Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 1265: Big festival?

"Sister, no, please let me go..."


   "You have a great future, don't mistake yourself..."


   "If the teacher's ancestors know, I...Sister..."




  In Gouyang's panic shouting, Li Cuilian ignored Gouyang and hugged Gouyang directly, and went to the bedroom again!




   The next day, early morning!


  When Su Hang woke up from the entrance, he saw two birds on the tree outside the wall. They were chattering and lingering!


   The warm sunlight shone down, making this world a little bit more ambiguous!


that's nice!


   At this moment, Su Hang suddenly missed his family a little bit. It has been several months since he came to Faerie Continent. Su Hang missed his parents, his wife, and the children who had just been born soon!


   "After the matter here is temporarily broken, you have to go back!" Su Hang secretly decided!


"the host!"


   Gooyang walked in and touched the door to see him look alive, but his footsteps were a bit vain!


Su Hang looked at him up and down, with a strange smile on his face, "Look at you like this, I didn't get too tired last night, I heard that you stayed at Bibo Palace last night, okay, your little sister , Eaten by you!"


   Gouyang has lived for so many years, and is not embarrassed, but he still has a bitter face after hearing Su Hang’s question, "I will be eaten by the master!"




   Su Hang looked at Gouyang in a daze, but didn't say a word for a long time, "OK, you, was pushed back? I have someone in Su who has lived for half a life, why didn't I encounter such good things?"


   Gou Yang smiled bitterly, "Master, don't make fun of me anymore, I don't know, she is so fierce, I am not her opponent, I can't resist, I can only passively accept..."


   "It's a good place to cover the sky! It's considered that your sister has a little conscience, but you also have to think about it. After all, you were pitted once in that year!" Su Hang laughed for a while and urged!


   Gouyang embarrassed, "Master, I didn't mean it!"


"This is your own private business. I won't mix it up. You don't need to apologize to me. It's as if I'm a little bit like you!" Su Hang waved his hand. "Now it's raw rice and boiled rice. What are you going to do?"


   "I have six gods without a master now, and I don't know how to deal with it. Please ask my master to teach me!" Gouyang said.


   Su Hang rolled his eyes, "I want this kind of thing to teach you? Why didn't you ask me to teach you when you entered the cave last night?"


   Gouyang accused, "Sister and sister, her temperament has changed a lot and she is not as tender as she is. Master, I'm afraid that she will be relied on by her. It will affect the master's plan, and the little slave will die forever..."


Su Hang couldn't help crying, "I checked your sister and sister's information. This woman not only has reached the mid-seventh order, but also carries the same secret treasure your lordship gave her. The bond of slavery may have no effect on her. On the contrary, it will shock the power behind it, which is not worth the loss!"


   "Oh?" Gou Yang was surprised, "Master can know what secret treasure, maybe the little slave can find a chance to get her!"


Su Hang shook her head, "No, she is more difficult to deal with than Dragon Takeoff, or it is better not to have extra branches. You are not eating and wiping her off now, it is also good. When Dragon Takeoff wakes up, you find a reason to put it They send it back, as long as they don’t find any clues, it doesn’t matter!”


   "Still thoughtfully by the owner!"


Gouyang nodded again and again, although he and Li Cuilian had become the real couple, but he was a servant of Suhang. The power of the contract made him loyal enough, and he still respected Suhang in his heart. Everything is for Suhang. For the sake of benefit!


   Two people chatted and walked to the main hall!




   Suddenly, a soft voice came from the front!


  Looking up, a woman came head-on, it was Li Cuilian.


   Su Hang took a step back quickly and stood behind Gou Yang. In front of Li Cuilian, Su Hang was only a subordinate of Gou Yang.


   is a bit different from when she met her yesterday. Li Cuilian has her hair up, dressed as a woman, with a bit of shyness on her face, as if she only has Gouyang in her eyes, and no second person!


   next to Su Hang has been completely ignored by her!


   "What are you doing?" Gou Yang's serious expression seemed a little unpleasant. He was discussing business with Su Hang and was disturbed by her. There, he still had to go on, and he had to grieve his master to pretend to be a subordinate!


   Li Cuilian buried her head, her face shy, "Brother, I made your favorite treasure treasure sea lotus soup, come to Bibo Palace for dinner at noon..."


   What's so special, show love in public?


   Su Hang heard goose bumps up next to him, and felt that he was a bit superfluous, like a light bulb here.


   In front of Su Hang, Gou Yang was also a little embarrassed. "In this kind of thing, you can call a servant to report it, why do you have to run it yourself!"


   Li Cuilian blushed and squeezed, "People, people want to see more brothers!"


  My god, Su Hang almost soured his teeth next to him. What's so special, do you want to live?


   "Palace, his subordinates retreated first!"


   Suhangdao said, and quickly slipped away!


   Gouyang saw Su Hang slipping away, and felt uncomfortable for a while. He looked at Li Cuilian in front of him with blame, "Did you not see me talking about business?"


   "Sorry, Brother!"


   "I really have no way to get you, you go back to the palace first, I will come to see you at noon!!!"


   "Well... Brother, come here soon!"




   "Women, really trouble!"


   In the main hall, Gouyang met Su Hang and complained awkwardly!


   "Newly married Yan'er, understandable!" Su Hang smiled, "However, you are too steel straight..."


   Gouyang sweated, "Master is assured, I will find a way to let her leave quickly. Sister UU reads She practiced on Tianyu Island all the year round, and it should not affect the master's plan!"


Su Hang shook her head. "In this case, she may not be gone for a while. She has treasures and strong strength. The contract may not work for her. If she stays here for a while Fortunately, it’s been a long time, and it’s hard not to discover her plan!”


   "Then, Master..." Gouyang stopped talking!


  Su Hang waved her hand, "Fortunately, now she is focused on you, you can do it yourself, don't let her approach Zhuolang Palace for a few days, wait for Long Tengfei to wake up, and then deliberate!"




   Gouyang bowed to his command, "Master, there is one more thing, the little slave will report to you!"


   "What's the matter?" Su Hang asked.


   Gouyang said, "Last night, I heard from my sister and sister that after three months, there will be a big festival in the Tianyu Sect, which will be presided over by the Sect Master personally. Then, the Sect Master will have very important things to announce!"



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