Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1243: Tier 7 strong?

   At this moment, in the Heavenly Palace, in a quiet room!

   A middle-aged man with a burly and burly figure wearing a cyan robe, sitting cross-legged on a futon, meditating!

   It seems that the whole person is integrated into the surrounding environment. If it is not seen with my own eyes, I am afraid that it is difficult for someone to notice that there is still an individual sitting here!

   Breathing and breathing, they all blend in with the surrounding nature and become one!

On the wall behind   , there is a calligraphy and painting with a word written on it!


   is ancient Jie Wen!

Although the word    is quiet, people are not necessarily quiet!

   Gouyang's dark ink eyebrows suddenly moved, and I don't know what happened at this moment, and suddenly felt a little uneasy!

   Usually sit down, you can immediately enter the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but today I do not know what is going on, my heart is impetuous, and I cannot enter the state for a long time!

   Is it about to break through?

   Gou Yang opened his eyes and locked his brows tightly. He used to feel so unconscious when he was on the verge of breaking through. But this time, it seemed a little different.

  Take a closer look, there seems to be a vague sense of crisis in this kind of unconsciousness!

   A sense of crisis?

  Thinking of this word, Mooyang felt a chilling feeling!

   Could it be said that what danger will happen?

   Gouyang is a very cautious person. He is very suspicious and he will think twice before doing anything. When he feels wrong, he immediately stops practicing and begins to carefully consider the source of this sense of crisis!

   "Is it related to the children of that family?"

Gou Yang frowned and thought about it. He hasn't done anything recently. Outside the sea, he can threaten his existence very few. He has been implicated in him recently, or may cause him trouble. That seems to be the only thing!

   The only thing he has done in these few days is to let some fifth-order elders go to the Black Basket to catch the family children of the eighth-level kingdom!

   "What could be wrong?"

   Gouyang stood up and counted the time. Lu Changsheng and several of them went to the Black Basket area. After a while, it was also time to come back!

   Will Shen Xiuxan hear the wrong news? The opposite is not just a family child with two fifth-order servants?

   Family clan of the eighth-level kingdom, there will be at least one seventh-level strongman in the family. Could it be that the seventh-level strongman is coming?

   If this is the case, then it would be troublesome!

   Gouyang is one step away from Tier 7 now, but this is one step away. That is the difference between heaven and earth. If he encounters a strong Tier 7, he cannot be an opponent at all.


  I have to say that Gouyang's suspicion is too serious. After a little bit of trouble, he started to scare himself!

   However, soon, his suspicion was confirmed!

   As he was about to leave the quiet room and go out to see, suddenly, there was a terrifying momentum, and he didn't know where he came from.

   "The seventh order?"

   Gouyang suddenly changed color, and immediately rushed out of the quiet room. When he was going to search carefully, the momentum had disappeared again!

  Looking at the vast Lingkong Sea, Gou Yang's face gradually became pale. Although the momentum came quickly and went quickly, he was absolutely sure that it was definitely the momentum that the seventh-order strongman might have!

   Has the seventh-order strong come?

  He is demonstrating?

What exactly does    exist?

   Gouyang, who has always been wild and arrogant, is a little messy at this moment, because he feels that there are some things that are beyond his control!

   At this time, several black shadows appeared from the edge of Tianhai and quickly came to Tianyu Palace, appearing in front of Gouyang!


   A group of five people saw Gouyang and bowed down. It was Shen Xiu and other five fifth-rank strongmen!

  Once ordered by Gou Yang, the five went to the Black Basket area to get people, and now seeing these five people go back empty-handed in panic, Gou Yang already has a bad hunch!

   "Where are you waiting for?" Gou Yang frowned and asked Shen Sheng.

   "The palace master forgives sins, and his subordinates are incompetent..." The five people were all trembling with fear on their faces!

  If he is in peacetime, Gouyang must be thundered, but now he is unconscious and has no intention to pursue responsibility!

   "What the **** is going on?" Gouyang asked with a black face!

   Shen Xiu said, "The palace master forgives sins and blames his subordinates for oversight. The children of that family did not only bring two servants. It turned out that the ancestor of that family also came!"

   "Family ancestor?" Gou Yang's brows were deeply frowned upon hearing these words!

   "Good!" Jinhuanxian snatched, "That's a powerful to Tier 7 existence. We just got to the Black Basket waters and were taken by his magical powers..."

   Sure enough, the seventh order!

   Gouyang was shocked that the nearby sea area actually had a seventh-order strongman!

   "The Palace Master Mingjian, it's not that I can't wait, I'm really not an opponent. In front of the seventh-order strong, I'm as good as a naughty boy..." Popol almost cried!

"Huh, it's a waste!" Gouyang uttered a polite gesture to cover up the fear in his heart, "Since you met the seventh-order strongman, how did you come back? Don't tell me, that seventh-order strongman Kindness, so let you go!"

The five looked at each other, and Qingyun said humanely, "Mr. Gong Mingjian is indeed the senior who let us leave. Fortunately, we didn't offend too much, and the senior also said that he didn't want to talk to us overseas forces. The meaning of the conflict is that everyone can do well without breaking the river!"

  Doesn't well water violate the river water?

   Gouyang heard this, but he felt a little loose in his heart. If the seventh-order strongman did not have excessive hostility, it would be a good thing for him!

   But, is it really that simple? Gouyang always feels something is not right!

   If there is really no What was the purpose of the momentum just now? Just want to demonstrate, show yourself strength, and let yourself be afraid?

   "Can you inquire clearly, what treasure are they looking for in the Black Basket waters?" Gou Yang asked immediately.

   An ancestor of an eighth-level kingdom family clan appeared in person, and still came to such a remote overseas, Gouyang had to doubt its purpose.

   Apart from treasure hunting, will there be any other purpose?

  Tianyu Sect was at the time of extreme expansion. At this juncture, a seventh-order strong man appeared here. Suspicious Gouyang began to worry about whether it was the Sect's movements, which were spotted by some powerful forces of the fairy!

   At this time, Lu Changsheng said, "Palace, we inquired clearly that they are looking for a kind of Lingzhen, Fire Dragonberry!"

   "Fire Dragonberry?"

   Gouyang frowned, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "Black basket sea area, there are dragonberries?"

   in his identity, naturally knows the Dragonberry, not only does he know it, but he has also eaten it.

   At that time, he was stuck at the top of the fifth order and could not break through for a long time. Finally he made a contribution to the Zongmen and was given a Zongmen gift of a dragonberry, which successfully broke through to the sixth order!


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