn't run fast, we might be left behind!"

   Su Hang frowned, is there such a force in the volcanic waters? Could it be that someone has long been hunting for the founding powerhouses in various seas and forming forces?

   The hall is even more uproar, everyone knows what such a force means!

   "The specific situation of the other party, to what extent do you know?" Su asked.

The two looked at each other and both smiled bitterly. Peng Jiu Channel said, "When we go back to our master, we have fled and fled. There is still a chance to investigate, but also that the sixth-order strongman hasn't shot, otherwise, I'm just afraid of us. Can't come back!"

   A sixth rank, at least three fifth ranks, there may be more in reality. Su Hang will look at all the people in the hall, there is still a little superiority, and it is gone all at once!

   This force is definitely stronger than what he has now!

   "Master, the two of them fled back like this, wouldn't the other party be tracking down to this point?" Ma Hengdao suddenly said.

   Everyone was in an uproar, and there was some fear on their faces, everyone knew what Ma Hengdao meant!

"Will not!"

  Peng Jiutong quickly shook his head, "We were very careful when we escaped. We deliberately interspersed several sea areas before we came back. They should not be tracking here!"

  , Peng Jiutong said without confidence, Qin Wulu kneeling next to him did not believe that the other party has a sixth-order existence, want to stare at you, can't you still stare? Tracking is so simple!

  Su Hang instead smiled, "Don't worry, the formation around this island is enough to resist the attack of the seventh-order strongmen. If they dare to come, it will just accept them!"


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