Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Get hooked!

  Four people are all incomparable expressions. For them, their five founding powerhouses of the fifth rank, dealing with two injured fifth ranks, are simply hand-in-hand and easy!

   "I can't figure out what the lord of the palace thought. This little thing actually caused the five of us to come out together. Isn't that a waste!" Jinhuanxian said quite a bit, and complained!

   "The lord of the palace is proceeding with caution. Since letting the five of us come together, it must have been very important to this matter. I should wait for it with extreme care and not allow any deviation!" Popol said.

  As soon as he mentioned the word Gongzhu, Jinhuanxian's face flashed a bit of fear, so he couldn't say more.

   Lu Changsheng said, "Hei Xin reminds me right, it is said that the children of this family, from the eighth-order kingdom, there will definitely be life-saving means, we can not take it lightly!"

   Qingyun San said, "If this matter is broken, the palace blame will be blamed, we can't even eat it!"

   Everyone heard that they were all in a cold heart. They were all bitten by a heart-biting spell. They could only survive by relying on Gou Yang. They felt the pain when the bite-biting spell happened. They knew it deeply and did not want to experience it again!

"You can rest assured that the strength of the other party, I have probed clearly!" At this time, Shen Xiu made a haha ​​and eased the tension. "They are still looking for treasure in this sea area. As for leaving, will we still be able to win them by five-to-two? As for the children of the family, they have only just entered the founding world. How much can they endure?"

   Listening to Shen Xiu's words, everyone felt relieved. They all knew Shen Xiu. Shen Xiu was not an arrogant person. Since he said so, he must have been very sure!

   "The black basket sea area is more marginal than the volcanic sea area. It is deserted like this. What spiritual treasures can there be? It is worth a family child to find across such a distance?" The woman's curiosity is very heavy, as is the Golden Ring Immortal.

  Unexpectedly, when she asked this sentence, she had already fallen into one foot and Suhang had already woven the Tian Luo Di net for them!

Several people looked at Shen Xiu, but Shen Xiu shook his head, "I asked at the time, but the other party did not express it, but I want to come. This vast overseas area, the area that my generation can detect is rare. There are few, maybe there are any great treasures!"

   Several people nodded slightly. Since it is a treasure, the other party will definitely not tell you easily. If he tells you directly, it is really doubtful!

"This time when I came out, in addition to catching the children of the family, the palace owner also emphasized to find out what they were looking for, and brought the treasure back together. By that time, everyone should be careful not to let their dog jump the wall and give the treasure. Destroyed!" Qingyun said humanely.


  Qingyun Sanren's voice just fell, and he heard a thunder coming from afar, and Tianhai seemed to tremble.

   "You guys, look there!"

   Popol seemed to find something, and pointed out a strange scream.

  Everyone had already looked over there. I saw that between the sky and the sea, the clouds were tumbling, and large clouds of clouds converged in one direction, just like someone had painted a black ball on the side of the sky with an ink pen.

   Thousands of thunder threw out of the sky like no money, as if forming an extinct area.

   This is... something is going on?

   Everyone was stunned for a while, then the thunder came fast and went fast. After a while, the dark clouds dispersed, and then a large piece of air of 氤氲 rose from the sea, as if there were a few fire dragons tumbling in the sea of ​​clouds.

   The instantaneous glow is like a rising sun!

  When he saw the cloudiness, several people changed their faces.

   "You, such a vision, there must be treasures born!" Shen Xiu said.

   "Moffah's family, is this treasure sought?"

  Long Changsheng shouted as if he had hit the chicken blood, "Let's go and see, Yibao is born, the opportunity is rare, but don't be robbed!"

   didn't need him to say that the voice hadn't fallen yet, and the next few people had rushed past him.


A small island, as if it had just been under a rainstorm, and there was the air of 氤氲 in the air, several fire dragon phantoms, hovering and twirling above, clouds and clouds Shushu, like something incredible in the woods below Swallowing the clouds!

   Such a vision, this spirit, I am afraid that the rank is not low!

   A few people came to the island, looking at the vast glow in front of them, they couldn't help but feel some blood boiling!


   seemed to feel that someone was approaching, and several fire dragons hovering in the air of the air, issued a roar, then swooped down, and entered the forest. For a moment, the vision just converged quickly!

   "You guys, presumably the spirits that the children of that family are looking for are on this island, perhaps they are here too. Everyone has to think about it, be sure to kill them all!" Qingyun San said with a word!

   Popol took something out of his sleeve, but it was a hemispherical cover and threw it directly into the air.

   The hood grows up against the wind, it is extremely huge, and it turns into a transparent enchantment, instantly covering the whole island!

   "With my water spirits, if they happen to be on the island, they don't want to escape, let's go, let's see what kind of spirits are first!"

Popol shouted that the Water Spirit Bi was stolen from the Sea Temple of Elysium in the past. The defense power is amazing enough to resist the seventh-tier strongman's full blow. If it is a sixth-tier strongman, it also needs to be very strong. Only a long attack can break through the water!

At this moment, he trapped the island with the water spirit Bibi at the first time, and came to prevent the spirit from Secondly, if the children of that family were also on the island, there would be a battle. , Also happened to catch turtles in an urn!

   Of course, when Popper said this, Shen Xiu's heart was sneering. These self-righteous guys don't know that others have put on a set, let you drill it, it is really ridiculous!

   There is no doubt that a few people, because everything is so natural, so be careful not to enter the forest now!

"That is……"

   A piece of cliff, five people stopped their feet, five pairs of eyes stared at the cliff wall, this one, completely stunned!

   There are a few fiery red vines hanging on the cliff wall, and a few fiery red fruits hanging on the vines, counting them, just five!

   From a distance, the fruit is shaped like a strawberry, half the size of a fist, like a group of burning flames, as if there is an angry dragon roaring!

   "Is this the legendary dragonberry?" At this time, Shen Xiu's voice broke the solidification of the air!

  Fire Dragonberry?

   These three words instantly ignited everyone's passion. When they reached this level, even if they didn't know about the heaven, earth, and spirit of the fairy land, they were very few, and most of the others were familiar!

  The name of the Fire Dragonberry is already in their impression!


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